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Vax - Rising EP


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Out on Gradient Audio on April 12th, this EP is a collection of 5 dnb tempo, somewhat DJ-friendly songs that are completely devoid of dnb cliche. This is the last of the giant batch of late winter/early spring releases I've had lined up for a minute (hence the numerous threads).


Here's some tracks on Soundcloud:








Here's a link to Bandcamp, where you can stream this & other releases in full:




This EP will be available on all the digital retail sites in a few weeks. Appreciate WATMM's continued support.




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I've just been informed that this will be released on the 19th of April, not the 12th.


Fortunately, since WATMM adheres strictly to the 2002-era-internet policy of not letting people edit their posts, I get to bump the thread with this minutae instead of just editing it quietly.

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Guest facades

Bought it yesterday. Solid release, I really dig it. Congratulations!


PS : Huge kick sound on the first track.

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