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Ideas on how to fuck with a car company

Guest Franklin

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Guest Franklin

So I have a fully loaded 2006 Audi A4 with only 150000 kms. It's beautiful to look at. It's beautiful to drive. However it's had just over 20 grand in repairs since 2010. Half of that has been covered by Audi, the other half by me. Clearly there is something wrong with the car but Audi is stonewalling me. I've asked them multiple times to look at the vehicle and consider buying it off of me for its current value. They've offered me 1 grand off a brand new Audi lol which I told them they could shove up their asses. I've tried to deal directly with the president of Audi Canada but he's basically told me to fuck off.


At this point I'm interested in fucking with their reputation as I dont have the heart to see it to some unsuspecting individual. Anyway anybody have any creative ideas on how to get Audi's attention/ fuck with their reputation?


My best idea so far is to hold a public demolition and charge money to anybody who would like to help me destroy it--maybe make a BBQ out of it. People could choose from a selection of weapons or bring their own (bats, clubs, mace, sword, sledgehammer, etc). People that wanted to break major components (like windshields and deploying airbags) would have to pay more obviously. The whole thing would be filmed by a filmmaker friend of mine.

the problem with this idea is that i'd have to get way too many people to sign up so I wouldnt be able to make the current value of the car (about 17 grand).


Any other ideas?

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Guest Franklin

i don't understand why it would fuck with them? other than that it sounds like a fun idea. how much are you charging?


Well if somebody is willing to completely destroy a working vehicle doesn't that imply that the vehicle sucks... the promotional materials would describe the multitude of problems I've had with the vehicle along with the fact that Audi has left me no other choice but to wreck it myself.


Don't know about $$.. How much would you pay to take a sledgehammer to the front windshield of a beautiful "luxury" vehicle in public? 50 bucks?



lol you drive an audi


what's wrong with that Hoodie?


Executive email carpet bomb, then share it with reddit.


I've emailed basically every person at audi... I'm just getting into reddit!!!! thanks for this suggestion!!


re: public demolition: 90% chance of someone getting hurt by flying glass, and you getting your ass sued.


Yes, I've already looked into insurance for the event:)

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I would probably go about this as a gentleman, but if you can and if you insist on fucking something up then you should post what you just posted here on their official Facebook page or something and get a bunch of people to like it so it is bound to be noticed. This usually helps when it comes to mobile phone carriers

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Over here we have a couple of television programs that deal with bureaucratic government, scam businesses etcetera, basically getting a camera crew on an arrogant big companies doorstep applying television pressure. It is funny how quick they suddenly can act on all kinds of previously impossible shit.

If you have a valid case and if there are shows like this in your country, maybe write them a letter before starting a reign of terror? As you have a filmmaker friend, you could try and pose as the television show.

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Guest underscore

there is a guy who loves to fuck with businesses on the news in washington. basically, if anyone ever fucks you over you just have to get jesse.

my advice is to find some jesse like character, and get them.


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Don't know about $$.. How much would you pay to take a sledgehammer to the front windshield of a beautiful "luxury" vehicle in public? 50 bucks?




lol you drive an audi

what's wrong with that Hoodie?



shouldn't you be telling us? you won't fuck their reputation by saying how wonderful they are.


and surely it's more satisfying to pay $0 but vandalise a car anyway and upset the owner

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My school did this with some junker back in Highschool


They charged like $2 per swing and there were crowds of people flocking to it - not everybody even got a turn during lunch it was so popular.


Just remove all the glass first, though (Which maybe you could even sell who knows) and remove the radio etc, mirrors, hubcaps.


Maybe since it's not a Highschool full of poor kids you could go even higher than $2 maybe $5

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Guest Ron Manager

sounds like a shitload of hassle. i'd just cut my losses, sell for $17k, never buy an Audi again and spread the word on how badly they treat customers.

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Cover the car with spray painted messages expressing your gripes. Then drive the car for the rest of your life.

40-50 years from now you'll be laughing.



Edit: stuff like... 'I hate my beautiful luxury car' or 'my Audi is a fully loaded shit'

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Make a well detailed report of everything that happened since you bought the car, include all correspondence etc.

Put it up on a site and start spamming FB and Twitter with it.

I think this would be the most reasonable course of action.

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