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Kids these days, etc


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Guest Aserinsky

Whoops, re-wrote the post and forgot I deleted the bit about seeing them until I was around 8 years old. Yeah totally didn't mean to suggest I could remember anything before my first birthday. My bad.

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For the record, I wasn't trying to imply that there was something terribly wrong with kids swearing. As a child I was pretty self-righteous about not swearing, but I was a smarmy little twit. Nowadays I don't mind much. I probably swear every now and then in front of those kids anyway. When I heard "FUCK HIM IN THE BUTT!" my main thought was not to punish the kid, or judge him, or think about the decline of civilization. Rather, I wanted to not embarrass him any further.


I just thought it was an odd thing to say. I mean, boys in grade one joking about ass fucking each other? Even if they don't understand what it means, it seems odd.


Mostly I just thought it was funny to walk in on a kid yelling "FUCK HIM IN THE BUTT!" without having any context to understand what the kid was getting at. Thought I'd share it with watmm. I probably should have named the thread "FUCK HIM IN THE BUTT!"

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i'm a pretty conservative guy (by watmm standards), but I'm not going to be spending a lot of time worrying about my daughter's language as long as it isn't hateful. not going to care if she swears. i'll do my best not to swear that much around her because it's polite, but i'm of the opinion, i guess i'm taking an artistic angle on this, that every word should be at your disposal to create a sentence and express yourself. i'm sure this would all change if she comes home from first grade muttering "cuntflaps" or something atrocious. but i guess what i'm trying to say there are bigger, more concerning battles out there, like keeping her away from snorting up oxycontin like every other kid in her class, or from just being a selfish, entitled individual, because that to me is the more frightening trend, is how selfish kids are getting while their parents seem to indulge their every want.


fucking fred fucking nailed it. ;)

my daughter is in grade 2 and she doesn't really swear, cause I try pretty hard not to swear around her as it's not really polite, nor is it a sign of a cultured individual.

That whole selfish kids trend is pretty appalling (and sadly true).


Anyways. shit balls cunt fuck titty arse cock

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i was at soft-play with my daughter recently and i alwasy go on all the slides and shit with her... right at the top there was a bottle neck of kids queueing to go down the big spiral slide all the way to the bottom... i get into the slide after my daughter and give her a sec to get out of the way so i don't annihilate her at the bottom and this little fuckin 3 year old shit smear that probably still pisses his pants repeatedly whacks me on the back shouting "FUCKIN HURRY UP!!!!"... disbelief quickly disappears when i go down to the cafe and hear some schemey mum shouting at her kid "FUCKIN HURRY UP TYLER!!"


kids (and parents) these days, etc.




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Then just today...comes something like this:



Fifth graders allegedly plot rape, murder

TUCSON, AZ (Tucson News Now) -

Two fifth grade boys in Washington state are accused of plotting to rape and kill a girl in their class.

The alleged plan was to have one of the boys carry out the rape; the other was to shoot anyone who came near.

They were foiled after a fourth grader saw them bring a knife onto the school bus, and reported it to a teacher's aide.

One of the boys reportedly said he would kill the student who reported the knife.

Both boys are charged with conspiracy to commit first degree murder, juvenile firearm possession and witness tampering.

They will be charged as juveniles. If convicted, they can face up to two years in juvenile lockup.

Source: http://www.tucsonnewsnow.com/story/21850473/fifths-graders-plot-rape-and-murder


Going back...So far I haven't heard any kids say such things yet...Right now, around my family, the kids are either too young to say such things or old enough to know what they are saying and doing. But can't wait to be caught off guard one day...they'll say something like Sandra Bullock's character from Demolition Man:


Lenina Huxley: Let's go blow this guy.

John Spartan: Away! Blow this guy *away*!

Lenina Huxley: Whatever.


Lenina Huxley: Looks like there's a new shepherd in town.

[Spartan gives her an exasperated look]

John Spartan: That's sheriff.


Lenina Huxley: He's finally matched his meet. You really licked his ass.

John Spartan: That's *met* his match and kicked... *kicked* his ass...

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There was a kid in my grade three class who drew an animation of two stick figures fucking on the top right corners of each page in a book, so if you flipped through fast enough you could watch the action. No butt fucking though, so far as I remember.

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Then just today...comes something like this:



Fifth graders allegedly plot rape, murder

TUCSON, AZ (Tucson News Now) -

Two fifth grade boys in Washington state are accused of plotting to rape and kill a girl in their class.

The alleged plan was to have one of the boys carry out the rape; the other was to shoot anyone who came near.

They were foiled after a fourth grader saw them bring a knife onto the school bus, and reported it to a teacher's aide.

One of the boys reportedly said he would kill the student who reported the knife.

Both boys are charged with conspiracy to commit first degree murder, juvenile firearm possession and witness tampering.

They will be charged as juveniles. If convicted, they can face up to two years in juvenile lockup.

Source: http://www.tucsonnewsnow.com/story/21850473/fifths-graders-plot-rape-and-murder


I saw that on the news this morning :cerious:


The girl who was targeted had been the girlfriend of one of the suspect's and had mocked him on the school bus. A Colville police officer told the court he asked the boy if he knew it would be wrong and illegal to kill the girl and that the boy replied, "Yes, I wanted her dead."


5th graders. The "girlfriend" thing strikes me as odd too (when kid's say they have a g/f or b/f at that age it's like at best "omgz we hold hands") Even if these are kids of really fucked homes and shit there's still something just psychotic about that behavior (rape, seriously?). And how they fuck did they get their hands on a .45 handgun!?

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i was at soft-play with my daughter recently and i alwasy go on all the slides and shit with her... right at the top there was a bottle neck of kids queueing to go down the big spiral slide all the way to the bottom... i get into the slide after my daughter and give her a sec to get out of the way so i don't annihilate her at the bottom and this little fuckin 3 year old shit smear that probably still pisses his pants repeatedly whacks me on the back shouting "FUCKIN HURRY UP!!!!"... disbelief quickly disappears when i go down to the cafe and hear some schemey mum shouting at her kid "FUCKIN HURRY UP TYLER!!"


kids (and parents) these days, etc.





how much hard time does someone get these days for smacking a 3 year old upside the head? I'm still thinking about finding that 3 year old and smacking him upside the head. he probably gets it enough though from his mom though unfortunately. that bitch needs to be smacked. but then the mom probably already got plenty of her own, too. fuck. *cries* *runs away to positive thinking thread*

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i was at soft-play with my daughter recently and i alwasy go on all the slides and shit with her... right at the top there was a bottle neck of kids queueing to go down the big spiral slide all the way to the bottom... i get into the slide after my daughter and give her a sec to get out of the way so i don't annihilate her at the bottom and this little fuckin 3 year old shit smear that probably still pisses his pants repeatedly whacks me on the back shouting "FUCKIN HURRY UP!!!!"... disbelief quickly disappears when i go down to the cafe and hear some schemey mum shouting at her kid "FUCKIN HURRY UP TYLER!!"


kids (and parents) these days, etc.





how much hard time does someone get these days for smacking a 3 year old upside the head? I'm still thinking about finding that 3 year old and smacking him upside the head. he probably gets it enough though from his mom though unfortunately. that bitch needs to be smacked. but then the mom probably already got plenty of her own, too. fuck. *cries* *runs away to positive thinking thread*


man some of the parents at this softplay near where i live, are the most dispicable humans i've ever seen, honestly... this place is attached to a restaurant and bar so all these teen mums and dads take their kids to abandon them in the softplay while they get shit-faced drunk all day... there's huge groups of them getting fucked and swearing commands at their failed abortions... although saying all that, it's nice to have a pint of guinness in between softplaying. :emb:

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lol. I'm not familiar with the term softplay. is it just like a playground or something? I love sitting on my front porch with a bomber of craft beer and pushing my daughter in the swing. She has a vague understanding of what beer is, it's what people with beards drink (aka daddy). She thinks they are the same word and that the two concepts are inextricably connected. seriosly, dads subforum. we're all old as fuck, let the kids of general banter, and dads can go softplay with each other in the dads subforum.

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Lol softplay is a padded indoor adventure playground like the picture I posted. Good laugh without the pleb kids...


The beer/swing thing sounds blissful man. We're about to move to a new house with garden so my girls are going to have some of that definitely.

Related dadforum tale- I poured myself a big glass of water and went for a sip and my daughter shouted NOOOooooooo!! That's what mum drinks! ... I said ok what do I drink? She said BEER!

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