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Guest murphythecat8


oh and why is atheist NOT a religious system belief? I mean, you think theres no god, theres nothing once you die, ect without any proof of it, therefore you believe blindly at a theory that cannot be prooven. whats the difference really?


err the burden of proof is on the people claiming there is a God.



Imagine if someone said "hey evil lizard people are real, and we're gonna except that as truth until someone disproves it."


no its true, some religion is really hard to imagine beleiving in it. Like the christian and islam paradise, more a fantasy then anything logical really. Atheism is at least logical. but its not good to speak about religion like that. Christains values as well as islamic ones are clearly good for anyone who practise it, the danger is always in fondamentalism.

all the religion claim love and compassion for others, and that is more then enough to practise all our live to perfect it. never hate anyone, whish them hapiness, thats positive thinking. but seriously, i just cant stopo talking, I annoy my own self! ill go where I see fit!

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Great post Autopilot.


While trying connect "quantic science" or Einstein with Buddhism sounds terribly haphazard and pseudoscientific, this is actually an interesting subject. When people use Buddhist philosophy in the same sentence as quantum physics, I think it is best interpreted not as a What The Bleep Do We Know-pseudoscience, but the prediction of such statements as "We now know that the moon is demonstrably not there when nobody looks."


Zen Master Dōgen, author of an extensive and extremely intricate volume called the Shōbōgenzō, wrote of something called uji, which has been translated as Being-Time, Time-Being or "Just for the time being"/"Just for a while".


It is extremely difficult to condense, but basically what we have here is a 13th century explanation of subjective time and the inseparability of space, time and being. So in a way, although it is not a mathematical model, we approach some very lucid philosophy similar to the theory of relativity, as they both reach the conclusion of spacetime.




The way the self arrays itself is the form of the entire world. See each thing in this entire world as a moment of time.

Things do not hinder one another, just as moments do not hinder one another.


The way-seeking mind arises in this moment. A way-seeking moment arises in this mind.

It is the same with practice and with attaining the way. Thus the self setting itself out in array sees itself.

This is the understanding that the self is time.

[...]Since there is nothing but just this moment, the time-being is all the time there is. Grass-being,
form-being are both time. Each moment is all being, is the entire world.

Reflect now whether any being or any world is left out of the present moment.


Yet, an ordinary person who does not understand may hear the words time-being this way:

"For a while I was three heads and eight arms. For a while I was an eight-
or sixteen-foot body. This is like having crossed over rivers and climbed
mountains. Even though the mountains and rivers still exist, I have already
passed them and now reside in the jeweled palace and vermilion tower. Those
mountains and rivers are as distant from me as heaven is from earth."

[all of the above are references to various sutras and idolatry]


It is not that simple. At the time the mountains were climbed and the rivers crossed,

you were present. Time is not separate from you, and as you are present, time does not go away.


As time is not marked by coming and going, the moment you climbed the
mountains is the time-being right now. If time keeps coming and going, you
are the time-being right now. This is the meaning of the time-being.


Do not think that time merely flies away. Do not see flying away as the only
function of time. If time merely flies away, you would be separated from
time. The reason you do not clearly understand the time-being is that you
think of time only as passing.

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I think all the high falluting universe stuff just bogs people down and puts them off. All you need to know is:


Human beings think

What you think affects how you feel

Teach yourself not to think

You will feel better


It's more like basic psychology to me. You don't need faith, just try it out and see for yourself. It sounds like bollocks but you discover happiness doesn't depend on external conditions being met.

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BTW, the einstein theory of relativity is EXACTLY what the buddha was preaching 2000 years ago. the relative theory is in total correlation with buddha theory of reality. The quantic science is also HIGLY close to the buddha teachings.


Really, "EXACTLY"? I'm pretty sure you don't know what Einstein's theory of relativity is saying. Or did Buddha predict the deviation in Mercury's orbit and the amount of energy released in an atomic reaction? Einstein's theory of relativity is not about relativity as a philosophical concept but a mathematical model of how time, space and gravity interact with each other in a very precise measurable way. I have a hard time believing that the Einstein's field equations are hidden somewhere in Buddha's teachings.


lol. This is exactly why I see Buddhist beliefs as a religion, you're just adding to my already well set atheist mind set.


well, thats to show that a false post can afffect your own beleive system!

dont beleive evreything you read on internet right!

einstein relativiy theory showed the quantic model of reality which is pretty much what the buddha was saying.

Basically, physic quantic is the approved model of reality right now. Its a real puzzle for every scientist and its a quite shocking discovery, quite is not the word, it is the most mind bending theory of how the universe actually works.

It is extremely hard to undestand but basically, you think you are a particule (a body made of solid form), but you are a wave in the space and time continuum. You think you live in the present, but you are also in the past and the future. If thing exist, its because you see them, by seing them, apparently if you follow the physic quantic of reality, you fix the position of the thing you look at, therefore determining its form and position in space. Without your "view" point, the thing you were looking at wasnt basically there! pretty in line with the uddha approach, wich he says that what you see with your eye, or what you smell, and hear, is not reality, its a reality dependant of your sense, so well, while it "exist", it really only exist from your side of view. The whole buddha appraoch is to to see what is really there, beyond your completely biased reality sensed by your senses.Fascinating stuff.


The physic quantic really helped me at first, because after a few psychadelic breakthrough, I really thought I was crazy by thinking that reality do not really exist, now I know I was not crazy, reality exist sure, but you decide which reality you want to "tune in" , so the speak!




You're mixing up the theories to begin. Theory of relativity is completely different from quantum mechanics. I just give up. This is leading nowhere.

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Guest murphythecat8





BTW, the einstein theory of relativity is EXACTLY what the buddha was preaching 2000 years ago. the relative theory is in total correlation with buddha theory of reality. The quantic science is also HIGLY close to the buddha teachings.


Really, "EXACTLY"? I'm pretty sure you don't know what Einstein's theory of relativity is saying. Or did Buddha predict the deviation in Mercury's orbit and the amount of energy released in an atomic reaction? Einstein's theory of relativity is not about relativity as a philosophical concept but a mathematical model of how time, space and gravity interact with each other in a very precise measurable way. I have a hard time believing that the Einstein's field equations are hidden somewhere in Buddha's teachings.


lol. This is exactly why I see Buddhist beliefs as a religion, you're just adding to my already well set atheist mind set.


well, thats to show that a false post can afffect your own beleive system!

dont beleive evreything you read on internet right!

einstein relativiy theory showed the quantic model of reality which is pretty much what the buddha was saying.

Basically, physic quantic is the approved model of reality right now. Its a real puzzle for every scientist and its a quite shocking discovery, quite is not the word, it is the most mind bending theory of how the universe actually works.

It is extremely hard to undestand but basically, you think you are a particule (a body made of solid form), but you are a wave in the space and time continuum. You think you live in the present, but you are also in the past and the future. If thing exist, its because you see them, by seing them, apparently if you follow the physic quantic of reality, you fix the position of the thing you look at, therefore determining its form and position in space. Without your "view" point, the thing you were looking at wasnt basically there! pretty in line with the uddha approach, wich he says that what you see with your eye, or what you smell, and hear, is not reality, its a reality dependant of your sense, so well, while it "exist", it really only exist from your side of view. The whole buddha appraoch is to to see what is really there, beyond your completely biased reality sensed by your senses.Fascinating stuff.


The physic quantic really helped me at first, because after a few psychadelic breakthrough, I really thought I was crazy by thinking that reality do not really exist, now I know I was not crazy, reality exist sure, but you decide which reality you want to "tune in" , so the speak!




You're mixing up the theories to begin. Theory of relativity is completely different from quantum mechanics. I just give up. This is leading nowhere.


the relativity theory helped later developped the quantum theory, or vice versa, but both are highly related, wtf men. wtf! What are you giving up exactly? both explained how matter is and work. seriously, you seem to only want to find fault, any fault will do right.


While the seemingly "exotic" behavior of matter posited by quantum mechanics and relativity theory become more apparent when dealing with particles of extremely small size or velocities approaching the speed of light, the laws of classical Newtonian physics remain accurate in predicting the behavior of the vast majority of "large" objects (on the order of the size of large molecules or bigger) at velocities much smaller than the velocity of light.[38]


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Guest murphythecat8






BTW, the einstein theory of relativity is EXACTLY what the buddha was preaching 2000 years ago. the relative theory is in total correlation with buddha theory of reality. The quantic science is also HIGLY close to the buddha teachings.


Really, "EXACTLY"? I'm pretty sure you don't know what Einstein's theory of relativity is saying. Or did Buddha predict the deviation in Mercury's orbit and the amount of energy released in an atomic reaction? Einstein's theory of relativity is not about relativity as a philosophical concept but a mathematical model of how time, space and gravity interact with each other in a very precise measurable way. I have a hard time believing that the Einstein's field equations are hidden somewhere in Buddha's teachings.


lol. This is exactly why I see Buddhist beliefs as a religion, you're just adding to my already well set atheist mind set.


well, thats to show that a false post can afffect your own beleive system!

dont beleive evreything you read on internet right!

einstein relativiy theory showed the quantic model of reality which is pretty much what the buddha was saying.

Basically, physic quantic is the approved model of reality right now. Its a real puzzle for every scientist and its a quite shocking discovery, quite is not the word, it is the most mind bending theory of how the universe actually works.

It is extremely hard to undestand but basically, you think you are a particule (a body made of solid form), but you are a wave in the space and time continuum. You think you live in the present, but you are also in the past and the future. If thing exist, its because you see them, by seing them, apparently if you follow the physic quantic of reality, you fix the position of the thing you look at, therefore determining its form and position in space. Without your "view" point, the thing you were looking at wasnt basically there! pretty in line with the uddha approach, wich he says that what you see with your eye, or what you smell, and hear, is not reality, its a reality dependant of your sense, so well, while it "exist", it really only exist from your side of view. The whole buddha appraoch is to to see what is really there, beyond your completely biased reality sensed by your senses.Fascinating stuff.


The physic quantic really helped me at first, because after a few psychadelic breakthrough, I really thought I was crazy by thinking that reality do not really exist, now I know I was not crazy, reality exist sure, but you decide which reality you want to "tune in" , so the speak!




You're mixing up the theories to begin. Theory of relativity is completely different from quantum mechanics. I just give up. This is leading nowhere.


the relativity theory helped later developped the quantum theory, or vice versa, but both are highly related, wtf men. wtf! What are you giving up exactly? both explained how matter is and work. seriously, you seem to only want to find fault, any fault will do right.


While the seemingly "exotic" behavior of matter posited by quantum mechanics and relativity theory become more apparent when dealing with particles of extremely small size or velocities approaching the speed of light, the laws of classical Newtonian physics remain accurate in predicting the behavior of the vast majority of "large" objects (on the order of the size of large molecules or bigger) at velocities much smaller than the velocity of light.[38]







thats too bad. thanks for letting me know.

Murphy you really aren't doing yourself too many favours in this thread. Watmm appears to have messed with your head.

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Rixxx is right Murph! I admire your quest to gain knowledge & spread information, but sometimes you seem like you want to sound like "the authority on Buddhism/science on the board". Which is kind of like wanting to be a better meditator or yogi than anyone else; it says you might be missing the point. In fact a lot of your theories are interesting, but it's hard to get past the authoritative, long-winded, prickly way you present them. Better to give only a few details and fill in when asked, and be open to others' criticisms as a refinement of an imperfect understanding.


Still a great thread. And yes, Life of Brian, though so far I'd pick Autopilot's post for best answer!

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Guest murphythecat8

Rixxx is right Murph! I admire your quest to gain knowledge & spread information, but sometimes you seem like you want to sound like "the authority on Buddhism/science on the board". Which is kind of like wanting to be a better meditator or yogi than anyone else; it says you might be missing the point. In fact a lot of your theories are interesting, but it's hard to get past the authoritative, long-winded, prickly way you present them. Better to give only a few details and fill in when asked, and be open to others' criticisms as a refinement of an imperfect understanding.


Still a great thread. And yes, Life of Brian, though so far I'd pick Autopilot's post for best answer!

your right. its true I tend to do that when it comes to this topic which is litteraly driving my life and helping me a lot, I get super defensive. I will try to change that, seriously. I have a lot of way to go, sopme of my answers was quite pathetic and it explain some insult towards me. thanks

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Human beings think

What you think affects how you feel

Teach yourself not to think

You will feel better

as someone who thinks about everything all the time and sees it as a controllable but essentially inescapable part of himself, that part doesn't sound too good to me. I get the underlying principle, which is basically to remain worry-free, but honestly I'd prefer to know the difference between when thinking is required and when it just adds unnecessary/harmful noise to the situation, so I can apply said principle intelligently and not just totally switch off.


maybe we should steer this thread back towards general positive thinking from a psychological/physiological point of view instead of getting bogged down with any specific religious/spiritiual beliefs.


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You're absolutely right of course, I have over simplified. What I mean is teach yourself to choose when you think, which in Buddhism is generally referred to as skilfulness. Positive thinking is also a Buddhist instruction, they call it Metta - its more about generating feelings of love and compassion though.


I understand what you said about thinking being an inescapable part of yourself, but that's the root problem getting in the way of happiness for many people - they identify with false beliefs about themselves. I actually felt quite scared letting go of thinking during early mediation sessions, like I'd disappear or something, when I did let go I was still here, still me - probably more so, because I wasn't buried under years of confusing and negative self conditioning.


I'm not a meditation or Buddhism evangelist BTW, whatever works for you - go for it. I just want to pass on the thing that worked for me.

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Positive Thinking is Math.


Math is happiness.


I don't want to further derail this thread with comparisons between religions or philosophies or whatever with physics and science. They both have some overlapping points, like in cosmology, but in general deal with very different things. Buddhism and other similar systems are guidance on how to live, physics is guidance on how to build an airplane or nuclear plant. To generalize a lot: religion and philosophy is created by introspection, faith and intuition, science is created by observing the nature, questioning and reasoning.

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Positive Thinking is Math.

Math is happiness.

Math bears little catharsis for me, only a neutral fact; it is, and cannot be changed. I would liken it to a gymnastic routine: depending on the equipment (pommel horse, unparallel bars, padded mat, whatever) the routine may have some surprises, but it always resolves and ends with the gymnast standing balanced.


The way I see positive thinking is finding ways to say "I will, I can, and I am", instead of "I'll never, I can't, and I'm not". In practice, this becomes a problem solving technique.

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Positive Thinking is Math.

Math is happiness.

Math bears little catharsis for me, only a neutral fact; it is, and cannot be changed. I would liken it to a gymnastic routine: depending on the equipment (pommel horse, unparallel bars, padded mat, whatever) the routine may have some surprises, but it always resolves and ends with the gymnast standing balanced.


The way I see positive thinking is finding ways to say "I will, I can, and I am", instead of "I'll never, I can't, and I'm not". In practice, this becomes a problem solving technique.



Yeah, it was a bit of a joke, I'm a nerd and I just like highly abstract concepts so I can get carried away by abstract algebra, number theory or whatever. Not that I'm particularly good at them. :emb:


On a related note, I think positive thinking for me is that I find the surrounding reality constantly interesting and surprising even when it has negative aspects.

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Positive Thinking is Math.

Math is happiness.

Math bears little catharsis for me, only a neutral fact; it is, and cannot be changed. I would liken it to a gymnastic routine: depending on the equipment (pommel horse, unparallel bars, padded mat, whatever) the routine may have some surprises, but it always resolves and ends with the gymnast standing balanced.


The way I see positive thinking is finding ways to say "I will, I can, and I am", instead of "I'll never, I can't, and I'm not". In practice, this becomes a problem solving technique.

Yeah, it was a bit of a joke, I'm a nerd and I just like highly abstract concepts so I can get carried away by abstract algebra, number theory or whatever. Not that I'm particularly good at them. :emb:

Lol, that works for you, then. I just don't feel an overwhelming attachment to one and one are two.
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Guest murphythecat8

I wish everyone would try to acheive mindfulness of breathing with meditation. Once you establigh mindfulness, its like a completely different experience and new state of mind, there is no doubt after that that something really powerful is going on. Its so empowering because you realize that this posibilty was there all along, and that you didnt knew, and now you know. It is really a amazing experience, totally "psychadelic" if you want. Every idea that comes in your mind just pass by without you following it., you are like completely detached from those to the point that you see the idea for what they are, not you and you see that it is only your mind doing those things! You then see your conscience for what it is, a automatic response that has nothing to do with you, or at least, that you cannot control: you just have to let go oine the thoughts and control your mind to being mindful of what is really hapenning in your body, which is normally pretty pleasent sensations! So every negative thought, you see that this is not you. every judgment, is not you. You then can stop being so hard on yourself and try to control it.


Just to explain quickly what mindfull is in a daily life. Being minfull is for example, you get in a bus, you are suppose to feel great! but You are stressed for whatever reason. Our way, normally, to think, its to denial our stress, act as if we are not stress, sort of hiding it to ourselve or to rationalize it and then try to control it. why are you stressed we ask? I am so stupid, theres nothing to be stressed for, and then we gradually calm down. Being mindfull of a situation, is just to admit us our emotion, and try to find why the hell am i stress right now, not hide from it, literraly look for the problem as soon as it appear. As soon as your stress come, you are totally alert of it (mindful) and you can laugh at it, because you realize almost imediatly that there are only a few reason that make you stress. Either you think of your physical image, or maybe you are scared of other people. But its almost always because of the attachment you have towards your image or your self. you can then kinda see that nothing will probably happen and that you are still feeling great.

to add a little more, in your daily life, you have to always be mindful of your body. once you are, you will realize that you are happy and comforftable so much. You are so comfrotable RIGHT NOW, but god damn, your mind is not concentrated on your body, but on his stupid obsessions, like reading this thread. we are in bliss all the time, without realizing it! its terrible really!

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