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Ainsley Harriott is an alien (maybe)

Guest isaki

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Guest isaki

so it has come to my attention that there are absolutely no existing pictures of Ainsley Harriott as a boy, teen or even looking young at all. he just doesn't age, clearly

he also looks like a colossal wanker... of course that doesn't mean he's an alien, but it's the fact that he just does not care about his appearance at all, he just smiles with those pearly white teeth and those monstrously obtuse cheeks of his... is he mocking the human race because he is better than us? what is his purpose on earth?


Ainsley+Harriott.jpgvery shiny face


take a celebrity of your choice and google " X young "


take Lorraine Kelly for example, search that and the first result is this, and there's another one of her even younger. try it with the jolly alien and you're presented with a wall of smug looks





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Guest isaki

He's only an alien if his default facial expression includes a grin. I would like to know if he's capable of telekinesis though.

he is incapable of not looking smug

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Guest isaki

I know someone who used to work with him. He apparently is a colossal wanker, and also a thief if what I hear is to be believed.

go on, although the thief thing

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I know someone who used to work with him. He apparently is a colossal wanker, and also a thief if what I hear is to be believed.

Hopefully only family recipes and not material possessions. ie. jars of soy / blackbean / hoison sauce

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I know someone who used to work with him. He apparently is a colossal wanker, and also a thief if what I hear is to be believed.

Hopefully only family recipes and not material possessions. ie. jars of soy / blackbean / hoison sauce



allegedly, whilst on readysteady cook, he tried to nick the colourful shirts he wears (which were only loan items from ben sherman). he was literally caught by security trying to smuggle them out of the building in his overcoat pockets. i must add that he was also being paid £7k per episode. allegedly.

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