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the great pyramid

Guest skibby

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which is?


hundreds of years of extreme labor and manpower to build something in honor of some dots in the sky? or something else? it just seems like a big waste of time if not.

lol, I could take what you said, change "dots in the sky" to "man in the sky", and it would apply to every grand cathedral ever built. Welcome to the human condition.


haha indeed

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the planet has shifted since then so everything the pyramid (and every other ancient site) was aligned with is slightly off now.

Have you actually read the page i linked to? It is explained how you could align a building with the sun. A trick widely used in those ancient times. It's so low tech and simple, kids can do it as a science project.


i'm sure that would be easy, if they were aligned to the sun. we're talking about lining it up to the north star (Polaris), which is the star the Earth's axis seems to line up to. you keep trying to belittle what i say while having no idea what i'm saying.


First, I'm asking you a question: have you read the page I linked to? How about giving it an answer?

And why you should read it? I can repeat it on and on, because, well, again, alligning a building can be achieved with very low tech and simple ways. And the polaris thing is talked about as well. But I'm wondering though, what makes you think the egyptians aligned the pyramids with polaris instead of the sun? What makes you so certain? Don't you think it's so much more plausible the egyptians used the sun? It was their single most important object in the sky. You don't need to know much of their religious beliefs to get that confirmed. And it can also explain the alignment of the pyramids. See how I don't need any polaris in my own weird little universe to explain the positioning of the pyramids? Why would you introduce a polaris if you can explain the entire story without?


So yeah, you can keep on trying to think that i try to belittle you and don't listen, but the obvious thing is that the reverse is even more obvious. Just read your own posts in this thread. Something about people being lame debaters? What? And now I am belittling you? Ehm, yeah. So, people who tell people belittle them and who are not aware of their own behavior...well... You started playing this game. Please don't start crying now people are playing back.


Hello Alice in Wonderland


i never said they didn't use the fucking sun. there are hundreds of sites around the world that line up to it on the solstices and equinoxes. you can use the shadow to find the circumference of the planet by a few hundred meters. the problem is there's a sense about your argument that you have it all figured out and everything about the pyramids can be logically explained. they wouldn't still be considered such a mystery if that were the case.

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GoDel and Lumenprol and whoever the fuck else insulted me here. what did i say to get your pink panties in a bunch? seriously, do you guys just sit around waiting to bitch at people in threads about some shit you think you fucking know "wahhh fucking wahhh i don't want to believe in facts" .. good , then don't. you're fucking morons. come out to Richmond assholes i'll wipe the floor with both of you fucks


and don't even tell me to calm down because i am quite calm at the moment. it's not any sweat off my back dealing with ignorant assholes.

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Wait, what? Why did they accidentally the finest? Because they've got taste? Because the shape of a pyramid is the most logical if you want to build big and you have no architectural knowledge. The triangle thing is a given. It's not that they were able to do what the romans did later on. You know, those round arches being able to carry lots of weight.


um... most of the roman shit fell apart. the great pyramid is amazing architecture and better stonemason work than we can do today. no present day architect could build it. eat an old shoe.


and this is for mafted:


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nah it's easy as hell.. wouldn't take us a week to do. no problem. this whole 'i've heard civil engineers say for over ten years now that we couldn't do it in nearly as short a time they did' is hogwash. if it doesn't feel right, it's not. go with your gut!

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um... most of the roman shit fell apart.


lol...I don't even...lol...are you saying the pyramids don't look broke as fuck?



coliseum at Nimes



an apparently indestructible pile of rocks in the desert



Man. The pyramids are in probably the most inhospitable, naturally destructive environments on this planet and has been around at least twice as long as the coliseum at nimes...


How are you even trying to make that comparison? lol


Edit:.. uhh... I'm still catching up on the craziness in this thread. Don't bother answering my post haha

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Ehm yeah, and those colosseums in heavily populated parts in the world. People tend to be the most destructive force on the planet, so the pyramids being built in " most inhospitable" places is actually in their favor? Possibly? I mean what are the odds those pyramids were bombed in the wars since the coloseums were built? And what are the odds those coloseums were bombed?




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Ehm yeah, and those colosseums in heavily populated parts in the world. People tend to be the most destructive force on the planet, so the pyramids being built in " most inhospitable" places is actually in their favor? Possibly? I mean what are the odds those pyramids were bombed in the wars since the coloseums were built? And what are the odds those coloseums were bombed?





The constant pelting of the sand in the desert like a giant burning hot sandblaster is far more destructive. It's not like the coliseum was nuked directly or some shit lol.


The Parthenon is still standing too after a few world wars, but it's a couple thousand years newer than the pyramids.


A couple thousand years is a long time.

The pyramids are in a great place to be preserved , a dry desert.


Giant constant sand blasting is not great for preservation. Especially considering the pyramids are made from giant sandstone blocks that aren't any more dense than the sand being blasted at them. It's rock not beef jerky.


Yeah beef jerky and mummies are easy to preserve out there in the dry desert.

Fact is, those pyramids are still standing even after about 4600 years.


That's impressive.

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Hey stephen, why not do an experiment? We are going to build 2 buildings in a desert. One we give back to nature and see how long it will survive. The other we will bomb from sky?


Trick question: which building will survive longer?

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... what?


None of the buildings you are referencing, such as the coliseum, were bombed. Here are some buildings that were bombed:




Obviously a building that is bombed directly is going to last, well.. not very long.

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see goDel.. you can't make arguments and try to prove points when you have no idea what you're talking about. that was my main premise, but i know, i'm a troll because i got mad. cause and effect.. deal with it.

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The ones which were bombed haven't survived. Obviously. :D


It's just my stupid way of saying it's a silly comparison. The point about pyramids surviving longer than the stuff Romans built, means very little if you take away context. If the big pyramid was built in Rome at the same time the actual pyramids were built, odds are, there wouldn't be a pyramid in Rome today. The erosion caused by constant people blasting and the different climate is not great for preservation.

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