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Fox News Goes After Pope


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wow epic post gmanyo!


i dont have time to break it all down right now, but if this thread is still around ill try to come up with something in response.

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The immorality of God doesn't render Christianity false, the lack of evidence supporting its claims does. The only real difference between the God of the Bible and Zeus is that the God of the Bible happens to be more popular at the moment.


And Jesus isn't the answer to anything. Jesus said "slaves, obey your masters" when he could have said "slaves, gain your freedom" or "slavemasters, free your slaves." Of course the very obvious reason for this is that the Bible was written by people with stone-age morals and so the Bible also has stone-age morals. It's not a coincidence, and it's not because God is mysterious and we can't understand his ways.


Jesus said for slaves to obey their masters because doing so would honor God and be a witness to their masters. Existence here is a flash.

wow epic post gmanyo!


i dont have time to break it all down right now, but if this thread is still around ill try to come up with something in response.


No need to respond as it was a pretty sound explanation.

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The immorality of God doesn't render Christianity false, the lack of evidence supporting its claims does. The only real difference between the God of the Bible and Zeus is that the God of the Bible happens to be more popular at the moment.


And Jesus isn't the answer to anything. Jesus said "slaves, obey your masters" when he could have said "slaves, gain your freedom" or "slavemasters, free your slaves." Of course the very obvious reason for this is that the Bible was written by people with stone-age morals and so the Bible also has stone-age morals. It's not a coincidence, and it's not because God is mysterious and we can't understand his ways.


Jesus said for slaves to obey their masters because doing so would honor God and be a witness to their masters. Existence here is a flash.



Nice cop-out, bro.



God likes us to do horrible things so let's appease that monster and call it 'good' oh also it'll be very quick so it's totally no biggie.



By that logic then literally nothing that happens on this planet matters ergo there's no reason for God to punish anyone eternally (like a grade-A douche imo).

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I'm not a huge God fan tbh.


Same here. He's neither fair, nor just, nor loving, nor kind. He's a petty monster.



Lucky for us there's no indication that he actually exists. Imagine living in a universe run by that maniac. A universe, mind you, full of billions of galaxies, each full of billions of planets, all designed by God just for us humans here on planet earth, who have been created in his image. How plausable and non-arrogant.

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Guest disparaissant

the other day at work some super devout christian lady said that "god had blessed" her because she had just enough money to pay for her stuff.


actually, she was a couple cents short but i let it slide because i really didn't feel like aborting the transaction and returning everything over a couple cents. so i guess that means I AM GOD?!?!?!

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the other day at work some super devout christian lady said that "god had blessed" her because she had just enough money to pay for her stuff.


actually, she was a couple cents short but i let it slide because i really didn't feel like aborting the transaction and returning everything over a couple cents. so i guess that means I AM GOD?!?!?!


God always gets credit for the good stuff, and none of the credit for the bad stuff. When she dies of breast cancer in three years she'll just say that God works in mysterious ways.

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Why don't us humans believe only what we have reason to believe...?



*kneels and prays to Apollo to protect me from H1N1*

What convinced you that humans are rational creatures?

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Limpy, the way you overemphasize yourself every chance you get here makes me think you don't even believe what you are saying.


Well you're mistaken then lol


I just get bummed out that people still believe these stone-age beliefs in the 21st century


diminishes my hope for humanity tbh



Why don't us humans believe only what we have reason to believe...?



*kneels and prays to Apollo to protect me from H1N1*

What convinced you that humans are rational creatures?



I'm convinced that humans can be rational, and I'm convinced that we should aim to be.

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Limpy, the way you overemphasize yourself every chance you get here makes me think you don't even believe what you are saying.


Well you're mistaken then lol


I just get bummed out that people still believe these stone-age beliefs in the 21st century


diminishes my hope for humanity tbh



Why don't us humans believe only what we have reason to believe...?



*kneels and prays to Apollo to protect me from H1N1*


What convinced you that humans are rational creatures?

I'm convinced that humans can be rational, and I'm convinced that we should aim to be.

Do you believe we're rational by default? If not I'm just wondering why you seem surprised that people would be superstitous storytellers, 21 centuries aint shit on evolutions scale. We're biologically almost right where we started when civilization showed up.
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Has anyone ever told you the one about the christians not standing to lose anything if athiests are right, but atheists standing to lose everything if the christians are right?


So God would be fooled if I pretended to believe in him?



p.s. Do you stay awake at night worrying about going to the Muslim hell? If not, then you know exactly how I feel about the Christian hell.

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Guest disparaissant

yeah pascal's wager is fucking silly to the core.


i mean, isn't bearing false witness one of the ten commandments? multiply that by telling the lie straight to god's face and you're worse off than just not believing in the first place, really.

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if you were any less self-aware you would flunk a Turing test.

So IDM burn! Win.


MisterE sometimes I think you have something interesting to say but you take so long to say it that I can't be bothered. It takes a lot of goodwill for people to get even halfway through your posts.

Edit: it's been a pleasure to read this thread, some lovely lines of reasoning! Thanks people.

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No need to respond as it was a pretty sound explanation.

This attitude is what separates you from skeptics or true scientists. Someone who truly seeks knowledge is happy to have her beliefs questioned, for this allows growth. To accept the words of others without question is to close yourself off from the world, not open yourself to it.

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Do many of you live in America?

From what I come in contact with, no one gives a shit about FOX or the pope. (no offense)

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No need to respond as it was a pretty sound explanation.

This attitude is what separates you from skeptics or true scientists. Someone who truly seeks knowledge is happy to have her beliefs questioned, for this allows growth. To accept the words of others without question is to close yourself off from the world, not open yourself to it.



Your listless browsing has caused you to misinterpret. SR4 had asked for an explanation, simply. Gmanyo gave an apt description of the place of law in Christian theology. It would be like arguing with a definition.


No where did he follow his description with "therefore you must believe this."

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Does pascal's wager prescribe the lie you've described?


Pascal's wager presumes that people can pick what they believe. I believe the world is round. If God only offered salvation to those who believe the world is flat, then I'm fucked. I can't all of a sudden believe something that I see no reason to believe. If I'm drinking Dr. Pepper, I can't just up and believe it's Coke. That is not how belief works.

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