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DD1 (gescom ripoff)

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I have been working on this thing for a little bit and wanted to know what people thought about a few issues. First, is it any good? Am I violating some production rules somewhere? I haven't gone nuts getting everything to sounds right, but I did go for a kinda dusty vibe.



I have long loved that Gescom track. The first two minutes are fire and then it sorta disintegrates in a cool way, but I alway want it to stay on track and elaborate on the early nastiness.

So, is it totally lame that I straight lifted the opening, put it in a sampler, and looped it and added stuff?

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i think its pretty nice, the only part that sounds a little strange to me is some of the original parts you use sound slightly 'slipped' like they aren't exact chopped loops or something. It might be an intentional arrhythmic thing on your part, but i feel the incorporation of the original gescom bits could use a little more tightness.
have you ever considered making a track similar to the Gescom one using the same source track?

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thanks! it's gone through a couple different iterations since the first post. i felt the current version really called for a piped-in studio guy with a fake new zealand accent, so i added that this morning.

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