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iPhone 6 dummy leak by the guy who got the last ones right


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I like the iPhone 5 size, i'd like to see them increase the screen size and work on getting the stuff not on the screen (camera, home button etc) to be smaller. or move the home button to the side of the phone.

"phablets" look ridiculous to me.

Until everyone has one. Then the trend will swing the other way towards "micro-sized" phones - e.g.: "Holy shit - you have the iPhone MiniMicro 7S! That 1.1" 4K resolution screen is soo tiny!"



There is an ideal size that balances pocketability and useful screen space and really an iphone is just way too small for useful web browsing, games, basic workflow aps. If you just want to make a phone call sure, it's ok, but for that other stuff, the bigger the easier (better). Therefore, what's wrong with selling different sizes aimed at pleasing users with different expectations out of their devices. This of course doesn't generally fit apple's sales model which is to minimize costs by having only one flagship to market and manufacture, perhaps this time though they'll have multiple size options.


Joyrex - it's not about trends - it's about my personal preference really, I just think they look absurd.

delet- i don't have any issues using it for browsing the web and reading, and especially with responsive sites coming out now i think the iPhone-ish size is about right. A little bigger maybe, but the note is ridiculous to me. - i dunno about what you mean when you say workflow apps - do you mean word processing etc?



i use my notepad a lot and it's nice to be able to have more of what i've written on the screen at one time, not to mention having a bigger keyboard onscreen for my large hands. Then there's the music recording ap, etc. Space is good, It's nice just to have more txt on screen when you're reading an article, scanning down a page without scrolling. I also, edited my post to give it a more 'balanced' position. I've added that text above.



delet - yeah the edit is a valid point - I imagine apple will eventually segment their product line further. They've already done it with the iPad, and iPod, so probably with the iPhone too.

Since I write long ass papers and so on, the phone is useless to me, even an ipad is useless for writing lengthy stuff. Touch screens and lots of typing do not go together well (for me at least).

Also I don't want my phone to be a work station type thing - I want some relief from work. Reading through books, articles, blog posts etc. is fine for me, no issues at all. Responsive websites have made a big difference.


edit: I also hope this beats thing doesn't catch on with apple - as you guys have said - their sound is absolute shite.

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We're down to incremental changes now, so I don't think we'll ever see a new product as exciting as the original iPhone (or maybe even the iPhone4 which was pretty exciting at the time).

If you've got 30 mins, watching the original iPhone unveil from 2007 is pretty interesting, the way Steve explains the design and so on. A piece of tech history. And you've got to remember, until this point, no-one had ever (really*) seen things like swipe-to-scroll, that we now take forgranted

* = ok maybe that concept was around, but never before done with such an accurate touchscreen


Also bear in mind that Steve did this demo on a prototype that easily could have crashed (backstory here). Thats ballsy.

Disclaimer: I'm not an apple user, but you've got to admit, original iPhone kicked everythings arse.

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I just got the One M8 and the audio it puts out blows away any other phone I've had. It's loud, it's clear, and it sounds awesome. I love not having to cup my hand around the phone to direct the audio from the shitty lone rear speaker.


I too think the iPhones are a bit small, but I have large hands also. My Galaxy S3/One are about the perfect size IMO. I think it's ridiculous when I see tiny, 100 lb girls holding a phablet with both hands and it looks like they can barely hold on to it. What's the point other than to say "look how big my phone is!" ?

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Yah, the original iPhone was pretty revolutionary, which I bought day 1. Nowadays it's common place and a clusterfuck of shit, so I'm using holographic technology based on hacking all radio/cell freq networks to communicate freely. It sure beats phone contracts.

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I like the iPhone 5 size, i'd like to see them increase the screen size and work on getting the stuff not on the screen (camera, home button etc) to be smaller. or move the home button to the side of the phone.

"phablets" look ridiculous to me.

Until everyone has one. Then the trend will swing the other way towards "micro-sized" phones - e.g.: "Holy shit - you have the iPhone MiniMicro 7S! That 1.1" 4K resolution screen is soo tiny!"



pretty much this. after owning a samsung note, i can't even imagine holding an iphone without mistaking it for a vitamin pill and swallowing it.


does anyone here own a samsung mega? now those i think are too big; maybe 1 step away from selling people submarines with phone plans attached to them

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