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An alarming amount of people I'm friends with speak about astrology as though it's this generally accepted thing that has validity to it. I always feel awkward when it's brought into conversation because I don't believe in their voodoo magic, but I don't want to be that guy who's like "fuck your wacky beliefs, fools." It's not as bad as the one friend I have who's adamant that reincarnation is scientific. :fail:

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i feel y'all are just put off by the authority some people speak with when talking about subjects relating to the occult and mysticism, Astrology fucking included. i understand its a natural reaction, because these subjects ae very etheral and difficult to grasp to the untrained 3rd eye, but these peeps wouldn't be so worked up about them if they didn't touch them in some deep and menaingful way...


there's another importance to consider, the biggest yappers of Astrology in the public eye are unfortunately usually very untrained with regard to the third eye and not spiritually inclined. those who take these subjects most seriously, by nature fly low, they talk rather softly yet intently, so pay attention if you happen to befriend one of these people...


listen... they aren't talking about their fucking sun sign and the goddamn daily horoscope they read in newspaper, just before reading the comics section on the same page... their talking about the nonlinear, archetypal influence of the celestial bodies, us included... so pay fucking attention goddamnit!

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i feel y'all are just put off by the authority some people speak with when talking about subjects relating to the occult and mysticism, Astrology fucking included. i understand its a natural reaction, because these subjects ae very etheral and difficult to grasp to the untrained 3rd eye, but these peeps wouldn't be so worked up about them if they didn't touch them in some deep and menaingful way...


there's another importance to consider, the biggest yappers of Astrology in the public eye are unfortunately usually very untrained with regard to the third eye and not spiritually inclined. those who take these subjects most seriously, by nature fly low, they talk rather softly yet intently, so pay attention if you happen to befriend one of these people...


listen... they aren't talking about their fucking sun sign and the goddamn daily horoscope they read in newspaper, just before reading the comics section on the same page... their talking about the nonlinear, archetypal influence of the celestial bodies, us included... so pay fucking attention goddamnit!




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with an att



so pay attention if you happen to befriend one of these people...


I'm not particularly worried about this happening.



if you were my friend i wouldn't talk about it with you, but i'd still be your friend if i thought you were cool otherwise...

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I think there's probably some truth in the supernatural but we've probably lost sight and don't actually understand it, yes much like science.


Can you at least theorize how stars that are thousands, if not millions, of light years away can alter the life of things on this planet at such a distance?

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And why is it always the stars that form shapes familiar to us are the important ones, instead of a seemingly random selection?

Edited by Braintree
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Wellll.... even though I've called astrology bullshit previously in this thread, anyone who works in an ER will tell you there's TOTALLY a correlation with the full moon & human behavior. So people who swear by astrology will say that it's the same thing just on a different scale.

But yea, to me the moon affecting behavior makes sense because the impact of it is visible all throughout nature, from tides to animal/human behavior. I don't see that correlation implying the causation that ascending Uranus makes you feel some type of way.


And why is it always the stars that form shapes familiar to us are the important ones, instead of a seemingly random selection?


I never even thought of this one. Gonna have to bring that up in the next IRL astro debate I get into.

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When they made up this stuff wasn't the sky at night different than what it is today? How come I'm still considered Leo when born in early August when technically I should look at Virgo or some shit? I want to believe, but I think I'm being punked.

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We know literally nothing about this planet and the effects on the human body let alone the surrounding planets and billions of other stuff in the cosmos. With theories of multiple dimensions, sun spots and cosmic radiations etc...


I think astrology was just an ancient way of trying to understand what the fuck is going on? I mean pyramids, religion, ritual, space, the mind.... Woooow

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Familiar star shapes are just the ones that keep form in the night sky. We've used them for ages, probably sat round campfire for a couple of thousand years you'll learn them easy with nothing else to do.

Used by mariner's to discover the world....


I think modern day astrology is way out and missing a star sign....


Ha I'm stoned

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Whenever the topic of astrology and reincarnation and ghosts and all that crap comes up just scoff and say "timecube". "But dude, I'm serious, astrology is actually..." Dude, timecube. Thank me later.

Holy shit, time cube is awesome

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haven't read the thread but astrology is literally the epitome of narcissism. it's fucking insane that grownups actually pay attention to this shit. it's also one of those things (horoscopes especially) that are so ingrained into society that people sort of just believe in it, or atleast "yeah i guess there might some truth to it i dunno lol". because they've never actually bothered to think about how retarded the whole thing actually is. sort of like the resurrection of christ. i've heard otherwise rational / secular people go "i mean, i don't know, maybe it happened maybe it didn't". even though they know perfectly well that zombies doesn't exist in real life. ffffffffffuuuuuuu

Edited by data
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We know literally nothing about this planet and the effects on the human body let alone the surrounding planets and billions of other stuff in the cosmos. With theories of multiple dimensions, sun spots and cosmic radiations etc...


I think astrology was just an ancient way of trying to understand what the fuck is going on? I mean pyramids, religion, ritual, space, the mind.... Woooow


Well, the thing is, we actually do know stuff about all that. And I understand that it was once a way of explaining things around us, but it's lost its validity. We now have much more accurate ways of determining what's happening.


Familiar star shapes are just the ones that keep form in the night sky. We've used them for ages, probably sat round campfire for a couple of thousand years you'll learn them easy with nothing else to do.

Used by mariner's to discover the world....


I think modern day astrology is way out and missing a star sign....


Ha I'm stoned


Yeah, but why do we choose to use those as symbols instead of others? Why is there no swamprat-like creature from other habitable planets? Because we made it all up. It's another one of our inventions. We're only drawing from our own experience on this planet. You could get a map of stars and draw all kinds of crazy shit on there.


Do animals behave differently when they're born in different months? How does that correlate to us?

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We know literally nothing about this planet and the effects on the human body let alone the surrounding planets and billions of other stuff in the cosmos. With theories of multiple dimensions, sun spots and cosmic radiations etc...


I think astrology was just an ancient way of trying to understand what the fuck is going on? I mean pyramids, religion, ritual, space, the mind.... Woooow


Well, the thing is, we actually do know stuff about all that. And I understand that it was once a way of explaining things around us, but it's lost its validity. We now have much more accurate ways of determining what's happening.


Familiar star shapes are just the ones that keep form in the night sky. We've used them for ages, probably sat round campfire for a couple of thousand years you'll learn them easy with nothing else to do.

Used by mariner's to discover the world....


I think modern day astrology is way out and missing a star sign....


Ha I'm stoned


Yeah, but why do we choose to use those as symbols instead of others? Why is there no swamprat-like creature from other habitable planets? Because we made it all up. It's another one of our inventions. We're only drawing from our own experience on this planet. You could get a map of stars and draw all kinds of crazy shit on there.


Do animals behave differently when they're born in different months? How does that correlate to us?


We don't really know anything in the whole scheme of things tho do we? maybe less than 1%

Theyre just named after things we know, the chinese zodiac has some interesting names.

the one missing from western astrology is Ophiuchus The Serpent Bearer

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Do animals behave differently when they're born in different months? How does that correlate to us?



One of my astrology believing friends asked what my cat's sign was the other day, in all seriousness. Maybe it's time for an intervention.

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"Berg argues that the movement of stars, planets, comets and asteroids through space affects the solar magnetic field; this in turn affects the geomagnetic field influencing collective and individual electro/chemical/ biological systems.[citation needed] Human bio-resonant systems are able to tune into particular astro-resonant cycles. When constructing charts he uses dimension z in addition to the x and y coordinates which form the geometric patterns. The z coordinate is allocated an energy value of varying strength"


so yea who knows? maybe one day we will figure it out

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There is no good evidence that the Moon effects behavior. The gravitational pull of your pillow at night is much stronger than the Moon. And electromagnetic fields are MUCH stronger on Earth than distant planets. If the celestial bodies have any influence on people, it's most probably psychological and not physical.

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