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Rhubarb Orc. 19.53 Rev


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Rhubarb Orc. 19.53 Rev was previously up on soundcloud as one of the SyroBonkers interview tracks, its back up again now (on the official aphextwin account)




Its backwards evidently. Its really nice when you play it forwards again:




Excited to see this back up - wonder what its reappearance means.

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I'm glad this was put up!


It came up shortly after I wrote a message to Rich saying how much I love the orchestration of Rhubarb.


I'm not saying I had anything to do with this, but... :biggrin:


I really think I don't though.

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Do you guys think it was only reversed to avoid copy right shit with Warp, like the situation with Girl/Boy Song Dark Version ?


Yeah, I think he doesn't intend for us to seriously listen to it reversed.

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Do you guys think it was only reversed to avoid copy right shit with Warp, like the situation with Girl/Boy Song Dark Version ?


Yeah, I think he doesn't intend for us to seriously listen to it reversed.

Didn't he play it reversed at the Metz gig? And on other occassions?

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Guest kymppinetti




I like it reversed.


I like it both. :) And I don't mind having them at the same time.



yeah I like it both 2. But reversed has like another aura on it.


I know what you mean. Been there, done that.

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My forwards playing copy comes just before the reversed version in my iTunes, which means when it gets to the end it immediately plays backwards to the start again. This was accidental, but is really absolutely lovely and I recommend people give it a go.


But anyway yes just really fucking staggeringly beautiful.

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I've wondered if this was recorded in Poland or in UK at the Barbican gig? As he mentioned there were technical problems at barbican, I assumed it was something they intended to play there

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I've wondered if this was recorded in Poland or in UK at the Barbican gig? As he mentioned there were technical problems at barbican, I assumed it was something they intended to play there

I think I hear people are talking Polish on track, so I guess this was recorded in Poland

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  • 11 months later...

Just thought I'd pop into watmm HQ and say how much I love this track. I think it's pretty mind bending but also beautifully epic.


They say when you die your whole life flashes before you, if I was drowning in a beautiful ice cold lake under a frostbitten starry sky and my life was flashing before me. This would be the perfect soundtrack. That's the feeling I get from this tune. It's sheer emotion is rather overwhelming to me so I guess the thoughts of life and death would be second nature. It has that deft of touch when something seems incredibly deep and elegiac (some would say depressing) and yet at the same time simply uplifting.


Something very special about this tune...

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Right, so if this was recorded in Poland, is it a recording of the 'Remote Orchestra' thing he did?


If so, thats amazing:


(from syrobonkers interview)

also really wanna work more on the remote orchestra idea.

Was a miracle anything came out of that as half the software broke down 5 mins b4 gig at barbican, had so much planned for that and it just didnt work right before show..so frustrating but lucky we got anything going, learnt so much though .

We had code to take it so much further ,like analysis of live audio>translation to humans as partials , midi files, live keyboard input>players, chord memory like on a synth etc etc, shouldve kept going , if id done 10 of those type gigs in a row, would've have been insane by the end..but hopefully I will continue that, dont wanna talk about where I want to take it for above reasons but it should be dope.

Ok quick explanation of what we did/planned.


Remote orch, players have pitched saw waves in their headphones, they have to try and track pitch, i control the pitches via midi controllers and maxpatches and who gets what.

They also have visual cues that tell them how loud to play and what style of playing + other instructions like play as high as you can and as fast as possible, on the birdge of instrument etc etc, scream like a cat dying :)

none of these worked at barbican though :( they did work at the poland performance though, i did what i could with what was left working.

Poland was particularly nice as nobody spoke english and i don't speak polish so it really was remote , it became part of it as I had to devise graphical instructions that everyone understood which they pretty much did,

my fave part was rehearsals where nobody told them when to start, there was no conductor, so there was lush moment when performers were like do we start or what? and slowly they realised i had started and started to do it, was pretty magical.

I send which players recieve which cues and how loud to play them, effectively making one big fuck off human synthesiser.

All audio came from laptop with digico usb>madi box>digirack 48 i/o rack [serious bit of kit]

48 channels of audio all from a laptop, the uber clever girl who designed the maid box at digico told me you can get over a thousand channels of audio from thunderbolt, the mind boggles..

also all headphones were wireless, so the setup was pretty insane, much more complex than i originally thought.

radio signals bouncing all around the concrete room and modulating each other etc, insanity

(original syrobonkers text available via https://www.reddit.com/r/aphextwin/comments/2npwca/here_are_links_to_download_the_syrobonkers/ )


..ah yes and then:


do you have any outtakes from your barbican or polish robot orchestra performances?


rich: Yes many, not properly mixed down though but heres a couple for starters! this was the very first rhythmic tryouts, they got better before the sofware crashed, next time i will nail the bugger! 2nd is rehearsal for orc version of a saw2 track that never got performed...backwards..I really need to mixdown the others as they friggin amazing if i dont mind saying so myself, esp krakow pendulum piece which turned out way beyond my highest expectations, i felt god or someone was helping me out there, maybe it was just my amazing crew!

So, the reason this sounds so unworldy and unique is because it was conducted by piping tones directly into the ears of the members of the orchestra, who then had to try to play along to the tone or microtone they were hearing.


Hence the weird ambience, strange halting stops and starts.


Amazing. I don't think anyone has ever recorded anything like that before.

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^ straight up, amazing track


cheers Ivan, I was a bit drunk last night and I try not to post then 'cause I can get a bit (embarrassingly) emotional and introspective


'tis a great tune

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My forwards playing copy comes just before the reversed version in my iTunes, which means when it gets to the end it immediately plays backwards to the start again. This was accidental, but is really absolutely lovely and I recommend people give it a go.


But anyway yes just really fucking staggeringly beautiful.


I put the Reverse version at the beginning of one of my playlists, and the Forward version at the end, so when the playlist starts over it is "seamless" :)

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Hoooly crap. Great work all around, if this hadn't happened I'd still be clueless that Rhubarb was done in any of those sessions at all. I love how much beauty they got just out of the song's simplicity. Rhubarb is immense.

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