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The 2000s

Rubin Farr

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As a european I don't feel like I noticed the "chaos of the world" until like 2006-2007, maybe because that's when I was most active on youtube and I started to see a shitload of people talk about it on video. 2000-2006 was mostly calm and normal, felt like the 90s I guess.

I could be remembering wrong since I also saw Michael Moore documentaries before then which had some effect too.


Looking back it feels like a lot more changed in the 00s than the 90s, but it didn't feel that way at the time. I remember being surprised when I heard an old grandmother of someone I knew, knew what youtube and google was. I was like WTF. When I was in school just 4 years earlier, no one had internet or used computers much.


I remember a few "milestones" like, when I first thought about what I wrote online out of fear that someone I knew offline could search for it and find it. And thus how I connected my nicknames to my real name. My own google search results. When google and paypal and others suddenly had offices or translations to my language, removing the feeling I had before that it was really cool and safe feeling that no one in my country could know or read it.

From late 90s to mid 00s I was all about philosophy and the mind, and then 2008- I was all about collapse, politics and economics.


In general for me personally, it was a decade of vast change and very turbulent, but not because of the broader political and economic issues.


Also another thing, does anyone else feel like the huge fire of activism and stuff around 2007-2012 has dampened now? Like we're in a weird twilight zone atm.

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without thinking too much

2000-2004 -> exciting, real friends, girls, first internet porn, indie rock, laptop, behaving weird, also first softsynth, contact with Ae & BoC

2004- 2008-> something bad happened

2008-2012-> new friends,making a lot of music, depressed and not really going forward with life, health issues

2012-2015-> got my dream dog, apartment and girlfriend too in just a few months, solid and happy job, no friends and still health issues

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without thinking too much


2000-2004 -> exciting, real friends, girls, first internet porn, indie rock, laptop, behaving weird, also first softsynth, contact with Ae & BoC



Shit, I saw my first computer based porn in 1990, I think, from a floppy that my friend took from his home labeled "daddy's games". Hairy 80's porn in gif format and some strange version of Space Invaders where you controlled a penis, in CGA.. I was 11yo.


Well, if you don't count Samantha Fox Strip Poker for C64..

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I lived in ze USA and Japan in the early 2000's, and yes- I have this impulse to write pages upon pages about ze states and "their agenda" to fuck the world over, but aaaaanyway..... And of course the states is not the states and NWO and WWF and Hulk Hogan, etc.


Tokyo became way more conservative in the early 2000's. I feel like I wrote about this five times on here, but anyway: Trashcans are only now starting to come back-- they were gone in train stations for like 10 years, so people don't put bombs in them. *fear, terr', nucyulur* The dozens of great smoke shops around that sold shrooms, research chems, and shamanistic herbs all went down, cuz... *fear, terr', nucyulur* Now there are rule signs EVERYWHERE ON EVERYTHING, because apparently everyone is a child. *fear, terr', nucyulur* Hermits are more common than ever now, because despite societal near-perfection in Tokyo, a lot of people don't have real friends-- PRESSURE OF SOCIETY AND HIGH STANDARDS and bullshit and whatever. Also: *fear, terr', nucyulur*


ON THE UPSIDE, Tokyo has somehow gotten even more clean. The sterile aspect used to be trippy, but now it's so sterile that it's numbing. At least I've never once seen shit on a wall. Japan is still a few years behind internet and business trends compared to the west, but because of the internet, a lot of shit has caught up fast (like Halloween?... ecommerce, entrepreneurship is starting to boom, Shibuya became the tech capital for developers/IT/etc.). So in that sense, there is a positive vibe about being able to take one's life into their own hands and not have to slave away at a company forever. That is a great thing. A lot of small companies were bought out by larger ones, so now Japan has a lot of conglomerate type massive fucking forces pushing their weight around.


Definitely becoming more international. Drug prices remain somewhat steady (though maybe meth has gone up cuz in the early 00's, they stopped the major channel of meth import from North Korea). Synth prices have gone up, because people found out about all the affordable gear. Microbreweries started. Turkish kebabs are a steady thing now. More things are becoming English (15 years ago, nobody knew the term "receipt", but now cashiers use it). Sex toy and porn vending machines are no longer in public places. Beer and tobacco vending machines still exist, but now you need an age verification card to use them (at least for tobacco). Smoking tobacco in the street is no longer legal.


As if it's a normal thing to do, I can still walk into a building and get two blowjobs back to back, but the whole sex industry has cleaned up- publicly anyway. There were certain places before that just were hardcore red light districts, but everything's a little more respectable now and less grungy.


Overall, Tokyo has improved. Obviously Tokyo is not "Japan", so yah.

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