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Cutting your own hair?

Guest Iain C

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I cut my own hair as well. I just grab a bunch of hair and run my shaver through it. Also, you when cut your own hair and if things go wrong you can't get angry at anyone else but yourself.

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Hair clippers are one of the best investments I've ever made.

I've been clipping my own hair for 15 years now.

Clipping your own dome it so easy and shouldn't take more than 10 minutes.

The back of the head isn't hard either, You don't need a mirror if you have two hands and feeling in your fingers.


My technique goes as follows....


It's exactly like mowing a lawn or mopping a floor.

As long as you hold the clippers at the correct angle to cut, you just go from bottom to top (against the grain) in slightly overlapping lanes. If you are cutting it short enough you can just run your finger over the shaved area to see if there are any straggling hairs that need to be cut.


That's it!

It's that simple.


I used to use attachments but I don't anymore. I just take it all the way down and repeat every week or two.

It's also very liberating (and economical) to not need to style your hair, look in a mirror, go to a barber, shampoo, condition, etc.


Granted, my dome is in fact balding.


The clippers are something everyone should have but as long as you still have healthy head of hair, do it up.


I would donate a testicle if only I could do this sort of thing again...



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Guest Iain C

OK, I'm more or less done, I'm going to get a pal to help me with the back, but I think the sides are looking pretty decent. This is what I was going for!



Excuse the phonecam pic, my real camera just died again.

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Guest lullezucht

Nice! Probably a great combo with the jumpers too. Now all you need is an extra chromosome and the look is complete.

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Guest Gary C
I guess a proper hair dressers understand how hair will look when it grows out.


I've noticed this. Mine's only just grown out a bit after shaving my own head for about 3 months and it's noticeably wilder. My hair's wild enough already, and the last time it was so short I wore a hat almost constantly, but I dunno. It's stranger.


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Guest Rambo

fucking lol i was just having a dream an hour ago about deciding whether to cut my hair or go to the barbers. I decided to go to the barbers and there was a french woman at the counter who spoke english but it was really hard understanding what the fuck she was saying and i had to do these tests and fill out forms. In the end i never got my hair cut. You made the right choice.

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I cut my own hair all the time, I don't like the thought of having a hairdresser have something as sharp as a pair of scissors sharp near my head/neck/anywhere.

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Guest Iain C
I cut my own hair all the time, I don't like the thought of having a hairdresser have something as sharp as a pair of scissors sharp near my head/neck/anywhere.


This is one of the many, many reasons I respect you.

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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch

i've done his before and it was a disaster. i had spiky hair on top and just tried to clipper the sides. i had a fucking step! i went to the gym at lunchtime and when i left it was all fluffy and really bad. i'm say if its not an all over shave then either get someone with experience/training to do it or go pay someone 10quid.


these days my hair is neck length and i'm been trimming it myself but now the neck at the back is getting too long and i might go get a trim somewhere decent. pay some money.


in the past i've had real trouble finding a decent place. i got shoulder massages from mexicans and razorbladed around the ear from old geezers. chinese haircut is ok. haven't tried russian yet.




i should add that i hate being touched by a stranger

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Guest boo

i had an undercut once when i was a kid, yea interesting innit


then i had the piss taken out of my for copying this other kids hairstyle, and i was like 'but his mum is my hairdresser' and they were all 'yeah right' and i was like 'why would i lie about that?', :cry:

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it's important not to overdo it. i've not had a professional haircut in several years and usually my shit looks pretty lush (i think this is less b/c of my cutting abilities & more b/c i just have a sweet head of hair). whatever you're thinking of doing, do like one level less. otherwise you might go over the top, you know? take it slow and if you don't get into the groove you might want to hold off for a minute; eventually you will probably find that nice rhythm and collaboration with the nature flow of your locks -- it's hugo boss, y0!


my favorite ritual: put on disc 2 of white rainbow's box and just kind of half zone out and go with the flow. by the end it's like some paul mitchell shit and bitches are like climbing in my windows wanting to run their fingers through that shit.

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Guest abusivegeorge

I have never paid for a haircut because my mum used to be a hairdresser, well she still is really, coz she still cuts everyones hair. If the Smiths family are back in the flats I go bald coz then they don't fuck with me, if they are all in prison I go for a number 2, luckily I've not had to go bald for about 14 years.

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