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How to make a homemade clock like a child prodigy electronic genius

Guest skibby

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Dude you have no idea how fast the construction boom in Mecca has gotten out of control. I work a lot in Saudi, and it's almost sacrilegious to some, now you can even pay someone to slaughter a goat for you, which a lot of Muslims do on the Hajj, and they just give you a paper receipt to show Allah. Only Muslims can enter the holy city, but there are so many condos going up, a lot of conservatives are of the opinion of "what's the point anymore?"


It's incredible how under-discussed this is. A large part of the very old and historic city of Mecca has been demolished and destroyed for very recent commercial development - fortresses, mosques, cemeteries. Def ironic parallels to contemporary evangelism in the U.S. where tacky megachurches look and feel like everything opposite of the old and traditional.


I'm not Muslim. I was raised protestant but I'm irreligious now. I consider myself spiritual and I find a lot of beauty in religion iconography, art, music, rites, etc. but reject it as an institution. When I stumbled upon National Geographic magazines and books about Mecca I found the place fascinating and mystical even. So I was flabbergasted and shocked to see Masjid al-Haramv adjoining a hotel that would put any Las Vegas resort to shame. Oddly enough I find it more disillusioning than all the horrible ISIS/ISIL shit going on (because that stuff has gone on for centuries off/on).



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nah, don't buy it. like i said she could have just asked to see wtf was going on. you don't walk around the school talking casually with your friends and teachers, being a cheery kid and whatnot, and also have a bomb that you want to detonate. what i'm saying is it might look like a bomb but I can't imagine a context in which to be worried unless the kid was actually making threats and stuff.

So you wanna err on the side of false negatives?


given the circumstances, yes.


So if had turned out to be a bomb

And had killed a dozen or so kids

Would you have praised the teacher

For erring on the side of false negatives?


except that it wasn't a bomb, and your hypothetical implies a scenario where it was likely that this kid ahmed would make a bomb. there is no chance of that happening. we'd have to examine the circumstances that distinguish your hypothetical, and there's a good chance in that case he'd have shown a history of behaviour that might imply he is looking to harm others.


I think you forgot that it doesn't always matter whether the bomber wants to harm others, many times they are forced into it by relatives or other authoritarian figures. Ahmed being made to bring in a bomb by a fanatical family member or other relative is not the most ridiculously far fetched statement, and him having a history of being nice is irrelevant in this scenario.

EDIT: So to follow on, in this scenario, the circumstances for the bombing exist but are completely unknown to the teachers, so siding on false negatives would be disastrous.

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well he showed it off after the alarm went off in class and it was discovered.

and how is this relevant? it doesn't really relate to my point. nothing about this implies he knew it appeared to be a bomb before it was bought to school. it seems like it was only when he was arrested that it become apparent, and even then, surely he'd have been able to to settle people's fears if he was given a chance before being carried away by the cops.



it's relevant because of the way the story is presented.

he says he invented (I assume he means 'built') the clock and he implies that he deliberately showed it off to his tech teacher, not that it was discovered by his english teacher when the alarm went off.


at 1:30 he says he decided to have it powered by mains voltage because he didn't want it to look suspicious (which implies he knew it looked like a bomb).


in spite of his race notorious white man steve wozniak was arrested as a teen for bringing a fake bomb to school. the difference being of course that he actually built the thing.

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nothing about this implies he knew it appeared to be a bomb before it was bought to school. it seems like it was only when he was arrested that it become apparent, and even then, surely he'd have been able to to settle people's fears if he was given a chance before being carried away by the cops.


nope, he knew it was suspicious from the get-go. he admitted as much on that video he did afterwards. for some reason he thought removing the lock clasp and using a bit of cable to tie it up would make it look less suspicious though, which is weird because if anything it makes it look more suspicious.


edit: what DerWaschbar said

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The kid clearly identifies that he showed it to his tech teacher, who told him not to show it off to anyone else. Then it was discovered by the English teacher when the alarm went off.


At 01:30 he actually says he locks it with a simple cable, nothing about powering it with a mains.


The town's mayor has led an ill-informed "anti-sharia crusade". Which is an indication of the attitude toward Muslims at city hall.


So let's assess the situation - perhaps the teachers were correct in calling the police to determine if further action needed to be taken.

Why then would the police arrest the kid, upon discovery that it was in fact, an actual clock? Based on what we know about attitudes toward Muslims at city hall, and the recent climate toward minorities among some police forces, can we not accept that, maybe, just maybe, racism played a part in the arrest?

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they would have arrested him because bomb hoaxing is taken seriously, regardless of the race of the hoaxer. the fact that he was uncommunicative with the teachers and cops after the problem arose probably didn't help his situation any.

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they would have arrested him because bomb hoaxing is taken seriously, regardless of the race of the hoaxer. the fact that he was uncommunicative with the teachers and cops after the problem arose probably didn't help his situation any.


But he never claimed it to be a bomb. The English teacher who discovered it was the one who thought it was a bomb.

If he misrepresented it as a bomb, then yes, I would have no issue with his treatment. But as far as we know, he never represented it as anything other than a clock.

He wasn't uncommunicative - he repeatedly insisted it was a clock. Which it was.

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well he showed it off after the alarm went off in class and it was discovered.

and how is this relevant? it doesn't really relate to my point. nothing about this implies he knew it appeared to be a bomb before it was bought to school. it seems like it was only when he was arrested that it become apparent, and even then, surely he'd have been able to to settle people's fears if he was given a chance before being carried away by the cops.



it's relevant because of the way the story is presented.

he says he invented (I assume he means 'built') the clock and he implies that he deliberately showed it off to his tech teacher, not that it was discovered by his english teacher when the alarm went off.


at 1:30 he says he decided to have it powered by mains voltage because he didn't want it to look suspicious (which implies he knew it looked like a bomb).


in spite of his race notorious white man steve wozniak was arrested as a teen for bringing a fake bomb to school. the difference being of course that he actually built the thing.


he and Jobs also used to phone phreak in college, something that would probly get the FCC and maybe even Homeland Security knocking on their door these days.



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nothing about this implies he knew it appeared to be a bomb before it was bought to school. it seems like it was only when he was arrested that it become apparent, and even then, surely he'd have been able to to settle people's fears if he was given a chance before being carried away by the cops.

nope, he knew it was suspicious from the get-go. he admitted as much on that video he did afterwards. for some reason he thought removing the lock clasp and using a bit of cable to tie it up would make it look less suspicious though, which is weird because if anything it makes it look more suspicious.


edit: what DerWaschbar said


I was simply addressing this statement:


"well he showed it off after the alarm went off in class and it was discovered."


it was dumb of me to say 'only when he was arrested it became apparent' because at the very least his teacher did say something. again, I just don't care about this part, I think it's irrelevant. kids bringing bombs to school is not an epidemic, crazy white kids with guns is statistically a far far greater problem in schools yet everyone ignores every sign that leads up to these events. again, it is very clear this kid is not a threat.


it doesn't need to be an epidemic for it to be taken seriously. your completely wrong about schools ignoring gun related stuff as well, it's entirely the opposite, they're focused on it to ridiculously paranoid levels - a kid was suspended recently for writing a story in which he shot a dinosaur with a gun ffs, there are loads of other similar stories, plus the fact that lots of schools now have metal detectors in them now.

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But he never claimed it to be a bomb. The English teacher who discovered it was the one who thought it was a bomb.

If he misrepresented it as a bomb, then yes, I would have no issue with his treatment. But as far as we know, he never represented it as anything other than a clock.

He wasn't uncommunicative - he repeatedly insisted it was a clock. Which it was.


He was uncommunicative, he kept responding to them with the same answer regardless of the question they were asking him. he was certainly behaving weird enough for them to be suspicious. Obviously there is a difference between deliberately ringing in a bomb threat and what this kid did, but him claiming it was just a clock when he obviously realised it was suspicious does put it in the same ballpark for me. It seems likely to me that him and his dad did this deliberately to troll the authorities for PR reasons. Bomb related PR in schools isn't cool.

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He claimed it was a clock because it was a clock. That's no great logical leap.

He also put the cable clasp on to make it look less suspicious. So maybe he thought he'd done enough to make it look unsuspicious.

Finally, where did the teacher discover it? In his backpack-hardly trolling.

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well he claimed it was a clock he made which it isn't. it's understandable in my mind that people would be suspicious of his claims since he is lying.

also the impression i have is that the whole of the clock guts were contained in the pencil case, meaning there would be nothing that looked suspicious unless it was opened. wouldn't wrapping an electrical cable around an otherwise normal pencil case make it more obviously suspicious? especially if that pencil case with wire starts beeping during a class and you open it and it contains clock guts?


perhaps it was an innocent miscommunication, but at the very least it's interesting to note how many news organizations are still running stories suggesting that he built the clock even though it has been well established that he didn't.


mesh what would happen if a white kid brought a fake gun to school?

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lol, he didn't claim anything to begin with, not even to the police which is what made everyone suspicious.


also, did you realise that his sister had been suspended for making bomb threats


Again, this goes back to the father being a radical nutbag and this whole thing being a psyop. but some people realllllly hate to be wrong. so whatever, /exits thread again for you people to argue about things that are not actually part of what happened in any way, shape or form.

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mesh what would happen if a white kid brought a fake gun to school?


There are many many cases of this exact thing. A child has been suspended for biting his food in to the shape of a gun. space age style toy guns that look nothing like the real gun have caused suspensions, and on and on with the PC nut parade. guns arr bad mmkay, islam good m'kay, texas white poeple bad mm'kay,

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well he claimed it was a clock he made which it isn't. it's understandable in my mind that people would be suspicious of his claims since he is lying.

also the impression i have is that the whole of the clock guts were contained in the pencil case, meaning there would be nothing that looked suspicious unless it was opened. wouldn't wrapping an electrical cable around an otherwise normal pencil case make it more obviously suspicious? especially if that pencil case with wire starts beeping during a class and you open it and it contains clock guts?


perhaps it was an innocent miscommunication, but at the very least it's interesting to note how many news organizations are still running stories suggesting that he built the clock even though it has been well established that he didn't.


mesh what would happen if a white kid brought a fake gun to school?


What? Nobody has conclusively proven that he didn't make it. Some sites have said they could make it as well, or they could deconstruct a clock to have similar innards, but that is no proof this kid didn't make it.


Let's say he did take apart a clock and attach it to a different display and put it in a pencil case. Is that not the kind of curiosity many people show when starting out building things?

Does that warrant being arrested? He never said it was a bomb, so it could not be considered a bomb hoax. Instead the administrators assumed it was a bomb.


Let's look at the (in)famous story of Steve Wozniak - he actually built something to mimic a bomb, so it is understandable that they would be suspicious. But this was never represented as anything other than a clock.

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I think the whole clock in tiny case thing was done intentionally to make a point. It's like being a black dude and getting oneself beaten by police to prove a point. I see it as revolutionary action, done with skilled planning and execution to get media coverage on a problem of USA society. He sort of did what the "don't taze me bro!" dude did, except Ahmed was more passive about it. Sometimes the only way to change society, is to point out its flaws by triggering the switches that perhaps shouldn't be there in the first place.

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He claimed it was a clock because it was a clock. That's no great logical leap.

He also put the cable clasp on to make it look less suspicious. So maybe he thought he'd done enough to make it look unsuspicious.

Finally, where did the teacher discover it? In his backpack-hardly trolling.


It was a clock, a clock that looked like a shitty bomb from a low budget tv show. The cable clasp made it look more suspicious if anything. Who puts a fucking clock in a case anyway (which looked more like a suitcase than a pencil case)? Surely the point of it is to be able to tell the time, but for this one you have to untie the cable around the opening, open it up and hope you don't electrocute yourself on the capacitors that are sitting out in the open.


The teacher discovered it when the alarm went off, why did he set the alarm to go off in the middle of English class when the other teacher had already told him not to show it to anyone else?

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At this point, the word "clock" has been mentioned 32 times in this thread, quotes and this post not included.


Its usage of the word "clock" has surpassed other clock related threads on watmm, such as 10,000 Year Clock (6) and The Clock Of The Long Now (16), both threads which are incidentally about the same clock.




This officially is the Most Clock Thread Ever on WATMM.







We did it, guys.

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