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Marmite and peanut butter in a toasted sandwich.

Marmite and english mustard in a non-toasted fried egg sandwich ((one slice with marmite, one with mustard) Same for ready salted crisp sandwich))

Marinade chicken wings or thighs in diluted marmite for 24hrs before cooking.

Marmite on skin side of seabass fillets after frying.


Just eat it out the pot with a spoon tbh.


I like marmite

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Marmite and peanut butter in a toasted sandwich.

Marmite and english mustard in a non-toasted fried egg sandwich ((one slice with marmite, one with mustard) Same for ready salted crisp sandwich))

Marinade chicken wings or thighs in diluted marmite for 24hrs before cooking.

Marmite on skin side of seabass fillets after frying.


Just eat it out the pot with a spoon tbh.


I like marmite


Egg sandwich sounds great. I'll definitely give that a go next.

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Guest Chesney

I live where Marmite is made and the smell is putrid. Horrible stuff. Missus likes it though.

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I live where Marmite is made and the smell is putrid. Horrible stuff. Missus likes it though.

Ooh I bet - Apparently it really stinks near the Cadbury factory (in Birmingham I think it is) too which surprised me as I thought it'd all just smell like lovely melting chocolate
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What if someone had a marmite fetish? What if you met this girl who you thought was super hot, and you get naked with eachother and she opens a drawer and takes out a jar of marmite and asks you to lick it out of unholy places? Trump or Hilary?

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I live where Marmite is made and the smell is putrid. Horrible stuff. Missus likes it though.


I had to visit a pet food factory once (as in processing of tins of meat for dogs and cats). The smell/taste in the air outside was pretty fucking trippy. It was so nauseous I had bile and sick rising up right to the back of my throat, I just managed to keep it down. Fuck knows how heinous the sights and stench was on the inside. Pretty disturbing I'd imagine.

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I live where Marmite is made and the smell is putrid. Horrible stuff. Missus likes it though.


I had to visit a pet food factory once (as in processing of tins of meat for dogs and cats). The smell/taste in the air outside was pretty fucking trippy. It was so nauseous I had bile and sick rising up right to the back of my throat, I just managed to keep it down. Fuck knows how heinous the sights and stench was on the inside. Pretty disturbing I'd imagine.



Keep in mind, that stuff is supposed to be food.


It's not a very appetizing name.


Fill your mouth with our Marm, aiite?




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My GF hated it. I was a little overwhelmed with the first time I tried it, but then I really enjoyed it on buttered toast with eggs and bacon. I love strong tasting stuff like olives, wasabi, crazy mustards, etc., so Marmite fits right in that category.

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