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Australian School Bans Clapping


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i think it would be better to accept that racism in its most literal sense should apply to any discrimination against any race, and obviously this is a bad thing regardless of who it is, but it doesn't pack the same punch when it's against someone who is white, particularly in a predominantly white society. does that sound reasonable? i understand where the "you can't be racist against white people" attitude comes from, but i don't know if that attitude really helps anything in the long run.

Not only does the "only white people are racist" attitude not help anything in the long run, it is used as a pretext for (you guessed it) overt racism towards white people...like literally "the world would be better if all white people disappeared." If you said that about literally any other ethnicity, you would sound like fucking Heinrich Himler...but because of this insidious meme of "only white people are racist" people feel morally permitted to hold these positions (however fancifully).


Now look, I think a smidge of "white guilt" is healthy for us white people (for the standard historical reasons), but beyond that you get into "original sin" and "blood feud" territory. I didn't create the world I was born into, and to hold me responsible for it because of the color of my skin...How do people concerned with social justice not see the glaring hypocrisy in that?




This is a valid point - but you have to extend it - you've admitted to being a heroin user (addict?) - but you know that police and the criminal justice system are much more likely to incarcerate young black drug users than young white drug users.

Studies also show that minorites are less likely to complete rehab programs - largely because of socio-economic conditions.

So we should acknowledge that the system benefits us as white males in small insidious ways. These are the kinds of things we should strive to change.

This is not "every should be equal" - it's "everyone should be treated the same and have the same opportunities" - and yes this extends to poor white people as well.

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i think it would be better to accept that racism in its most literal sense should apply to any discrimination against any race, and obviously this is a bad thing regardless of who it is, but it doesn't pack the same punch when it's against someone who is white, particularly in a predominantly white society. does that sound reasonable? i understand where the "you can't be racist against white people" attitude comes from, but i don't know if that attitude really helps anything in the long run.

Not only does the "only white people are racist" attitude not help anything in the long run, it is used as a pretext for (you guessed it) overt racism towards white people...like literally "the world would be better if all white people disappeared." If you said that about literally any other ethnicity, you would sound like fucking Heinrich Himler...but because of this insidious meme of "only white people are racist" people feel morally permitted to hold these positions (however fancifully).


Now look, I think a smidge of "white guilt" is healthy for us white people (for the standard historical reasons), but beyond that you get into "original sin" and "blood feud" territory. I didn't create the world I was born into, and to hold me responsible for it because of the color of my skin...How do people concerned with social justice not see the glaring hypocrisy in that?

I think any reasonable person would find it repulsive to genuinely hold some one personally accountable for the sins of their race, and while there are plenty of twitter/tumblr wars out there on the topic it doesn't seem to me to have any real world depth. it seems to me irl discrimination against white people isn't particularly consequential and it seems odious to hear white men bemoan it.

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I agree with everything you said. Yes the system totally does disproportionately favor whites pretty much across the board. Never in a million years would I dispute that. But that is not what I was talking about.


I'm talking about direct attitudes towards people based on their ethnicity. In 2016 it's okay to say "white people should just fuck off and die" but definitely not okay to say "Jews should just fuck off and die".


And either it is okay to make statistics-based assumptions about people or not (e.g. "That person is white and white people tend to ___ therefor that person probably ____.") That is pretty much the logic of clutching your purse when a black kid walks by simply because, statistically, black people are more likely to commit a crime.


I can't imagine the cure for systemic racism is interpersonal racism.

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I mean yeah, I definitely hear you...whenever I hear some white republican talking about a "war on white people" I tend to roll my eyes (mostly because I have a shade-of-a-suspicion that what they really mean is "it's tough being a white supremacist these days")


But despite my reservations about bemoaning the plight of the modern white person in a world filled with so many graver concerns, nevertheless I can't help but notice this growing trend

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I hear ya, it is quite irritating to read all this "woke" identity politics safe space shit out there. but to me it's more of an annoyance than a significant threat.


but anyway fuck you whitey.

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I agree with everything you said. Yes the system totally does disproportionately favor whites pretty much across the board. Never in a million years would I dispute that. But that is not what I was talking about.


I'm talking about direct attitudes towards people based on their ethnicity. In 2016 it's okay to say "white people should just fuck off and die" but definitely not okay to say "Jews should just fuck off and die".


And either it is okay to make statistics-based assumptions about people or not (e.g. "That person is white and white people tend to ___ therefor that person probably ____.") That is pretty much the logic of clutching your purse when a black kid walks by simply because, statistically, black people are more likely to commit a crime.


I can't imagine the cure for systemic racism is interpersonal racism.


What? It's not okay to say white people should just fuck off and die. People who do say that get roundly condemned, at least outside of their very small tumblr circles.

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The thread took an interesting direction here


That's where we disagree, I guess.
My whole thesis is that explicitly anti-white attitudes and rhetoric are becoming normalized.


Meh. I don't think that's as firm in reality as you seem to think. Sure the hatred and anti-white you speak of exists somewhere, but across the board, whitey is still in the lead for the most part in the USA.


You can't say we don't have it coming just a little bit... for you know... most of 'western' history?

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David Duke ran for Senate in Louisiana in 1990....and HALF of white voters voted for him

Fucking HALF


I have a suspicion that there are a lot of hidden White Supremacists who hide their ideology as a social strategy, but in the privacy of a voting booth they would gladly vote for some fascist neo-nazi

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David Duke ran for Senate in Louisiana in 1990....and HALF of white voters voted for him

Fucking HALF


I have a suspicion that there are a lot of hidden White Supremacists who hide their ideology as a social strategy, but in the privacy of a voting booth they would gladly vote for some fascist neo-nazi

Which explains why Donald Trump is the Republican candidate for the US Presidency.

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