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WATMM's Most Popular Tags


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Out of curiosity, I checked to see what tags were the most popular/most used. Here's the top ones, at 100+ uses:


autechre 1362

Aphex Twin 1332

squarepusher 828

plaid 567

boards of canada 438

ambient 385

idm 380

luke vibert 356

acid 260

ceephax 255


braindance 214

techno 204

electronic 172

Experimental 166

LP 131

rephlex 126

electronica 121

electro 115


So as you can see, the mighty Autechre edges out Aphex Twin as the most-used tag on WATMM!

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I think autechre fans are just more capable of understanding the tag system vs aphex fans


 Or autechre fans are more obsessed with writing the band's name wherever they can, like infront of topics in a subforum already dedicated to the band, check the topic headings on the first page for either group to further confirm my point.

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I think autechre fans are just more capable of understanding the tag system vs aphex fans

Autechre Fans - Thinking that they're more intelligent because muhtechre since 1993!



 fekst ... Also, i don't mean to start a war, just defending the pham from specious claims.

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I think autechre fans are just more capable of understanding the tag system vs aphex fans


 Or autechre fans are more obsessed with writing the band's name wherever they can, like infront of topics in a subforum already dedicated to the band, check the topic headings on the first page for either group to further confirm my point.


Well, they only edged out Aphex fans by 30 tags, so not that much more obsessed :dadjoke:

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I think autechre fans are just more capable of understanding the tag system vs aphex fans


 Or autechre fans are more obsessed with writing the band's name wherever they can, like infront of topics in a subforum already dedicated to the band, check the topic headings on the first page for either group to further confirm my point.


Well, they only edged out Aphex fans by 30 tags, so not that much more obsessed :dadjoke:



 Well, that might be fun and games and all, but how many more aphex related topics are there on watmm as compared to autechre ? I would presume far more, therefore your point doesn't stand.

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I think autechre fans are just more capable of understanding the tag system vs aphex fans


 Or autechre fans are more obsessed with writing the band's name wherever they can, like infront of topics in a subforum already dedicated to the band, check the topic headings on the first page for either group to further confirm my point.


Well, they only edged out Aphex fans by 30 tags, so not that much more obsessed :dadjoke:



 Well, that might be fun and games and all, but how many more aphex related topics are there on watmm as compared to autechre ? I would presume far more, therefore your point doesn't stand.


Aphex Twin Subforum: 3,570 topics 150,314 replies

Autechre Subforum: 1,951 topics 88,064 replies

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I think autechre fans are just more capable of understanding the tag system vs aphex fans


 Or autechre fans are more obsessed with writing the band's name wherever they can, like infront of topics in a subforum already dedicated to the band, check the topic headings on the first page for either group to further confirm my point.


Well, they only edged out Aphex fans by 30 tags, so not that much more obsessed :dadjoke:



 Well, that might be fun and games and all, but how many more aphex related topics are there on watmm as compared to autechre ? I would presume far more, therefore your point doesn't stand.


Aphex Twin Subforum: 3,570 topics 150,314 replies

Autechre Subforum: 1,951 topics 88,064 replies




 yeah thanks, see there you go.

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It probably maybe helps that Autechre have been on tour more, so more topics have been created about those recently? I presume with the AFX world tour imminent he may make a comeback.


 We have already established that there are far more aphex threads and posts in his subforum than there are autechre threads and posts, and that the reason why there were more autechre tags was because autechre fans for whatever reason, prefer to use the tags. Therefore, more aphex activity will not corresponding result in more 'aphex' tags relative to 'autechre' tags in front of threads. We can pretty well know this as both subforums have been around for so long that any variability due to more or less artist activity will have been ironed out and so no longer effect the result that we've ended up with. Of course now that this discrepancy has been pointed out, perhaps aphex twin thread posters will start using tags and this will effect the overall outcome when we convene at the end of next year for the great tag assessment council. You're welcome.

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I think autechre fans are just more capable of understanding the tag system vs aphex fans


 Or autechre fans are more obsessed with writing the band's name wherever they can, like infront of topics in a subforum already dedicated to the band, check the topic headings on the first page for either group to further confirm my point.


Well, they only edged out Aphex fans by 30 tags, so not that much more obsessed :dadjoke:



 Well, that might be fun and games and all, but how many more aphex related topics are there on watmm as compared to autechre ? I would presume far more, therefore your point doesn't stand.


Aphex Twin Subforum: 3,570 topics 150,314 replies

Autechre Subforum: 1,951 topics 88,064 replies



Quality topics in the aphex sub:


'an open letter to richard'


'am I the only one who likes SAW II???'


'post pictures where richard is looking pensive'

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I think we've heard quite enough about chemtrails and reptiluminati from young master richard


but how else will we find out what he thinks about #pizzagate?

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