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Google Chrome Helper - A Grand WTF


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I have a top-end macbook I purchased back in June and love the thing to death. Super fast, long battery life, great retina display, ect. The past month or so I've noticed a dip in performance and pinpointed it to a process/plugin named 'google chrome helper' 


This shit will be eating 75%+ of my CPU with just a tab or two open in the browser while heating up my gear in a serious manner. Tried toggling some settings (the 'click to play' thing isn't an option like I've seen online, my chrome browser has no such option in the advanced content settings) and nothing got better.


So I just shut down chrome and started using safari. Problem solved, battery life went way up and performance went back to normal.. Any one have any idea how to get that to fuck off? I prefer chrome TBH but thats a huuuuge fuckup that I can't be running if I want this thing to last. How the fuck has this not been fixed by chrome/google?! 




(sorry if this is super noob-ish, but google search isn't yielding anything that works and I'm not too savvy with applications or life in general) 

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Did everything those suggested. Besides the 3rd one which is a sneaky butthole of an ad. 


Clearing the browser cache didn't do much. And it's weird. the first link tells you to go the route - 


First, shut down all your Chrome windows without quitting the program. In the Chrome menu, go to “Preferences,” scroll all the way down in the menu, and click on “Show advanced settings…” The first item in the expanded advanced settings list will be “Privacy,” and click on the “Content Settings” button right under that. About halfway down the content settings list is a “Plug-ins” entry, which will likely be set to “Run automatically.” Instead, select “Click to play.”


- Only issue there is that I don't seem to have a "plug-ins" option in that settings list. This is an up-to-date chrome so maybe they took that out in a more recent update.




I switched begrudgingly to using Safari and everything is fine again. 

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oh shit why is that an ad.

that's supposed to be a link to the apple discussion group...oh i know why.


here try and just copy and paste the text


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there is no solution, Chrome has been a massive resource hog, always.


I was quite unhappy with that for a while but tbh Safari is quite good! It has the most minimal UI, by far the best support for keyboard shortcuts (or rather: it supports the known system shortcuts instead of being weird) is quick and light, and it syncs passwords / history etc with my iOS devices. Only extension I use is an ad blocker. Do not install Flash (srsly if a site still needs Flash - fuck that site).

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Safari + iCloud Keychain + Ghostery and an Ad blocker = quite good.


Got flash almost completely off my computer and only use Chrome when I "need" flash, since it gets patched (relatively) quickly.

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If you really like Chrome (I do) there's also the open-source Chromium version. It's more of a pain in the ass to install, but being open source, it lacks a lot of the weird bullshit that Chrome has, and one thing might be that "helper": https://www.chromium.org/getting-involved/download-chromium

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I first read the thread title as Artist Name - Album Name, and thought this must be some weird post-ironic microgenre music.

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