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On 4/15/2020 at 5:40 PM, diatoms said:

Scorpions have 6 legs and 2 pincers

The Emperor's New Groove1056786017_Screenshot2020-04-17at19_56_09.thumb.png.85c09d32e7a3e7c9d14fcc15ff479377.png


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  • 4 weeks later...

We may have spotted a parallel universe going backwards in time

Strange particles observed by an experiment in Antarctica could be evidence of an alternative reality where everything is upside down

8 April 2020

IN THE Antarctic, things happen at a glacial pace. Just ask Peter Gorham. For a month at a time, he and his colleagues would watch a giant balloon carrying a collection of antennas float high above the ice, scanning over a million square kilometres of the frozen landscape for evidence of high-energy particles arriving from space.

When the experiment returned to the ground after its first flight, it had nothing to show for itself, bar the odd flash of background noise. It was the same story after the second flight more than a year later.

While the balloon was in the sky for the third time, the researchers decided to go over the past data again, particularly those signals dismissed as noise. It was lucky they did. Examined more carefully, one signal seemed to be the signature of a high-energy particle. But it wasn’t what they were looking for. Moreover, it seemed impossible. Rather than bearing down from above, this particle was exploding out of the ground.

That strange finding was made in 2016. Since then, all sorts of suggestions rooted in known physics have been put forward to account for the perplexing signal, and all have been ruled out. What’s left is shocking in its implications. Explaining this signal requires the existence of a topsy-turvy universe created in the same big bang as our own and existing in parallel with it. In this mirror world, positive is negative, left is right and time runs backwards. It is perhaps the most mind-melting idea ever to have emerged from the Antarctic ice ­­– but it might just be true. …


NASA Scientists Discover Possible Evidence of a Parallel Universe

  • Updated May 19, 2020 at 5:34pm


Science fiction and actual science may be aligning. That’s because NASA scientists have discovered something they can’t explain any other way other than that they may have found evidence of a parallel universe.

This discovery was made by the NASA sponsored research group Antarctic Impulsive Transient Antenna, or ANITA. The group was funded for $35 million in 2003 to look for and study “ghostly particles that fill the universe”, according to NASA. The project uses a specially made balloon that “detects radio waves emitted when high-energy neutrinos interact in the Antarctic ice shelf,” NASA reported. The mission is being led by Peter W. Gorham of the University of Hawaii at Manoa in Honolulu.

According to New Scientist, a specially designed balloon that holds antennae would go up for a month and scan thousands of miles of antarctic air looking for high-energy particles that would come down from space. After two flights over more than two years, the results only yielded brief moments of background noise but nothing else.

Antartica was the chosen place for study because of its “cold dry air where there is little or no radio noise to distort its findings.” according to the Daily Star, who reported, “there is a constant ‘wind’ of high energy particles coming from outer space – some of which are a million times more powerful than anything we can generate ourselves.”

During the balloon’s third flight scientists decided to look over the data from the previous flights again — specifically at the random noises it recorded. What they discovered, according to New Scientist, was something impossible. The signal wasn’t coming from space but rather it was coming up from the ground.

“That means that these particles are traveling back in time and could be evidence of a parallel universe,” Tech Times reported.

Researchers Ruled Out All the Other Explanations They Could Think Of

The inexplicable findings were made in 2016, and for years various explanations have been put forth since then, but they’ve been ruled out, according to New Scientist.

The publication wrote, “Explaining this signal requires the existence of a topsy-turvy universe created in the same big bang as our own and existing in parallel with it. In this mirror world, positive is negative, left is right and time runs backwards.”

It’s extremely rare that the signal might only happen once, but the research team saw the phenomenon happen time and time again, leaving them with limited explanations, according TechTimes.

Theoretical Physicist George Ellis is skeptical that parallel universes exist. He wrote in the journal, Nature, that it’s not knowable given humanity’s limited ability to see beyond our own universe, saying:

We do not know how to test which is right, if any, because we cannot make direct observations of domains beyond the observational horizon — the greatest distance that light can have travelled towards us since the Universe became transparent to radiation 300,000 years after the Big Bang. Given this lack of evidence, there is a viable…option: that there is no multiverse at all.

Some Scientists Don’t Think the Idea of a Parallel Universe is That Far Fetched

The scientific understanding of the Big Bang Theory includes the possibility that one or more parallel universes exist. This theory is referred to as ‘multiverse’, in which many universes can live alongside each other.

According to the website, Space, there are several theories for alternate universes, including infinite universes. One reason for this is “we don’t know what the shape of space-time is exactly. One prominent theory is that it is flat and goes on forever. This would present the possibility of many universes being out there. But with that topic in mind, it’s possible that universes can start repeating themselves. That’s because particles can only be put together in so many ways,” Space reports.

Physicist Brian Greene who wrote a book called, The Hidden Universe: Parallel Universes and the Deep Laws of the Cosmos, told NPR in 2011, “there are only so many ways matter can arrange itself within that infinite universe. Eventually, matter has to repeat itself and arrange itself in similar ways. So if the universe is infinitely large, it is also home to infinite parallel universes.”

A multiverse theory that Greene thinks is promising is String Theory, which works to iron out mathematical inconsistencies between two accepted scientific theories that don’t work together, quantum mechanics, and the theory of relativity.

Forbes describes String Theory, as “the thread of an idea that’s run through physics for centuries, that at some fundamental level, all the different forces, particles, interactions and manifestations of reality are tied together as part of the same framework.”




I was made aware of this from https://old.reddit.com/r/Retconned/



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Wake up, Matrix...

The Neo has you...

Follow the white rabbit.

Knock, knock, Matrix.




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You can see what is in front of you.

You can't see what is behind you.

You can see the past through memory.

You can't see the future.

The past is in front of us.

The future is behind us.

Time doesn't move, we are moving through time backwards, toward the future.

Don't forget: Remember. Remember?



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You can see what is in front of you.

You can't see what is behind you.

You can see the past through memory.

You can't see the future.

The past is in front of us.

The future is behind us.

Time doesn't move, we are moving through time backwards, toward the future.

Don't forget: Remember. Remember?




i member now!





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On 10/1/2018 at 8:37 AM, diatoms said:

'Bizarre Particles Keep Flying Out of Antarctica’s Ice, and They Might Shatter Modern Physics'



'Cosmic rays emanating from the south polar ice cap could lead to new physics'


from https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/bizarre-particles-keep-flying-out-of-antarcticas-ice-and-they-might-shatter-modern-physics/  September 29, 2018




"There’s something mysterious coming up from the frozen ground in Antarctica, and it could break physics as we know it.


Physicists don’t know what it is exactly. But they do know it’s some sort of cosmic ray—a high-energy particle that’s blasted its way through space, into the Earth, and back out again. But the particles physicists know about—the collection of particles that make up what scientists call the Standard Model (SM) of particle physics—shouldn’t be able to do that. Sure, there are low-energy neutrinos that can pierce through miles upon miles of rock unaffected. But high-energy neutrinos, as well as other high-energy particles, have “large cross-sections.” That means that they’ll almost always crash into something soon after zipping into the Earth and never make it out the other side.


And yet, since March 2016, researchers have been puzzling over two events in Antarctica where cosmic rays did burst out from the Earth, and were detected by NASA’s Antarctic Impulsive Transient Antenna (ANITA)—a balloon-borne antenna drifting over the southern continent."


from https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/bizarre-particles-keep-flying-out-of-antarcticas-ice-and-they-might-shatter-modern-physics/



On 5/20/2020 at 11:29 AM, diatoms said:

We may have spotted a parallel universe going backwards in time

Strange particles observed by an experiment in Antarctica could be evidence of an alternative reality where everything is upside down

8 April 2020

IN THE Antarctic, things happen at a glacial pace. Just ask Peter Gorham. For a month at a time, he and his colleagues would watch a giant balloon carrying a collection of antennas float high above the ice, scanning over a million square kilometres of the frozen landscape for evidence of high-energy particles arriving from space.

When the experiment returned to the ground after its first flight, it had nothing to show for itself, bar the odd flash of background noise. It was the same story after the second flight more than a year later.

While the balloon was in the sky for the third time, the researchers decided to go over the past data again, particularly those signals dismissed as noise. It was lucky they did. Examined more carefully, one signal seemed to be the signature of a high-energy particle. But it wasn’t what they were looking for. Moreover, it seemed impossible. Rather than bearing down from above, this particle was exploding out of the ground.

That strange finding was made in 2016. Since then, all sorts of suggestions rooted in known physics have been put forward to account for the perplexing signal, and all have been ruled out. What’s left is shocking in its implications. Explaining this signal requires the existence of a topsy-turvy universe created in the same big bang as our own and existing in parallel with it. In this mirror world, positive is negative, left is right and time runs backwards. It is perhaps the most mind-melting idea ever to have emerged from the Antarctic ice ­­– but it might just be true. …


NASA Scientists Discover Possible Evidence of a Parallel Universe

  • Updated May 19, 2020 at 5:34pm


Science fiction and actual science may be aligning. That’s because NASA scientists have discovered something they can’t explain any other way other than that they may have found evidence of a parallel universe.

This discovery was made by the NASA sponsored research group Antarctic Impulsive Transient Antenna, or ANITA. The group was funded for $35 million in 2003 to look for and study “ghostly particles that fill the universe”, according to NASA. The project uses a specially made balloon that “detects radio waves emitted when high-energy neutrinos interact in the Antarctic ice shelf,” NASA reported. The mission is being led by Peter W. Gorham of the University of Hawaii at Manoa in Honolulu.

According to New Scientist, a specially designed balloon that holds antennae would go up for a month and scan thousands of miles of antarctic air looking for high-energy particles that would come down from space. After two flights over more than two years, the results only yielded brief moments of background noise but nothing else.

Antartica was the chosen place for study because of its “cold dry air where there is little or no radio noise to distort its findings.” according to the Daily Star, who reported, “there is a constant ‘wind’ of high energy particles coming from outer space – some of which are a million times more powerful than anything we can generate ourselves.”

During the balloon’s third flight scientists decided to look over the data from the previous flights again — specifically at the random noises it recorded. What they discovered, according to New Scientist, was something impossible. The signal wasn’t coming from space but rather it was coming up from the ground.

“That means that these particles are traveling back in time and could be evidence of a parallel universe,” Tech Times reported.

Researchers Ruled Out All the Other Explanations They Could Think Of

The inexplicable findings were made in 2016, and for years various explanations have been put forth since then, but they’ve been ruled out, according to New Scientist.

The publication wrote, “Explaining this signal requires the existence of a topsy-turvy universe created in the same big bang as our own and existing in parallel with it. In this mirror world, positive is negative, left is right and time runs backwards.”

It’s extremely rare that the signal might only happen once, but the research team saw the phenomenon happen time and time again, leaving them with limited explanations, according TechTimes.

Theoretical Physicist George Ellis is skeptical that parallel universes exist. He wrote in the journal, Nature, that it’s not knowable given humanity’s limited ability to see beyond our own universe, saying:

We do not know how to test which is right, if any, because we cannot make direct observations of domains beyond the observational horizon — the greatest distance that light can have travelled towards us since the Universe became transparent to radiation 300,000 years after the Big Bang. Given this lack of evidence, there is a viable…option: that there is no multiverse at all.

Some Scientists Don’t Think the Idea of a Parallel Universe is That Far Fetched

The scientific understanding of the Big Bang Theory includes the possibility that one or more parallel universes exist. This theory is referred to as ‘multiverse’, in which many universes can live alongside each other.

According to the website, Space, there are several theories for alternate universes, including infinite universes. One reason for this is “we don’t know what the shape of space-time is exactly. One prominent theory is that it is flat and goes on forever. This would present the possibility of many universes being out there. But with that topic in mind, it’s possible that universes can start repeating themselves. That’s because particles can only be put together in so many ways,” Space reports.

Physicist Brian Greene who wrote a book called, The Hidden Universe: Parallel Universes and the Deep Laws of the Cosmos, told NPR in 2011, “there are only so many ways matter can arrange itself within that infinite universe. Eventually, matter has to repeat itself and arrange itself in similar ways. So if the universe is infinitely large, it is also home to infinite parallel universes.”

A multiverse theory that Greene thinks is promising is String Theory, which works to iron out mathematical inconsistencies between two accepted scientific theories that don’t work together, quantum mechanics, and the theory of relativity.

Forbes describes String Theory, as “the thread of an idea that’s run through physics for centuries, that at some fundamental level, all the different forces, particles, interactions and manifestations of reality are tied together as part of the same framework.”




I was made aware of this from https://old.reddit.com/r/Retconned/



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32 minutes ago, Gocab said:

Feel old yet?



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  3 Years

and a Rave



On 6/7/2017 at 3:33 PM, diatoms said:

My Best Friend who happens to be my wife but we're separated now who might join watmm because of Aphex's show and the whole experience, and I got there around 16:20 sunday. We found a nice sunny spot to sit and started rolling. The gardaí were super chill cool as we sat, smoked cannabis and welcomed new friends to sit with us to the west of the stage until aphex started. We sat under the first skinny tall pole with the red flower on top near the long beer line, a few watmmers stopped and chatted to us. Was it you?


Quite a few random people I talked to were there for Aphex that hadn't heard of watmm.


"Other people are performing? I'm only here for Aphex Twin" Haha:)


I helped one fellow watmmer up the hill to get his poncho to stay dry from the rain before rdj went on. I was in a state myself but he was in another world which I was quickly arriving at:) "It's up there, top of the hill. 5 euro." "You got to help me get one." "All right come on" We talked up the hill, exchanged watmm handles which I can't quite remember, laughed and somehow arrived at the back of the poncho tent from my lead?! A brisk walk up the hill will definitely bring out your crystal roll and I by now had arrived in that world. We had to walk around to the front and he dug for the fiver. He put on his poncho backwards, I turned it the right way and he stuck his head up through the opening like a happy growling monster. Haha!


Aphex began and the crowd was awesome the sound was perfect and the energy flowed and healed a lot of people!!! The was the best show I've ever experienced:) Thank You RDJ!!!


I pogo'd around and saw the many smiles further up the hill as the rain fell making sparkles in the lazers. Everyone was Happy, Loving, accepting of others but also truly loving and accepting themselves for once. Everyone had room to dance and create their awesome reality. Thanks to ya Aphex:)


We didn't need to use our earplugs!!! No ringing afterwards and it was the perfect loud sound coming at you, Wooooo!


I'm almost certain I heard s950tx16wasr10 [16397][earth portal mix] and the guy in front smiled and agreed. Anyone else hear it?


I told this dancing being next to me me to watch the geometric infinity on the screen and it will be transfered into your brain crystal. He pulled back his sleeve to reveal two of the same complex patterns:) I love going to raves!


I started recording the last couple of minutes of the show and didn't realize I hadn't stopped recording for 30 minutes after. Great conversations though, Haha. My Best Friend and I went down to the front of the stage after he was done but we didn't see him. That's when Ryan and his family came out and everyone cheered and yelled his name. Big smiles!! The reason RDJ didn't come out on stage with them was to let Ryan and his family have the awesome experience and not everyone focused on Aphex. You're the Best RDJ:)


We stood around thinking we might see him after that and I could yell Chartreuse. But still didn't see him and were told by security to start heading up the hill. My Best Friend said she was gonna walk around and find him. I started talking to everyone, slowly walking up the hill already reminiscing about the time we just had.


I got to the top and it was getting bare bones but I was still trying to find her before I was kicked out the gate. They let me try and find her real quick.


"Come on, He's just over there. I told him I'd find you and come back." She says as we meet. But he was gone and we were being told to get gone. I think she was the only one to see past his disguise and talk to him. If she joins watmm maybe she'll recount her experience:)


Last night, we finally watched the video and there he is at two different times walking within a foot or two of me in his awesome disguise while I'm talking about anything with everyone forgetting that I'm recording holding it down at my side lost in the conversation. Don't worry RDJ we won't say what you were wearing! Fooled everyone but not my intelligent Best Friend, Haha:)


We went back to the hotel, then out again to meet friends for a bit and then returned and listened to the amazing Chartreuse field day lp. The first track brought tears


Thanks again RDJ, you help a lot of people


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Marina Abramović and Ulay

Rest Energy



Rest Easy

Your Heart

is no longer on the





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  • 4 weeks later...

I Remember

1 Dog year equals 7 Human years of life



things change:)

human age = 16 ln(dog_age) + 31


Every human year not equivalent to seven dog years, scientists find

Study of DNA changes in labradors suggests puppies age much faster than older dogs

Nicola Davis

Thu 2 Jul 2020 15.07


"Dogs do not simply age at seven times the rate of humans, scientists have found in a study that reveals young dogs might be “older” than previously thought.

The findings suggest a one-year-old puppy is actually about 30 in “human years” – an age when humans, at least, might be expected to have stopped running riot with the toilet paper.

However the rate of ageing in dogs, compared with humans, slows down as the years roll by.

Indeed, the findings suggest a one-year-old dog would have a “human age” of about 30, while by the age of four they’d be about 54 in “human years” and by 14 years old they would be on a par with a human in their mid-70s.

The relationship, the team say, is described by the formula: human age = 16 ln(dog_age) + 31. In maths, ln refers to the natural logarithm of a number."





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Aye Carl

Thanks to Z3R0GR4V



On 5/24/2019 at 10:21 PM, diatoms said:


from: http://www.somethinggeography.com/2016/10/where-is-south-america.html?m=1

Where is South America?

Someone discusses the Americas and you instantly create a mental map of the two continents.  How accurate do you think your mental map really is? Are you picturing jagged coastlines? national borders?  Did you even put South America in the correct location? Try looking at the image below. North America has been sliced through at Mexico.  Central America is missing.  South America has been pushed further north to make it easier to compare.
So which is correct? A or B?
It is A.  As seen in the Google Earth map below, most of South America extends east of North America.  
Locate the meridian (line of longitude) 80 degrees west. Travel the meridian from north to south and discover that it resides on the extreme eastern portion of Florida and only barely crosses the western portions of Ecuador and Peru.
The rest of South America lies east of Florida.
The two continents could have just as easily been called East America and West America.
First read on:

I Remember B


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Wedgewood China

dropped that e

now ravin'


https://twitter.com/search?q=wedgewood china&src=typeahead_click&f=live


found on: https://old.reddit.com/r/Retconned/comments/b3l0wb/wedgewood_china_now_wedgwood/




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