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Knob Twiddlers
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beerwolf last won the day on March 11

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    third stone from the sun

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    United Kingdom

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Community Answers

  1. Watched the Holland vs Austria match yesterday. Good choice. What a cracking game that was! Austria looked sharp as a razor, very impressive. England got the job done. Though they aren't playing like super heroes I'm a bit mystified at the torrent of negativity they are receiving from almost everyone. They aren't coming home are they? Getting tired of Slag Off England Shearer, who needs to fuck off imo. He's never got my goat before. Watching Belgium vs Ukraine now.
  2. The devil makes work of idle hands. (Us not them) BOC would probably agree with that quote concerning this thread. I do think the 'animosity' side of things has got a bit old.
  3. I find it entertaining but it is a little embarrassing. I'm guilty of posting some absolute twaddle on here but it's the nature of the beast that this thread is I'm afraid.
  4. Anyone now wishing they'd ordered the bees knees version? I am. I think....
  5. Looking forward to the Scotland match. And being English (though with Irish and Dutch ancestry and sporting an Irish surname) I hope they win! Even if I know they will cheer when we lose
  6. correct first time, on the left funny, some skater dude walked into a shop the other day with Death Grips t-shirt on and I said 'great band mate' and he said to me YOU'VE heard of Death Grips?!!!. I laughed then he did. Yeah I've heard of them. And I don't own any football shirts either. Never judge a book by its cover, I guess applies. Managed to sneak in Windowlicker yesterday between The Smashing Pumpkins and other 90's stuff. Have to say The Pumpkins sounded pretty good yesterday
  7. Trust me. We must thank Mr Howse for this moment, he was adamant we take a photo. So it was done. I'm usually too drunk and chilled to bother. All these lads aren't on social media, so that incentive doesn't exist. Which one is The Wolf Man? You decide. Happy birthday Watmm and happy reunion for my three best mates. Been a long time
  8. Before I have to start playing Oasis, Rancid and Green Day (could be much worse I suppose) I'm gonna chill with a decent cider and this
  9. Funnily enough my 3 best pals have booked today off for a BBQ round my house, it's been years since all four of us got together so it's a bit of a celebration. And the sun is out! We will drink a toast to watmm (though none of them like Aphex and Co.) Pictures may follow
  10. Definitely gonna pull the trigger on the Jap CD version. In the past I've just bought from eBay or discogs at the going price. Which has been reasonable. Not entirely confident about using pages translated from Japanese!
  11. Kind of hilarious how watmm is currently becoming as trolled as twoism Pig after pig. Cow after cow. the horror....the horror...
  12. Perfecto Just hit the nail on the head with a sledgehammer. That's what gets my goat.
  14. Nothing is simple or straight forward with BOC is it? 98% of other artists that I know of just let their fans know what's going on straight from the horses mouth. In the normal realm of music there's not all this covert, cryptic, clandestine, secret friend of a secret friend horseshit going on. Would imagine most fan bases would find this behaviour rather peculiar and a bit odd
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