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Everything posted by Joyrex

  1. Chelsea vs. Arsenal last week was a LOL
  2. In it's hind leg? You're a fucking idiot. He's probably just looking at it from a particular angle, perhaps to see the texture of the mummified skin...
  3. Looks like something you'd fight in a Final Fantasy game. SYMMETRICAL CAT ATTACKS!
  4. Not a strange picture, per se, but a strange video (of a strange owl): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BCgbYnNAbSM It's been posted before a long time ago, but still amazes me to this day.
  5. We've Started Up - dunno if I'd consider this a remix, since it uses another song, like Trapped and Midas Touch does...
  6. I dunno what's funnier - his lower lip or his... "hand"
  7. Unless they're young enough to have the CD or download... :) And I quoth myself again: Good song, good EP. You observed what I accomplished in that space.
  8. Unless they're young enough to have the CD or download... :) And I quoth myself again:
  9. Every self-respecting owner of SAW II should already know about this... perhaps not that it's a Yamaha CS-5, but at least that it was carved into the case of a synth used in the album's production.
  10. lol - he just needs a little sash across his chest!
  11. I was the Hall Monitor*. Surprised? * - Not really (what HS has hall monitors these days?) but it makes a nice self-depreciating joke nonetheless
  12. Slug Dub is epic... classic electronic music!
  13. As some of you may know, I'll be 37 this year, and still play video games, am interested in video games, read about video games, and generally enjoy discussing video games. One of the frustrating things about playing games and getting older is your reflexes are not what they once were, and as a result, it takes a bit of getting used to when someone half your age hands your ass to you in a competitive video game like Street Fighter. Sure, I guess I could compensate by playing MORE and devoting more time to it, but I have a family, job, wife, etc. that all take up my time, so it's not like I can sit and play for hours and hours without neglecting them (or staying up until the crack of dawn, which, when you're 37, gets harder and harder to recover from the next day). I enjoy the mutual interest my son and I have in games (I'm probably more into them than he is), and it's something we can share and enjoy together - but at what point am I "too old" to be playing games? Am I "too old" now? Should I be pursuing more "adult" interests, more "mature" interests? For me, video games are not just entertainment, but in a lot of ways, an art form - being a graphic designer, I've always looked at the visual aspects of games and could appreciate the beauty of simplistic 8-bit tile graphics made of pixels and a limited colour palette as much as I can be awed by today's near-photo-realistic rendered textures and shaded 3D objects made of millions of polygons. I also enjoy the ideas, stories and concepts that video games convey. I get the same enjoyment out of them as one would a blockbuster movie, or reading a good book. I know a lot of you are younger, so forgive the ramblings of an old man , but what do you think about all this? Should I "grow up" and stop playing games, or am I just making this up in my head, thinking I'm too old?
  14. Funny how they tried to say Manuel Sepulveda (aka the faux Brad Strider) made the music on Richard's gear. As if Richard would let anyone touch his gear... pppft.
  15. This is only for the PC, right?
  16. No more or less than the forums are moderated
  17. I like it... she has a nice voice. Cool video too. Still has that signature NIN sound, which is a good thing.
  18. Yes, as newsgroups are analogous to messages posted on a forum. Everything old is new again.
  19. If you're an active Knob Twiddlers or EKT Plus subscriber, you now have the ability to create a blog (or in the case of EKT Plus, up to two blogs), and upload your music, post your latest tracks you're working on, or anything you like - it's up to you. I look forward to reading what you all have to say and share thoughts on the things that matter to you, and what you have an opinion about. I think this will be a great addition to the forums, and allow even more opportunities for the artists here to get the exposure they deserve. It will also serve as a great way to keep up with things, as you can follow a blog and see new postings as the author releases them, without having to sort through other posts in the forums. UPDATE: Knob Twiddler account holders, I had your settings wrong, so if you went to create a blog and couldn't figure out how to do so, you now can. My apologies!
  20. I can see about allowing others to cross-blog... good idea!
  21. Yes, non-members can see the blogs, but cannot reply (don't need to see how strong the spam filters (if any) are) or post new comments. I'm still reading up on the features and abilities, so once I have the basics sorted, I'll unleash them upon the EKT and EKT Plus accountholders, along with details on how to get your own blog(s) on WATMM.
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