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t yst r

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Everything posted by t yst r

  1. That's the Lonely Mountain. And that's Lake Town. And that boat has a motor, so no need to paddle.
  2. I think it's time an other celebrity died, for WATMM's sake.
  3. My legs don't spread out like that when that happens. Quite the opposite. He's doing it wrong.
  4. Somehow, acid mwan idle reminds me of the skullsnap ep.
  5. Anyone listening to the last hour on NTS? As a proper send-off.
  6. Missed every session 'cause of work... Same thing today... More Naughtechre for me...
  7. What is that? Double zero or double infinity?
  8. Huygens ain't dead, it's still on titan.
  9. yeah well, that's what i'm told. i just don't understand, if it's a satellite shouldn't we see more of them at night, how many of them are up there? like thousands? Many satellites -if not most- are in geostationary orbit, meaning they're far out at about 36.000km and they don't 'move' fast in the sky. They remain at the same spot above earth, so they don't move along with the stars during the night. Just some 500 are in low earth orbit and those are the ones you can see clearly. You can't see them all of the time though. You see them some time after sundown and before sunrise. Between those times they're in earth's shadow. When their solar panels reflect the sunlight just right they can become super bright. But that's just seconds long and then they 'disappear' again. You just need some luck.
  10. Thén hate. Afterwards. After you received the copy, that is. Physically.
  11. Hah, reading this post whilst 'Big in Japan' is playing on the radio. Also, probably true.
  12. To mess with our heads is probably the real reason. The code on the page works out a duration in days, say like 2.222199999999999 Where 2 is the days and the .222... is a fraction of a day. Then is works out the hours, minutes, seconds and thousands of a second of that fraction of a day to display. When the seconds bit is worked out you should have 0-59 seconds, There are 3600 seconds in a hour but the code uses 360 instead. So the 'seconds' are a factor of ten out, 59 = 5.9, 58 = 5.8 etc down to 1 second = 0.1 the 'seconds' are then rounded down for the counter display, 5.9 rounds down to 5 etc, so it displays 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0. Thanks! Clarifies it for me.
  13. Whilst pricks are being gotten a grip of... Why does it jump from 02:13:32:00:000 to 02:13:31:05:999 and not 02:13:31:59:999 which I'd expect it to? I couldn't do the simplest math even if my daughter's life depended on it, so please be gentle with your retorts.
  14. Beautiful image and I really like the fish eye like perspective. Juno must be bathing in radiation during such a pass.
  15. Nelsan Ellis. Lafayette from True Blood. Damn, hooka... https://www.theguardian.com/tv-and-radio/2017/jul/08/true-blood-nelsan-ellis-dies-lafayette-reynolds
  16. "Look Richard, the crowd is growing impatient. We need to give them something of a hint as to when you're gonna drop something. And no funny business this time. For once, could you please, pretty pretty please, be a little conventional in your approach? You stand to lose a lot of fans by pulling their leg all of the time." "Okay, let's see. What do you think of a timer on my web page? I have a pretty good idea of when I can come out with what I have. That conventional enough for you?" "Sure, that's great! People know what to expect from a countdown. Good thinking, Rich ol' buddy."
  17. We could have predicted something like this would happen, right? It couldn't have been so straightforward, not coming from him.
  18. Just be on the lookout for blimps. That's the way to market shit nowadays.
  19. Yeah, I was wondering how it would end. Didn't see that one coming.
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