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may be rude

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by may be rude

  1. you literally have no idea what's going on. communists are toxic, i agree. sorry, maybe i don't. please feel free to give me an overview of what is going on.
  2. because hannity said to: http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2017/03/10/sean-hannity-trump-must-purge-deep-state-bureaucrats-now.html the president is literally one of those guys that sits and watches fox news and just believes it
  3. the likely thing we would encounter is self-replicating machine ai that has evolved a nightmarishly dispassionate and non-linear consciousness probably not weird-lookin dudes out for a cruise and the latency for a chat to other planets is laggy we should stop being a beacon, like hawking says it explains the fermi paradox rather neatly: civilizations learn to lay low
  4. logan had 95% on rotten tomaties so i saw it. my review: fuck rotten tomatoes. it was decent at best.
  5. to me it sounds like aphex and karsten pflum, just like borg acid. would love to have 12 songs like these... its like squelching an orange over my eye
  6. most definitely! Woah, I still have fans?.....I had fans? thanks very honest. yeah man every time i revisit electric burden i am like ah this is good finally got around to finding more of your stuff, "wading" is good too
  7. grvgltchr has a free one here the album i know by him that i like isnt on bandcamp but its free here
  8. silence - if you like kundun and the the last temptation of christ then you will like it. some people who don't like those movies would like it, too. it's a good one john wick - acceptable mind-tranquilizer the untouchables - impressive cinematography, locations, sets... cool scenes, pretty well done (de palma). would've been a top tier movie if the story had more depth to it. as it is it's just really good
  9. i am wondering if congressional republicans see him as a way to bring red voters to vote. they lost many fewer seats than they expected to this past election. in addition, he is sympathetic to many parts of their agenda, so they can get things through. also, maybe they like having a scape goat. they expect the inattentive masses won't discern if they were responsible for the failure of their policies, or if it was trump.
  10. as always, we should have been paying more attention to primus
  11. may be rude

    elseq 1-5

    yeah those '16 soundboards need to see the light
  12. yeah he is excluding the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff of the defense department from the national security council at the same time he is including the breitbart guy sweet https://www.washingtonpost.com/amphtml/politics/trump-holds-calls-with-putin-leaders-from-europe-and-asia/2017/01/28/42728948-e574-11e6-a547-5fb9411d332c_story.html
  13. On Trump's first day in office he talked about how he wants to take Iraq's oil. 5000 american troops are in Iraq working with the Iraqi army to defeat ISIS. The Iraqi prime minister had to field questions about whether or not the American troops are there to take their oil and he is like "I'm not sure what the new president is talking about." maddow did a good piece on it.
  14. its really not that simple, man. sad to hear about your thing, btw
  15. trump's recent statements about millions of fraudulent votes should be perceived as chilling in that they are an overture laying down the groundwork to steal future elections for himself and his republican cohorts with the noxious tactic of voter purge lists cooked up disingenuously, such as the crosscheck program that stole him this election. not only are these statements progressing the propaganda front to frame the narrative the way he wants, he is also signalling to the individuals that would participate to get started.
  16. He can be impeached right now for his conflicts of interests, against which there is a clearly-written safeguard in the constitution called the Emoluments Clause. Unfortunately, the republicans controlling congress want Trump's help dismantling financial reform, giving tax breaks to the rich, and reversing progress on fossil fuel dependence. Washington think tank the Brookings Institution put together this paper, THE EMOLUMENTS CLAUSE: ITS TEXT, MEANING, AND APPLICATION TO DONALD J. TRUMP. On page 22 they get to the interesting section "Remedies for Emolument Clause Violations." One such remedy:
  17. i was already troubled by this simpsons premonition. could this election be as consequential as 9/11, which was also prophesied by the beloved entertainers of the zeitgeist? now there is news that the "supporters" at the event in question were, in fact, "paid".
  18. Not a fan of Scahill overall, but his book Blackwater: The Rise of the World's Most Powerful Mercenary Army is hard to put down. It provides an interesting history of the Iraq War, in a way, just because Blackwater was such a big part of it.
  19. combined the selections i made over the last couple years, about 90 songs, phenomenal. best aphex album.
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