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may be rude

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by may be rude

  1. georgetown nat sec law prof katyal is great. trump pushing barr to use doj to bash the election really is something. one of the things to worry about with the election is gop state legislatures, who can fuck with election operations as they please. case in point: texas is presently trying to toss things. the other big thing is doj. there's already been multiple salvos from barr's doj, it has begun. and trump is repeatedly, publicly instructing barr to arrest biden! https://www.lawfareblog.com/lawfare-podcast-scott-anderson-state-election-rules https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QCtsfwdBkr0
  2. hoping for flacs. compressed autechre is not autechre
  3. got the time decoded, guys. 4pm ny time.
  4. there is a long and consistent pattern of the president steering toward a civil war and/or authoritarian coup. he said if he loses then the election is rigged. dan carlin, the masterful history podcaster, did a whole episode on it. https://www.dancarlin.com/product/common-sense-320-steering-into-the-iceberg/
  5. He continued that same passage and said that deaths were basically connected to corona measures. No logical contradiction (not interested to watch it all). I'm on your side, but when you dismiss people's argument at first opportunity, it gives off heavily biased vibe. And in the next post you immediately go "facts don't matter, i know this crazy dude"... (strawman) Fair chance my ass Same argument as above absorbes the charts, excess deaths due to measures (no regular medical care etc.). You fight the most easily defeated point like it shows anything USA excess mortality shows around 200,000 deaths in excess of average, which matches the coronavirus death toll. are you saying that, actually, 200,000 people have not died of covid, but have died of precautionary measures? COVID the Third-Leading Cause of Death in the U.S. - WebMD EXCESS DEATHS SHOW THE TRUE IMPACT OF COVID-19 IN THE U.S. (Johns Hopkins)
  6. do you know how it looks when people refuse to accept that racist police brutality exists? is it really so hard to believe? check out my hong kong protest thread, i've been vocally against violence in protests since before the 2020 american ones. the vast majority of blm protests are completely peaceful. their grievance is utterly legitimate. right wing groups and idiots have started shit at some events, but these are limitted. the right has chosen to only cover those instances. they do that because the right is a fucking racket and they needed an escape from covid news cycles that were destroying their base of dupes. please consider that you could be mistaken on these points. you've put yourself out there a lot on this subject.
  7. BLM is utterly misrepresented by the right, to a caroonish extent. it is really amazing, the disparity between what many people think of the BLM movement, and what it actually is. it certaily is NOT a "revolutionary movement." frankly i can't believe you said that. you commit strawman fallacy by representing them the way you do in your second paragraph. why
  8. so disinfo is preempting the excess mortalty argument now. excess mortality is the exact thing that confirms the death toll and utterly disproves the nonsense about artificially inflated death tolls. excess mortality is comparison of total deaths versus the same time of year in previous years. of course, the difference this year matches the covid death toll closely. https://ourworldindata.org/excess-mortality-covid [parameter set for usa in above charts]
  9. you realize you're talking shit about the dems, here jon favreau on podsaveamerica was talking about voter segments and saying mobilizing biden voters is the play, at this point, because the undecided segment is not very large.
  10. responding to trump's infomercial for covid
  11. i've been using it wrong. thought it was him squirting perspiration, for some reason
  12. That’s the claim innit? when you're the president you can get yourself discharged he seems to have covid pneumonia. the steroid dexamethasone is normally used in severe covid cases, and later in the course of the illness. his PR doc, conley, today wouldn't answer the question if trump has covid pneumonia. seems the arrangement is HIPAA laws mean trump decides what his doctor is allowed to release, and he's only authorizing conley to give out favorable information. in the video nebraska posted you can watch him try to catch his breath for more than 60 seconds after climbing 2 flights of stairs. he then salutes the washington monument, repeatedly, for unknown reasons, with a delirious look in his eyes. there are multiple reports of him having trouble breathing and receiving oxygen. we don't know when he caught it because they won't say. maybe trump had it saturday before last or earlier, which would put him in the second week. they seem to be suggesting he's in the first week, which is early, but the wh is being very cagey about it. either way, it looks like he's in the middle of it or the beginning.
  13. Revealed: Trump-linked consultant tied to Facebook pages warning election will cause civil war Network run by fake news-publishing father and son spreads word to Trump supporters they should prepare for violence in November https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/oct/04/revealed-trump-linked-consultant-facebook-pages-warning-election-cause-civil-war
  14. we now have president trump on steroids here he is clapping for himself (today he got in an airtight suv with secret service so they could go wave to people)
  15. oh, thanks for the info. bundle drift seems autechrean, and is an awesome album.
  16. @ignatius has anyone mentioned your stuff? are you in max, doing generative stuff? https://ignatiusmusic.bandcamp.com/
  17. those conversations are where the rubber meets the road. persuasion and mobilization are all electoral activism is. if you want to participate, there is a case teed up. you don't have to win, you can just just provide the person with the experience of good faith, skeptical discussion tell them some data points maybe they didn't know call out some bad information sources share some info sources you like or consider good, and say why you do encourage them to check assertions, using different sources. consumers of information really have to be like scientists. scientists try to disprove their conclusions. discuss the problem of organized deception, and its utilization of the web, and user data, which is successfully deceiving large amounts of people maybe you can move the needle. propagandists make up appeals to emotion, are there genuinely motivating arguments that are true? for example, you could mention unconsenting sterilization of detained immigrants, or deception and corruption about the greenhouse gas emergency. if someone has a big, elaborate christmas tree of fallacies, do not worry that you have to address every one. try to find the trunk, take aim for the load-bearing argument, to break the overarching mess and shut them down, hopefully. also, the mobilization part works both ways. if you want biden to win them you want to mobilize the left voters, get them to actually show up and vote. and you want the republican voters to stay home. so weakening dude's confidence could help. there are chain reactions and sometimes viral consequences. individuals you affect will go on to affect others, or not. if they are beacons of deception, weakening their confidence can be a win.
  18. older, more accessible stuff: amber, chiastic slide and cichli suite. then exai came out, which is a god-thing. from the watmm AAA thread i learned that draft and confield were standouts, got into those, then lp5, tri repetae and garbage, then oversteps, etc
  19. WeMe records Analogical Force Occult Research Love Love Records Touched Music Furthur Electronix 030303 Touched Revolutions 141414
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