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may be rude

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by may be rude

  1. clearly, parscale has a mental health situation, and who knows what's going on, but it is coincidental that he had a suicidal, armed standoff with cops a day before this enormous Channel 4 story broke, which calls him out, reporting information that conflicts a claim of his about a trump campaign operation to demobilize african american voters. Revealed: Trump campaign strategy to deter millions of Black Americans from voting in 2016 https://www.channel4.com/news/revealed-trump-campaign-strategy-to-deter-millions-of-black-americans-from-voting-in-2016
  2. these reality tv moments like mtv's real world, except the press is like 'trump will you contest the election'. trump: 'maybe'
  3. been enjoying tim's twitter activism. interesting to learn he's a RAW fan. seems like a more serious project? less like the one with "i sit down when i pee" and "sit on you"? think i'll give it a good listen.
  4. what? no one was using the term. barr was the first one to bring it up, 5 days after george floyd died, as though anti-fascists were driving the george floyd protests. it was yet another moment when the writing in this show is bad. it was a very obvious and crude move, on barr's part, but the administration operates under the darkness of the idiocy of the dumbest 40%. barr spoke of antifa in the context of terrorist activity. here's the final paragraph from barr's may 31 DOJ statement, titled Attorney General William P. Barr's Statement on Riots and Domestic Terrorism one of the suspicious things is that it would be incredibly easy for a nefarious DOJ to label anyone they wanted antifa. barr defines the word in a perfectly nondescript way. it basically means nothing, but it wouldn't take much for a barr doj to label you as associated with antifa terrorism. here's barr describing, in his own words, what he's talking about when he refers to antifa. (timestamp 45s)
  5. i think it's grammatically correct and a complete sentence. i have 500 books in my phone. all end.
  6. barr was ready to go with pinning unrest on antifa on may 31. george floyd was killed on may 25. it's like the protests came earlier in the year than they expected, but they figured let's get the antifa stuff going, priming the public, demonizing the nebulous label. it's odd, george floyd, antifa? it was out of nowhere, to everyone, in may, but that label is perfect if you're looking to quash protests over an authoritarian coup. i have no trouble imagining barr announcing martial law due to a contested election. trump's nuts. hannity has said that to people. trump and him talk on the phone daily and hannity tells people he's unwell. i expect this administration to go down kicking and screaming.
  7. oh yeah. he's already taken actions and he's continuing to mangle the pinball machine. this is happening.
  8. in political disinfo it's common to preempt a subject with your own messaging. if you can anticipate a coming attack, you can fill the heads of your constituency with your talking points on the subject long before they ever even hear the attack. then, when they learn whatever it is, they're ready to dispute it, as trained, like a cult member. qanon, i can't help but notice, introduces manufactured narratives about child trafficking, about trump, and about flynn. coincidentally, this serves to insulate trump, as well as russia, and it covers up the link between the two.
  9. all because people don't want to take responsibility for checking information
  10. it's exactly like cartman's president
  11. preordered. will be cool having a new ae cd
  12. and that's more than a year old immigrant sterilization is the latest novelty ad bait (news)
  13. i guessed ae gets a lot of control and they just keep it simple. which is cool and speaks to the artistic integrity or whatever ya i would guess it drops ahead of oct 16. it's usually when the fanbase is gnawing at the substrat.
  14. you're right. maybe the russian machines will shut off one day. if we get the blue wave we deserve, they could end the electoral college and do good healthcare and weed and all that. it just seems like the sane thing to happen, people are pushing for it. it's just a matter of spreading the information. the information is all out there. it just doesn't reach the people.
  15. mary trump said she heard him use the n word. 43% approval rating. yeah it's an interesting point about how it won't be over and i've thought about that. but i hope it will be over and we can be like the sane countries. i think we just need to patrol each other and help people who need it. it's really just a lot of dumb shit.
  16. probably, for that to happen, enough preorders have to be in...
  17. ah, ok. it's not easy for people to learn how to check information and assess information sources. it's a long, personal process. but it's important. just don't nod your head or lend credence if he espouses a post-truth attitude. bad actors push to achieve that attitude in people, that's how they nullify truthful reporting that is inconvenient to them. never lend credence to post-truth attitudes. it's possible to dig out an accurate understanding of reality, however limited. ideas can be understood as neither true nor false, but rather as probabilities, contingent on the supporting evidence. it's important for people to learn how to do this. the basic practice you can recommend is checking info against different sources. people get the import of this, and the practice leads to the individual getting a more detailed picture of the conflicting info out there, which then gives them the opportunity to apply themselves to reconciling the disparities, if they choose. the nudge you can give is just to jostle them out of any sedentary bubble.
  18. hm, interesting. frequency is derived from amplitude. audio data is only 2 dimensions: time and amplitude. frequency is a result of change in amplitude. the changing amplitude values move the woofer, writing the information to the air as changes in pressure, which move out from the woofer in a sequence. the pressure changes are interpretted by the ear, which measures the sequence of changes in pressure. so, if i'm getting this right, the nervous system receives the data in it's derived state: frequency, because the ear measures change in pressure, which is change in amplitude, which is frequency. just realized that the mind and computers operate at different levels of sound. you're right though, the mind operates with the basic dimension of frequency (and time).
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