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may be rude

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by may be rude

  1. in the first chart, the "bottom" that USA hit in september coincides with schools reopening. for the second chart's X axis, you count weeks from the new year to read it. similar seasonality is seen with all respiratory illnesses. let's hope the US is not hurdling toward a cliff
  2. i think xox is trying to fake out warp lol
  3. dude was doing rallies in states with spikes. bodes ill for the right. barrett confirmation jeopardized. senate gop could take an ass kicking. do the work, if you're an activist.
  4. i was not making an argument that he's a humble guy, i was just stating that it's my take. the other thing i said was a piece of history meant to illustrate the kind of guy he is: not in politics for enrichment. he was in it for the representative democracy part. i was trying to draw a contrast between this character type and the different character type that is commonly found in politics, the hawkish, sly opportunist. my point was that he seems like more of a government geek than one of those.
  5. yeah, my take is that biden is a humble guy. and yeah, what i was saying was that he's more of a normal type than a slimey, manipulative politician type. he was known for being one of the senators with the lowest income. mitch mcconnell pulls in over 2 mil per year, but biden as senator was pulling in a couple hundred thousand, basic senator salary level.
  6. mini live set from printworks and warehouse project 2019 seems like something. curious what it ends up like. started as an 11 min post-syro jazzy piece, at printworks. then, 6 days later, it's a 22 minute space rave epic.
  7. a candidate endorsing someone and acting to support them is not nefarious, and it is an act of the individual, not the dnc. i didn't say only russian propagandists push narratives that they push.
  8. well, when the russian secret services literally hack huge political entities, and selectively dump personal correspondences strategically, that is cause to question whether it is representative. bernie lost by 20 points in 2016. final delegate count was 2,842 to 1,865. getting a debate question early and a few other things made the difference? devilish corruption? russia hacked the dnc and the rnc and dumped dnc emails angering bernie supporters on jul 22, 3 days before the democrat convention. bernie's convention speech was palpably resentful, and the bernie supporters carried that sentiment to voting day, achieving the russian objective. if one hacked the emails of big organizations and selectively dumped them, they could conjure a picture that is not representative.
  9. no but that's what a lot of people are sharing in their info feeds, a narrative designed to demobilize turnout on the left, which is the path trump campaign must take. biden is good and fine. about a thousand times better than the incumbent.
  10. most dem voters' top issue is trump. and a lot of people supported biden because they thought he was the one who would beat trump. so, not only do we have a huge, diverse country to make this collective choice with, but most people are thinking about what they think most people are going to think... i like biden. i think this is an interesting course of events that could produce an unsually humble, normal kind of guy as president.
  11. it sounds like you admit that you're making an assumption. i don't think the conclusion is strongly supported by the premises.
  12. the dnc is a small entity of like a dozen people who mainly orchestrate party event logistics. pete was polling abysmally in super tuesday states and dropped out right before, which saved him some face, as a politician. klobuchar, by late february, had virtually no path to victory. there were always too many people and it made sense for some to drop out, at that point. for a couple weeks, before SC and after NV, everyone was getting ready for bernie to have the nom. before SC and super tuesday, the country was looking at what fivethirtyeight called the most likely scenario upon arriving at the convention: a contested convention, no candidate reaching the threshold, but with bernie having the most delegates. this may have accounted for some of the surge in SC and super tuesday. it came down to bernie and not bernie. not everyone is crazy about bernie. a lot of people didn't want him to have the nom.
  13. you can't blame the dnc. biden just cleaned up on super tuesday. it was a competitive contest and it could have gone a lot of ways. the dnc thing is a russian attack vector from 2016.
  14. biden is interesting. in 2011 he went to moscow and told putin "Mr. Prime Minister, I’m looking into your eyes, and I don’t think you have a soul," playing on bush w's prior statement to the contrary. the biden camp was never going scorched earth in the primary race. he was always laid back in the debates. biden camp themselves had an attitude like "take him or leave him, he's here if you want." he ran because he knew he might be what the country and the party need to win, as much as for his personal ambition. jill would say at campaign events that joe might not be the best at everything, but he's there if you think he's the one to beat trump. they seem to genuinely be chill people, distinct from the hyper-manipulative political type. biden campaign had like no money when the primary race was in heat! not much activist enthusiasm, compared to the other candidates (who ultimately endorsed biden). they had virtually no offices or ad spending in super tuesday states, where he cleaned up, decisively. they just played it cool, didn't blow it, were smart, and walked away with the prize. so yeah it helps that he's running against a nuclear chernobyl, but i am interested to watch him in action as president. he seems atypical for the role and i wonder how he may surprise us.
  15. i follow closely and biden is fine. there is literally a ton of doctored video and disinfo campaigns of fake posters pushing the senile thing for 2 years now. i encourage people to watch the debate tonight.
  16. illuminatus trilogy is really good. cosmic trigger is pretty profound.
  17. clearly, parscale has a mental health situation, and who knows what's going on, but it is coincidental that he had a suicidal, armed standoff with cops a day before this enormous Channel 4 story broke, which calls him out, reporting information that conflicts a claim of his about a trump campaign operation to demobilize african american voters. Revealed: Trump campaign strategy to deter millions of Black Americans from voting in 2016 https://www.channel4.com/news/revealed-trump-campaign-strategy-to-deter-millions-of-black-americans-from-voting-in-2016
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