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may be rude

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by may be rude

  1. climate.nasa.gov is actually a really good resource. at least he presents an argument to you, and it's one that you know is faulty. engage with the argument, as though it were a logical debate. don't just talk about other things and leave his bad argument unaddressed. an argument is a conclusion supported by premises. you can address whether or not a conclusion is strongly supported by those premises. it's way too common for people to actually adopt poorly supported conclusions as beliefs. society just doesn't expect that much from people, they get away with horribly supported beliefs. if his argument is that mankind couldn't possibly alter global climate, that could be refuted with easy and undisputed facts and data. specifically: the greenhouse effect. check out some pages on that, even wiki, and find a nice section that addresses the amount of atmospheric concentration it takes to impact climate. combine that with a chart of rising greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere, and their levels. i think that should show him his error, if he is interested in being accurate. if he is unwilling to scrutinize the logic of a belief, then he is not interested in accuracy, and now the subject of conversation is something different. in this case, you can, if you choose to, address why he is willing to spread ideas that he has not scrutinized, and which are disputed. spreading misrepresentations is a major problem in the world, right now. disinformation is SHARED more than it is SEEDED. it is morally lacking to assert information, with no qualifier, if you have not adequately questioned and confirmed it, yourself.
  2. the substance of sound is a psychic substance. your experience of sound is not an experience of changing air pressure.
  3. nice, rubin. got me on a steadman tear Ralph Steadman: 'Trump is a lout. He's a godawful disgrace to humanity' https://www.theguardian.com/books/2018/nov/01/ralph-steadman-interview-hunter-s-thompson-illustrator-retrospective-exhibition from 2017 though. seems we've entered a later phase, post-baby-trump. now he has tasted blood and decided that we are forcing him to break the place.
  4. if the designer has made it through these 40 pages, you did a great job. you may have heard of watmm's unusual initiation rituals for new objects of worship. we ceremoniously cover them with a solid layer of emotional excrement, until our reservoirs of loathing are adequately discharged. this is how we make room for new things.
  5. micro-organisms from venice are already here venusian cloud mushrooms, however, i think we should send elon for some
  6. new cylob one less pitch has old autechre sound, in places, kind of. and all 3 of the new cylob albums are really good and worth getting.
  7. people with cravings should get on the new cylob
  8. the presidency is the weak point of the country. you want to keep someone compromised by a hostile adversary out of there. trump is firing IGs, intimidating witnesses, carrying out reprisals against whistleblowers, firing disloyal people, slandering people who investigated him, starting investigations of people who investigated him, trying to have political opponents investigated, US attorneys who were investigating him are reassigned or fired, barr is shutting down investigations into him, etc. it's all executive branch. intelligence is mostly under defense department, fbi is under justice dept. DHS is its own department, a new one., all cabinet departments are designed as an appendage of the president. counter intelligence investigations serve the purpose of informing the president. for them to investigate the chief almost just sets bait for him to destroy the institution. a new whistleblower complaint says the DHS acting secretary chad wolf ordered DHS official Murphy to stand down on reporting intel about Russian efforts to interfere in the 2020 US election.
  9. the same day, trump priming for insurrection act after election in other news, senior fbi counterintelligence official strzok is claiming trump is compromised by russia and trump's former DNI Dan Coats says he couldn't shake suspicion trump was compromised by russia
  10. may be rude


    as a big fan of the book and the director, i'm hype. hard to imagine any adaptation recreating the experience of the book. every word seemed distilled. but there's certainly the makings for a good film, and i think dennis is doing it.
  11. that looks like a video glitch, not a laser captured on video. a laser could start a fire, but that fire was already going. but nefarious powers are, for personal greed, causing the greenhouse gas problem to worsen, which worsens droughts, which worsen fires. there is a trend and correlation among these metrics.
  12. while i'm on bernie, here's his 2020 dnc speech, which is maybe the best speech i've seen by him.
  13. bernie posted this to his youtube a couple years ago. sheds light on recent attacks on the press, and internet disinfo campaigns attempting to achieve a post-truth attitude among americans. snyder is a yale prof and well-established historian an academic.
  14. well there it is. for those out of the loop, trump has been instructing people to both send in a mail-in ballot and then also go to the polls and vote if they are not prevented from it. no, you're not missing something. yes, he is directing people to commit voter fraud, albeit hiding behind a preposterous pretense. yes, we now see that people are actually doing it. yes, this is really fucked up. yes, corruption of elections is an impeachable offense, but, yes, the GOP control the senate and have proven themselves bereft of conscience, craven and corrupt.
  15. been enjoying the CDs quite a bit. all end is a propulsion device.
  16. regarding US politics, which is a big piece of the equation... the people who aren't onboard, aside from people like ted cruz who simply collect dump-trucks of cash from fossile fuel, are people who couldn't give a fuck if it was they're job. they're florida men and hillbillies. i'm sorry but it's wrong to take politeness so far that you pretend such specimens aren't a big chunk of the US, and the "national discussion." when one of these creatures has wandered into the highway and is gumming up the works, you don't ask them their opinion. you tell them to get the fuck out of the way. that is how you talk to these people.
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