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may be rude

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by may be rude

  1. the world would marvel at the beneficial transformation that would occur if the current set of congressional republicans were utterly obliterated in this election, and the country could be saved from its state of languishing disrepair. the electoral college could be abolished the green revolution could start in earnest cost of health care could be radically reduced while providing it to everyone as a right we could all grow weed electoral safeguards could be instituted wealth inequality could be rectified the middle class could be restored covid could be stamped out the mass extinction could be addressed our aquifiers could be protected corruption could be checked this is what needs to happen. it's not wrong to set sights for a major purge in the capital. the GOP would take their rightful place as the party of the backward ignorants. this sets the stage for new parties. AOC, Warren, Bernie could solidify a coalition of progressives. fiscal conservatives could distinguish themselves from the propaganda racket. we may need to pass through a period of 1 party in order to arrive at 3+ parties. the current right has established themselves as a post-policy party. they stand for nothing but whatever rhetoric maintains their own individual power. the left is currently the party interested in governance. the left is known as the big tent party. it's just a catch-all for all politicians who don't jump on the trick-people-with-tax-rhetoric wagon. by the way, check out what the right means when they say lowering taxes, in this animation it's a dog whistle to the rich, looking for donors to serve. that's the republican party for you.
  2. fascism has more definitions, is a recent term, and is tied to different historical instances with their own unique characteristics. authoritarian is less ambiguous, and that is the word for the issue we are facing. some specifics in some of the definitions of fascism do not apply. out of all the words to choose from, fascist, authoritarian, autocrat, despot, tyrant, dictator, fascist is perhaps the worst. what jumps out to observers is that bill barr, within a weak of george floyd's death, was discussing the problem of antifa terrorism, though the protests were clearly about racist police brutality. fox news ran with it. rural militias are gearing up to tangle with antifa. it's a bad idea to use the term, and it's not the best word for the thing. it's almost suspicious that it is circulating, though it could just be the result of right-wing media capitalizing on the boogyman that our bullshitter Attorney General decided to pontificate about.
  3. seeing a lot of people use the term "fascist." the more precise term is authoritarian. just throwing that out there.
  4. one of the things i like about this community is that it's like the musicians appreciated here are those who kind of make music that is meant to be played on monitors and if you listen on gear that cannot express the composition then oh well. i mean, not necessarily monitors but good speakers, good headphones or whatever. the music generally is not compromised in order to deliver a punch on any average of consumer speakers. often the actual composition is not apparent on lesser systems. not that i am necessarily describing SIGN that way. but, autechre is a prime example of watmm techno that rewards quality systems and high quality signal source. SIGN certainly is good on a best buy bluetooth speaker or whatever but i think it's a pretty cool accomplishment in terms of ae further refining their system and process, utilizing its immense power to create a more delicate work.
  5. excess mortality showing over a quarter million dead americans https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/05/05/us/coronavirus-death-toll-us.html meanwhile, trump says wearing a mask gives you covid https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/trump-repeats-inaccurate-claim-about-masks-citing-cdc-study-n1243562
  6. it was illuminating to learn that nts is a compilation of weird jams that had accumulated or something like that [anyone got the quote?]. made a lot more sense like that. a weird wasteland of strange shit. like lovecraft's dream-quest of unknown kadath (one of the coolest fictional works i've read)
  7. i didn't mean that his entire base are crazies. there are various segments among his base. a lot of them are victims of deception. i meant that there are segments of crazy people in the country's population and trump cultivates them as one of his groups of followers. and he pushes them to act out violently.
  8. priming his base of crazies don't expect nothing to go down. be ready for some shit to happen. they tried to kidnap gov whitmer a few days ago charge your phone. have storage space. video weird shit and share. help with your local election if feasible.
  9. software term. it's like a command to assign an initial value.
  10. nuclear weapons have forced warfare into the theater of people's ability to sort more verifiable from less declining to accept any "msm" is poison. real journalism has internalized practices of open-source verification and fact-checking. investigating reporting discrepancies is the path. going with the tastiest theory is the way toward illusion.
  11. @Joyrex cryptically posted "november 13" in one of the first pages of this thread... hype af if it's that
  12. i was just digging into the excess mortality data from cdc. got 194k - 244k excess US deaths since february. this is how you swat the conspiracy theories that try to cover up the nearly quarter million dead. fauci and other experts have said that the official death toll is likely lower than the real death toll. the crap musk was slinging on rogan about hospitals claiming covid cause of death inaccurately may have a small amount of substance to it, and other things may account for needed downward adjustments. then there are the upward adjustments like you and fauci mention. excess mortality landing approximately spot-on with the official count, or slightly above it, is a very significant confirmation that it is at least as high as the official death count.
  13. over 2% of us population has been infected, and that's just known infections approaching .1% of the us population dead from covid florida approaching .1% of population dead from covid also bad: maynard keenan got covid and has lung damage.
  14. ya it's good to blast from speakers. evilest fuzz in music history.
  15. and, as discussed in the links i put above, we don't want to see DOJ being deployed to seize ballots, arrest election officials, or take control of sites of election operations, under pretense of alleged election crimes. it is time for the populace to be alert, engaged, in discussion, participating, and keeping an eye on things. interesting to see political pressure at work. mcconnell seems to be fearing for his skin, and so is publicly detaching himself from orange julius, to a degree. barr, we know, lacks integrity and trustworthiness, and has been willing to misuse the Dept of Justice, politically (the identifier of a despot). the career public servants of doj have been letting it be known that they see what he is doing that it is not ok and that they will not all go along with it, and i think that accounts for him, hopefully, thinking twice about some things, at least. this is really fucked up though.
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