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Danny O Flannagin

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Everything posted by Danny O Flannagin

  1. and then she burst into a murder of crows that'd be an interesting video
  2. Vin Diesel and Keenu are the same overacted performers, well, maybe Keeny a bit less so. "High brow arty cinema" reviews just that, they generally try to keep it the most naturalistic way possible, even if it means more silence than real life. Complete bollocks. I live in real life and no-one acts like they're in a Lars von Trier casting. Seriously I don't know where reviewers live but I have never seen someone play this overblown overdone unrealistic shit, real life acting is underwhelming and anti-climatic don't try and tell me any different. prove it
  3. Do you judge it by how many times you sit back in the couch and say "breh"
  4. and then she burst into a murder of crows
  5. Saw a screening of the Room with a Tommy Wiseau Q&A. Definitely an experience I want to have again and again, preferably with alcohol next time. You would sort of feed off the energy from all the people yelling at the screen. There was constant laughing, yelling, singing, and spoon throwing. Really hard to explain, but it was almost like this communal feeling where everyone was in on the joke. this should be on everyone's bucket list. The Q&A was kind of a joke, it was only 10 minutes and Tommy would basically give the shortest answer and say "next question." I did give him a high five while he walked down the isle This is footage from a screening in 2013, it gives you a sense of the atmosphere in the theater https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=16NuI9e_x-E
  6. Ya, that's it. For some reason i was imagining Kristen Dunst as the main character.
  7. Trying to remember a film. Can't remember if i've seen it or just heard about it. It's about a prostitute who puts herself asleep for her clients. I think i remember one client licking her ear? I think it's recent
  8. Really like that first one with the phone booth, looks like you had to work for that one cuz it looks early in the morning
  9. FLOL! good job. bonus lol at the use of Thomas Dybdahl track if you're Norwegian. Lol at this. It's such a blatant over dramatization. Yes, Jay Z, I do agree that the lossless you have in the video sounds better than the shitty mp3... but the video itself is compressed! This is kind of like the 80/20 rule. You're spending 80 percent for that last 20 percent of quality.
  10. ya, except for the 15 dollar shipping charges, still got my protapros sitting around cuz i don't want to send them in again
  11. haha, same thing happened when i showed it to a friend who isn't that into film anyway. I got him to watch it because theres some My Bloody Valentine in the soundtrack
  12. And they said it couldn't be done. Can you post some of the tracks names you played in the set? This was my setlist with a personal edited version of "23 lush acid [pt 1]": 7 cutting th1 [slo] T13 quadraverb tigercubdelay 6 fly beats T08+4 4 ACH mooow [Dixons Theft Mix] notting hill bus 179brk2 carn marth remix 28 organ epic 4 acid organ 11 phlangebeat 7 dub clicker + 0hz 12 space beat 14 make a baby 23 lush acid [pt 1] 13 high hats tune tam clap orig d15-10 dulcimer dub 5 heliosphan live 19 bradley echoes (vocoder disco) subCan dance and play quad race TEAC 18 With My Family I didn't make a recording when I played last week, but I want to record it and post it somewhere soon. thanks buddy, great set
  13. And they said it couldn't be done. Can you post some of the tracks names you played in the set?
  14. Ya, the vocals are their weak point, good thing they use them sparingly (I think this is why I prefer instrumental music, vocals can make or break an artist)
  15. Fuckin love boris, your in for a real treat. I saw them play Flood live (didn't play Flood I tho which was kinda lame) and a My Blood Valentine cover that was heavy as fuck.
  16. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PEDqXuWSsz8&index=1&list=PLZRIwdIFiJhlAWIBYeMKBJyIzte7Xwe3X
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