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Everything posted by Audioblysk

  1. Oh I see. I'd say you're not far off. There's a lot of fake stuff going around all the time.
  2. It's a little bit of an eye-roll that there are still some people saying that all this is because he's black.
  3. On a big-time scale, less than 5 - my 3rd eye avatar cat says he only knows of two, but that's just the west coast. Canada has quite a few clandestine labs, mostly MDMA and Meth, but one of the biggest LSD distributers the cat knew of was in BC and is affiliated with the Nor-Cal folks who are also big-timers. But there are indeed smaller labs making smaller amounts and I know of at least 2 people I went to college with for O-chem that made less than gram quantities of it... So who really knows. It is not easy to produce, as in it's a few notches above clandestine MDMA and phenethylamine synths, mostly due to working under inert atmospheres, acquisition of chemicals (mostly LA or ergotamine/ergocristine being a pain to get) , knowledge of the way to make love to that carboxyl group and the lovely addition of needing to be pretty competent with chromatography column work unless you're a real whiz with your reactions... but not total or novel synthesis territory of difficulty - a competent chemist with the right equipment and precursors/solvents/reagents wouldn't have a problem executing the modern synthesis techniques required.
  4. Isn't it true that if there is a taste it's probably not pure or something else? I think I remember hearing this somewhere. In my experience that's true, but in Tikhal (I don't remember the chapter and verse), Shulgin wrote that there's sometimes a weak flavor of some sort. I'd guess that the percentage of "stuff sold as acid" on the street (offline) that's actually "pure LSD" is closer to 10% than to 50% or more. Some of the substitutes - like 25i-NBOMe - have a terrible track record for causing psychological and even physical harm, so it's stupid not to test (with reagent kits) a drug that you take. Where and how did you get the 10% figure? Even the DEA disagrees with you on that and they are WAAAAY behind the times. Most online black-market sales of LSD come from the same sources as any LSD one would buy in real life... hate to break it to you, but grams costing $18k+ on the net indicate that they are not producing their own supplies as that is a decent bit higher than wholesale direct from distribution. There was a fad years ago with dudes I knew of doing ethanol washes on laying old pans and vials and evaporating the solvent off to make pretty purple crystals of unknown purity and then laying them to blotter... But that isn't very common as you'd have to have broken down or laid a gram to get the left-over needed to even make recrystallization worth it. I will say from experience that no LSD sold by a major distributor in the USA would be below 70% pure unless they did absolutely no column work after coupling their amine to lysergic acid or the product was not stored correctly. In fact, most modern synthesis routes of LSD produce very pure and mostly stereospecific end product without column work thanks to some lush advances in organic chemistry since the days of Hoffman using fucking hydrazine back in the day. It takes tens of thousands of dollars to have the equipment and precursors to even perform the synthesis, not to mention a competent chemist to perform the work... so putting out a 10% pure product would have wholesale distributors pissed as they'd be laying 10% active product and 90% lysergic byproduct with little to no effects until larger doses are taken, then the effects manifest in the form of bad body kinks and purging before peaking. Isn't it true that if there is a taste it's probably not pure or something else? I think I remember hearing this somewhere. You don't taste much off high quality xtal until you get to around the 750ug-1mg mark and it's laid on smaller blotters. Raw definitly has a somewhat bitter taste, but that's when you're eating +1mg at a time. Most hits going around to the general public are 50-100ug and laid @ 1/4" squares, so yeah, if you eat a ten-strip and have a slight flavor, it doesn't surprise me... but if it tastes like anything other than just ever so very very slightly bitter (like almost placebo bitter) off 1 to 5 hits, I'd be worried. Most DOx and NBOME chemicals have a very harsh flavor and are pretty easy to tell. DOx chems have a 9-volt battery taste and the NBOME's will make your mouth go numb and taste like licking a chemical ashtray. TL:DR - if it's bitter, it's a spitter.
  5. What form did the dose take? (paper, liquid, windowpane, ect.) Was there any taste to the material you took, i.e. if it was paper, did it just taste like a piece of paper, or did it have an obvious metallic/chemical/bitter flavor? Some people clench on LSD, but it's much more common of psychedelic halogenated amphetamines and substituted phenethylamines than lysergamides. I'd suspect that what you were given was either a pretty low dose of LSD, which some find provokes anxiety more than higher doses, or more than likely, a different chemical - from the subjective effects you describe. LSD had a very nice body euphoria if it is well dosed and from quality material. I'm astounded with the amount of stuff that people pass off for LSD now-a-days. Not that they are bad chemicals, by and means, but they are not the lovely lysergic lady and it's a sad ploy to get people to buy their wares.
  6. Good ol slick Willy. Consent is pretty hot... but obviously these gents don't feel the same way I do.
  7. yeah i have this too, it sucks. some days it bothers me more than others. sometimes i wonder if sprays like that caused it though as i used to use em a lot as a kid whenever i had a cold / blocked nose. Last year I had surgery for a deviated septum and sinuplasty. I had on and off colds for months on end over the last 5 years and finally saw a doctor. Turns out I had really overgrown turbinate bones, defective right maxillary sinus tubes with grossly inflamed tissue due to it AND I had a deviated septum fucking my left side up. $4,000 (thanks insurance? would've been 40k without...) and 3 or 4 months after the surgery I felt amazing. I have much better sleep and have only gotten sick once since the surgery and it was much less severe in duration and severity of symptoms than before the operation. Stay away from oxymetazoline in nasal sprays, that shit is garbage for your body and makes things much worse for temporary relief. Using a sinus irrigation device has worked wonders for me as well after the surgery. I have this machine that pumps water up my nostril and cleans out my sinuses, it's pretty nifty, but sortof a bitch to sterilize fully.
  8. Poly drug use isn't as detrimental as one would believe. I didn't seem to have a problem obtaining a degree, getting a job, or doing pretty much anything else. I'll likely see effects later on, but there are also quite a few psychedelic advocates who live/have lived very long lives with little problems with health or cognition. So maybe HPPD really IS rare? I think me and you have a fairly similar consumption background, but I honestly get some pretty intense visuals when smoking weed (especially sativas) or if I drink heavily (I'm talking 20oz + of hard liquor) without having taken any hallucinogens/psychs for months. I get this nice little visual mini-lsd/shroom trip. I've taken tons of research chemicals though, maybe that's what triggered it? I'll admit I notice it less now than I did a few years ago, seems to be going away slightly. Then again I've been doing less of the 2C-x series these years lol. Like you've said, spacing it out makes it much more appreciable. Don't get me wrong, after my first few 'heroic' doses and lots of 500ug+ doses on the regular with mixes of other chems, my vision has never been fully back to 'baseline'. It's accentuated when I'm very physically activated, having sex, ect. I have learned to live with it and it is nowhere near a state I'd consider to be the full effect of any psychedelic, but it is noticeably and often entertainingly non-normal and quite normal - if you catch my drift. ;)
  9. Not unless you're eating it all the time and eating a lot at a time. I have noticed some effects of long term LSD use and poly-drug (ab)use for years, but nothing too weird. Not sure what you mean when you say poly-drug use. Do you mean dropping acid and smoking weed/drinking at the same time? Combined with MDMA, other psychedelics of many other classes, N2O, ketamine, or cannabis during the experience. On the comedown usually a barbiturate, benzo, or nice opiate - there was a good while when latex opium was readily available and made the tail end of high dose LSD trips akin to a warm hug. Mostly I'd say any lasting effect came from the amount of times tripped. I did it pretty much every weekend for years when I was a teen, along with using cannabis an. Keeping things to once or twice a year makes it much easier to recover from and appreciate.
  10. LSD is very safe for the average 'take it or leave it' drug user. It was the first drug available to me after smoking pot as a teen. I don't think I've been without some for the last 12 years. Nowadays I trip once or twice a year. I like it a lot more that way. Used to be an every weekend poly-substance adventure for years, probably close to a decade TBH. Not unless you're eating it all the time and eating a lot at a time. I have noticed some effects of long term LSD use and poly-drug (ab)use for years, but nothing too weird.
  11. I went to the goofiest hippy gathering in the key's. It was like all the hippy-ness of other gatherings I was forced to endure, but had the lowest level of intellectuality of any event I'd ever been to. Normally it's not super high on the average IQ with these gatherings, but fuck me, having to dull hippy-jabber with a few facts now and then was just exhausting and there were so many random bummy-ass kids just being mad at their parents. Normally it's just people caught up in their own little fantasy and shit, but these people lacked basic mental facilities, but thought they 'saw through the bullshit'... Really put off the vibe as it was really gorgeous as an environment and I just wished I was away from those people. Pretty much every experience I've had in Florida has solidified that it is cursed ground to me. Soils' gone sour.
  12. Furnace is broken again, no luck of getting anyone to repair it before next week. It's like 55 degrees in there (12.8 or so to my metric brothers) - my various house plants of which total in the dozens are very cold and unhappy. Conclusion: Oil furnaces were built by the devil and illuminati, 911 was a part time job, 7 sides to a triangle, jet fuel and steel beams. I feel you on that. Just hang out with the animals in whatever house your family ends up gathering in. My parents house has 4 cats and 2 dogs when everyone gets together, it's pretty fun to hang with them. I'm lucky my family avoids the abuse factor and just watches movies, some aren't so lucky. I think the older you get, the less christmas means anything besides an obligation to spend money, visit family and gorge on liquor. Any gift I want is far to expensive to reasonably expect anyone to buy for me, and I suck at christmas shopping - it's not my holiday.
  13. I just picked up fellow WATMMer Retrig's tr-707 and added it to the pile. I can finally control the fucking sequencer to my JX-3p to a pretty solid clock using the +5db trig out - so I can jam while tweaking a patch and midi-slaving my other gear together. I never thought this would be a reality until I grabbed a cirklon. Last night I had my pro-2 with a few sounds that I could play while I had my EMX, 707 and MPC1000 doing drum duties, my jx-3p doing some pads being sequenced internally and clocked by the 707 and finally my guitar hooked up and me jamming through a loop pedal. Basically this is my favorite way to make music. I haven't opened up a DAW and I can pre-arrange and them jam out a song in one take moving from riff to riff. I can record to my old AKAI reel-to-reel I thought I had the hardware bug before, now I'm pretty sure I have hardware HIV or full-blown hardware AIDS.
  14. Working 50 hours a week minimum for the last month or so. Partially the reason for my lack of WATMMing... It's one of those things where the money is very good... but it doesn't really matter much as I have no spare time to do anything or energy when I get home. Capitalism. wooooooooooo I'm going to be fully grey by 30, but luckily nobody on either side of my family has hair-loss. My roommate, his brother and his best friend are all balding pretty hard, it's crazy. I feel for you and will send you my grey hair after I get haircuts. WE CAN REBUILD YOU
  15. Booked my Europe vacation for next summer/early fall. 3.5 weeks of vacation... the longest vacation I've ever taken. Iceland, then Ireland, then Germany, then Switzerland, then train through the alps, then Genoa, Italy, then Milan to back home. It's all paid for, my work is aware of me leaving already and I've got over 6 months to save for food and fun over there. WHEEEEEEE!!!!
  16. that needs the caption 'Hey Santa, just try and take our guns, faggot' along with a 13 page manifesto detailing the times of the Obummer regime, countless Benghazi references, libtard bashing and blaming, strong emphasis on personal rights as long as it's about guns and lesbian porn, strong emphasis on other people not getting rights you personally don't need to have or don't believe in, random quotes from old U.S. Presidents that support xenophobic ideology, and the worlds best apple betty recipe. Also, I got a 5 down that doofus' trophy brood wench on the right has some bolt-on's masquerading as fluffy sweater pillows, AKA THEY'RE THE SIZE GOD INTENDED THEM TO BE.
  17. I rarely complain about my workload, but - I've had to be at one of the shops my bosses owns doing a gigantic backlog of accounting and tax shit for this useless manager they fired a few weeks ago. Sigh, nobody I want to talk to, and a mound of paperwork I need to sort out that I've barely put a dent into. I was hired on as a set-up consultant and grow/facility design technician then became, on top of that, a part-time manager and partial owner of a chain of medical cannabis stores (once a week paperwork, deposits and general bookkeeping) ... Now I seem to be doing waaaay more work than I should be on random tasks and I'm never in the cultivation facilities anymore because of how easily maintained and efficient we/I designed to be. Screw this state for making the cannabis market a monstrocity of poor-planning and inept gardens when it comes to the legal market. Capitalism sucks. I'ma go back to paperwork and listen to breakcore. solved, carry this with you at all times
  18. ^^ well lush Pork banh mi sandwich and some chicken congee soup Liberal amounts of
  19. Can I drive down and pick some up? Or let's meet at the border. Are you kidding me? I'm not going outside to get shot. You want this gumbo, you gotta come into the DANGER ZONE P.s. the gumbo is ragin' cajun if you catch my drift. Sad all those people died... Why the hell did they choose that location for their attacks? (EDIT- Oops, too late. Limperz got it)
  20. Just another day in the Red White and Blue. On the plus side - American Makes Gumbo - as in -- I'm making gumbo tonight with duck, shrimp and home-made smoked andouille sausage. So when you think America, think of Audioblysk making gumbo. I'd give you bowls if it would transfer via USB. No guns, I promise.
  21. About the car - It was found that same morning and hadn't been reported in. It was found running in the middle lane of a 2x2 busy street near the waterfront downtown. Some time around 4am. I can say I'm lucky in a sense. My insurance on the car is liability, I don't give too many fucks as it's a really old car that I've had for a long time, but I did get a club and an alarm yesterday to at least deter people from stealing it. I'd like to wait another year or two before I get a new car. When I got the car out of impound, they had rifled through all of it, but stole nothing. They even left a penny covered in meth, which I imagine they used to pulverize their fix. Pretty lol moment. Car runs fine :) It is funny that it was in a more affluent area, but my car is the shittiest one on the block. It's somewhat by the University, which has been seeing a lot more theft and drug use around the area, so it makes sense. I'd die within 2 months of having a bike. No joke. Not comfortable on them unless it's runway-flat roads with nobody on them. Usagi is more man than I. Same. Gained 7lbs in 2 months. Not impressed, metabolism. I'm not that old.
  22. Car got stolen from outside my GF's place for the 2nd time this year. I drive an older car because I like my money more than I care about driving a new car. Looks like I have to bite bullet and spend some of my VCFF contract money on a new fucking car if this one doesn't show up in 2 weeks. Weird thing is that the neighborhood has some million dollar houses and is considered the 'better' part of Seattle, crime-wise. My house is on the corner of buy meth and stab whitey and I NEVER had my car fucked with. Nothing beats coming outside and going 'well, my car isn't where I parked it'... Trying to stay calm. Times like these you just gotta zen and put some positive energy out - everything is in its right place, I just have yet to discover why.
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