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Everything posted by Audioblysk

  1. WATMM has been handed over to the neo-con's... god save us all.

  2. ^^^ Ibuprofen at 800mg doses kills my back pains. Or it did when I was working kitchens in the days of yore. I'm sorry to inform you, it's going to hurt more in 2 to 6 hours. God's speed and prepare for a bumpy ride...
  3. They have programs for things like this seek help.
  4. I find it interesting to observe social networks. Facebook is the best tracking device ever built that people voluntarily descend into - other than smartphones. Everything in moderation, strive to be happy.
  5. I'm not arguing or debating with ya bud. I do agree the notion is ludicrous. A corpse that had no circulation or is essentially animated dead would cease to function in any way and deteriorate even if somehow animated by an inside force (i.e. zombie virus or something) Just saying, the way the world was in the 28 days movie was the most realistic in a zombie movie to my taste or idea of what would happen in that situation, if possible- going with JE's rapey-apocolypse comment. It's just entertainment. One can find a level realism in anything and say something is the 'most realistic' even if it's far from real... realism is pretty much defined by individual perception, innit? I dunno I know your opinion, now you know mine. Isn't this lovely Let us leave the logic-battles for threads that don't have something to do with a zombie drama on AMC, puhleeeeeze.
  6. http://www.foxnews.com/us/2015/11/17/suspect-befriended-victims-found-killed-at-east-texas-campsite-sheriff-says/?intcmp=hplnws Dude kills 6 people in Texas after befriending them. Apparently one of the victims bought land right next to the killer - methinks there are a lot more bodies on those properties that will be unearthed... Creepy shit indeed.
  7. Good to know you're looking for the rapey-est of intentions with your post apocalyptic zombie soap-opera... TBH I think they'd catch a ton of flack for that, however realistic it is. I totally agree with your take on the 28 days later blood drop scene - that movie is one of the best and most realistic zombie movies IMO.
  8. Man, that Gods of Egypt movie looks terrible. It looks like the CGI was done 5 years ago under very tight budget On the other hand The Martian - 8.5/10 - I liked it, Matt Damon is alright in my book. The cast was pretty well chosen IMO except for the fact that the satellite control girl was WAY too hot to be working at NASA.
  9. I think the idea was to give a bit of the CS series sound. If they thought it was going to sound anything like the CS-80 with that minimal of work and components, Yamaha has objectively gone insane. It looks like a CS01 quite a bit
  10. Need to do a serious 'functionality' remodel of my studio. It really disrupts workflow to have to be rummaging about trying to find patch cables or space to plug things in or set them down. I use a table from walmart for my studio desk... it's just pretty grungy and I haven't done anything for it besides buy the actual instruments and computer stuff. It's the things like keyboard stands, tons of patch cables, power sources, midi, getting a few new mic stands, mounting guitar holders/stands, sound foaming up the joint, setting my rack up for my effects and wiring up my mixer properly with everything at hand. You never think it's that essential, but after working in a friends much bigger and plusher setup that is set up very functionally - I realized it's time for an upgrade in the room. FWP that can be taken from the above - I have been making so much money lately that I don't want to spend any of it as I've never been flush with money that is steady and accepted in the eyes of uncle sam... It's madness... COULD'VE DRIVEN ANY OF US MAD
  11. @stephen - isn't there a tinge of Muslim-phobia around your parts (Canada) much like us down south in PartyLand? Maybe it's like the 'if you make fun of gay dudes, you probably want to get pounded by one' thing, but with Muslims - trolling all the phobes out there into a sexual frenzy and/or ideological stupor and contradictory fugue. Meta troll Psy-ops style...
  12. Possibly going to start a new job in 2016 which will double my current earnings and give me a real 9 to 5 for once. I'll have health insurance and bonuses and all the frills and still be connected in cannabis. Moving on up - whitey style
  13. @ stephen G - It's a pentax k3II with 18-135mm f3.5-5.6 ED AL for what you guys were playing with and what we were shooting with up there - it is pretty much my stock lens for day-to-day stuff. The lens for the macro/nature stuff is the Pentax SMC DA zoom lens 18mm-270mm f3.5-6.3. That fucking hummingbird was hard to shoot. Had to camp out to get it and pretty much take it at full zoom with a sturdy tripod. P.S. I love this thread - WATMM has some talent when it comes to art/photography... and less so music KEEP EM COMING GENTS!
  14. the !, f1, delete and enter buttons suddenly stopped working on my macbook. From what I've heard I have to get an upper case replacement, which is super expensive Been having really bad anxiety the past two days, It's really bothering me and people are starting to tell me that I'm tense. Need a vacation or something...
  15. Got roped into consulting for a job that lasted from 6am until now at 2am. It needed to be done for the inspection tomorrow (or today) at 9am and the owner didn't really let us know how non-functional the space was as it was super last minute. I hope to god I've programmed that stupid German HVAC correctly... if not, may god have mercy on us all... This is one of those situations where the bill is going to be for the job done, not the hourly rate we normally charge. Hope they're okay with that lol.
  16. @MR. G --- Yeah, it's on the new one, it's a real beast. Still learning to fully dial it in. The Hummingbird was a hard one to get, had to camp out for a while to get one that close and not flying lol. That cocksucking squirrel deserves a hellish death, for serious. I'm glad I got the pic showing it's true black heart and lack of empathy for any living thing. It will not stop until it makes noise at 1am to 2am and again from 5am to 6am every day and it rules the world. Watch out for that squirrel. The squirrel will lie, the squirrel will deceive, the squirrel will chew holes around bolts through wood like a possessed mini-beaver to avoid having to go elsewhere. (p.s. thanks Danny/Carl)
  17. Tripping balls IMGP0926 by polygon window, on Flickr Hummingbird - California IMGP0859 by polygon window, on Flickr A corgi named 'Jelly' IMGP0767 by polygon window, on Flickr This asshole lives in my attic IMGP0621 by polygon window, on Flickr Ionization IMGP0944 by polygon window, on Flickr The man in the tree says I pass the test. IMGP0941 by polygon window, on Flickr
  18. I'd hire him. That how American justice should be handled. I should be able to refuse my DUI test and then have my lawyer come blasting through glass to engage in battle with the police. Attorney Dredd style... "I AM DA LAWWWW"
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