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Everything posted by Audioblysk

  1. I have a handful of female friends that I've had a one night drunken sexual encounter with while we were both single. It's just one of those things you just move on from and write it off with being drunk. We still hang out and some of them have boyfriends now (best not to speak of the one night bang-fest) Sex doesn't have to fuck up everything and a drunken offer to make out shouldn't either by any means. I'm sure in the cold sober light of day, if you addressed the situation, you could be friends still and you wouldn't feel like too much more of an idiot than someone who passes out hugging their toilet. Being drunk isn't an excuse, but admitting you can be an impulsive drunk person who sometimes makes bad choices is something everyone can understand, and if they can't -- they're lying.
  2. I ventured into Canada the other day. Went from Detroit to Point Pelee National Park w/the lady. That part of Canada kicked ass, the water was like 75 degrees on the West side! Fuckin' deserted too, there was nobody on the beach for a good 200 meters in either direction. Be friends again my northern chums. Don't end up like us down here. Let's get back to talking shit about the good ol U. S. of A.
  3. You guys are smart for reigning in your banks (moreso than the USA) for how much flack Americans throw at Canada, you guys do have your shit together. It'd be nice to think about owning a home, but even making $60K + bonuses a year, I cannot even fathom getting a decent home in the Seattle area. I'd be spending most of my income in living expenses at that point. I still have roommates lol and we live in a part of the city where I've heard people get shot down the road and hookers get picked up on the corner. It was such a good deal - $1600 a month for a 3bd/2bth with 1800sqft of space. The USA is absolutely bonkers all the time now. Now, gather round' and listen to this idiot say we need guns in movie theaters... with a straight face. Yippie ki yay, movie goers.
  4. http://www.amazon.com/Qpets-6-Meal-Automatic-Pet-Feeder/dp/B005POODL8/ref=zg_bs_2975260011_3 Saved my life when I had a cat who insisted on being fed at 3am. It made both of our lives better, he'd go nom and then come back to hog my other pillow.
  5. If you want to know lol :) #1 Nicknamed -Pepe le Glue- is a hybrid of Gorilla Glue #4. The GG was the female and was knocked up by a trinity OG dad, then the resulting selection was hit with male pollen from the trinity again and then selected out of this pool. We selected to find the one with the most diverse terpene profile and to focus on finding the long bred-out mercaptan group of terpenes in small amount. Too much is absolutely horrible smelling, like rotting meat, but if there is a very tiny amount (like less than 1% total terpenoid content) and a healthy amount of Humulene, Limonene and Myrcene - it creates this amazing boquet of skunk cabbage, spices, high acid hops, lemon and lime. True old-skool skunk style. #2 Nicknamed -Ballard Skunk- is a dense polyhybrid. Its mother is a cross of Haze C (M) and Bhodi's White Lotus, we selected the shortest flowering and most white dominant genetics on that, aiming to take out the played out smell of modern haze hybrids and shorten the flowering time, but up the structure and yeild to a white-dom plant. The Father is an Afghani x Columbian that a few friends work lines of. It stinks to high hell, some of that stuff you can smell from a while away. They had a male they really liked and passed it on. We worked to isolate the skunkier side of things, but settled on this one, which has a much more woodsy citrus funk. The thing that sold me was the taste. The first taste is lime slurpee mixed with a classic funky sour-d taste and its finish is somewhere between pumpkin spice and an spiced apple candle with and very heavy after taste that reminds me of blonde bubble hash. I'm blessed to do what I do and very happy that I get to do so. I haven't been partaking as much lately, just focusing on the perpetual cycle and making sure that everything I have a hand in at work is pushing forward. It's lusciously zen to not have to talk to people for 8 hours at a time and spend time with the gardens, getting things prepared, following my teas very closely, working with a microscope sometimes for fun to see the life I brew in compost/kelp teas. Sometimes when the irrigation comes on and the drip starts I watch the earthworms, springtails and arthropods run about. I'll shut up now
  6. IMG_1251 by polygon window, on Flickr IMG_1121 by polygon window, on Flickr IMG_1129 by polygon window, on Flickr IMG_1420 by polygon window, on Flickr IMG_0157 by polygon window, on Flickr IMG_1026 by polygon window, on Flickr IMG_1227 by polygon window, on Flickr I finally learned how to attach pics right!
  7. wow pretty much everything on this page is incredible. Watmm has some talented photographers. @delet... what camera are you using? the background textures are really grainy, looks like film kinda.
  8. Finally got access to the open-end fund account my Grandfather made with 250$ in 1992. He made it for my college tuition, but never told me or my family about it. He invested well/the firm invested well because I just got the total at $21,566. Took a Medallion Signature from an investment firm and a ton of paperwork because he's deceased and the account was made in Boston. That old bastard is looking down upon me and yelling at me to stop being such a pussy and not to spend the money on dope. I loved that Irish son of a gun.
  9. Does he support that imperialism, he seems more like he's from the spectrum of libertarian or constitutional conservative, american values that includes people like rand and ron paul, tea partiers and the like and they don't advocate foreign imperialism, in fact they abhor it. They like small government, the right to bear arms and freedom of association and speech. Also, being snarky because someone is against (even if it was ironic and you misread it) mass illegal economic immigration is the strangest thing in the world to me. Really bizarro world stuff. These people are already not the type of people you want in your country from the get go, they're queue jumping naked opportunists who probably won't give a shit about you or your precious values once they're in the majority. He was in the Navy. I think it's a sign he supports foreign militaristic imperialism, whether it's his conscious intent or not, remains to be seen. Complaining that people get free living off welfare when you slopped sustenance on a boat used to tout military dominance is ironic to me as in my mind. Serving in non-active combat is basically a work-force program with a fancy ranking and the ability to bitch about how I should respect them for making that choice. He used to complain constantly about the government cutting his education money or being late on paying him, but doesn't see how that's a handout because there's the rationalization that he 'earned' it by 'serving his country' I don't mind if you're against immigration entirely, but it's another thing when you're pretty racist in the approach of expressing that opinion, which he generally is. It's a complex issue and to think that is even close to the straw that breaks the USA's back is fear mongering. We have to 'press 1' and have had to since I can remember because the USA is seen as a cultural melting pot where people used to come in with nothing but the shirts on their backs and make a living by working hard. It's a language choice, it's like saying 'why do I have these other options on my phone language setting, should everyone speak English?!' ... It takes a certain arrogance, nationalistic pride and disrespect for others cultures to even ask that question to me. I've worked with illegals for a good bit of my working life in kitchens and none of them wanted anything other than to work, provide for their family, and not go back to the shithole in Mexico they came from. 'Those people' aren't one ominous miasma descending upon the USA who plan to corrode my 'precious values'. On the other hand, violent, spoiled, American men with napoleon complexes and guns terrify me. And come to think of it, they seem to do more damage than any of 'Those people' when it comes to massacring people in a church, blowing up city halls, bombing peoples mailboxes, shooting up schools, shooting from clock-towers and anything from Florida for the most part Do you believe the diatribe coming from the gent, or just playing devils advocate?
  10. Some pics from my previously mentioned Texas-Douche ex-coworker. What's funny is he posts shit about the tragedy of a soldiers death and that we need to stop 'helping other countries' but then doesn't realize that he supports the same loons and ideologies that lead the thick cock of American militaristic imperialism to 'help the world' and get citizens blind and enough to be mercenaries for blood money. Also, he doesn't support social programs so saying that people should get healthcare and mental care is comical. All the while, bumping his favorite Radiohead CD... Fucking baffling how some people can live
  11. Ground a taser to your bike. You may be shocked a few times as you figure out how to turn it on or forget that it's on, but it'll deter anyone from touching your bike and probably keep them from doing so again. Alternatively, have you asked if there is a place indoors you can store your bike for security purposes? Maybe there's a cool janitor that'll hook up a closet for you?
  12. Thank you for the kind words, good sir. They'll start mass production within the next 6 months so if you're ever in Seattle or surrounding area, it'll be on the shelves somewhere! I believe so, I've been pelted with a good deal of eggs, and after repeated peltings for admitting I don't listen to much autechre or care for it too much from what I've heard - I have learned to like autechre more. Mostly I'm coming for the WATMM hang-out +
  13. Good point - leave them out. Lets get the ball rolling on this ASAP
  14. Throw Northern California in there, call it Washcaligon and you have a deal. We thank you for your generosity.
  15. These are the same people that are just fine with having a ridiculously bloated and runaway military budget and fighting for other peoples 'freedom'. They probably have bumper stickers saying 'Support the troops' or some saying about guns rights. But NOOOO when you see some of the long dangling shlong that is the USA's militaristic imperialism driving around your town it's on to the "Obama is tryina force me n my gun into a FEMA camp." Lol fuck off. Absolute loons. Can the west coast split off with BC yet? It's like having an embarrassing family member that you have to bring around a group of people you don't know, they're drunk and saying their fifth polack joke and talking about how the confederate flag is a symbol of multi-racial American pride. The south can go away now.
  16. At my job, I set out to find the fabled roadkill skunk bud of olden days. We were given the ability to keep researching into genetics (thanks WA liquor control...) so long as we kept a log from seed to sale and agreed to more frequent inspections. I started with a pool of 150 plants from 5 different cultivars I selected due to predominant terpene production being focused where I wanted it. It took close to 6 months to grow then we whittled down with the help of a few friends and my father for testing. We ended up with 6 keepers out of the bunch from 5 different cultivars. I personally fell in love with two of them and they'll remain in in the stables for years to come. #1 - Reeks of pure skunk cabbage, rubber, pine and carries a hint of lemon peel #2 - Reeks like diesel fuel, sweet lime and has a funky cocoa/dark chocolate hint in there. (pics could be better, but I only had my phone on me)
  17. There's a guy I used to work with in kitchens who is a real Texan anomily. To give some background, this is an ex-navy cook (yes he was a cook, that's it) that did 8 years in the navy, grew up as the semi-spoiled son of a successful doctor in East Texas. He's balding, short and has a pretty intense napoleon complex. The guy was nothing but nice to me when we worked together and was fairly 'liberal' when it came to his beliefs... or so I thought. Lately, he moved back to Texas and has just been going apeshit on facebook. his favorite band is Radiohead he thinks Obama is a muslim socialist touts gun violence articles as reasons everyone needs a gun he fervently preaches how 'dumb libs' and 'liberal punks' are dumb and taking away freedom he posts shit about helping disabled people and eating organic he supports big oil and industry to a fault he posts things that say 'share if you're protecting your heratige' with the confederate flag... (he's of Irish decent and they immigrated after the civil war) he posts stuff about how bush is bad while supporting any right-of-sanity candidate like Rick Perry he says over and over again, the president needs to have served in the military he posts about how women should be obedient posts videos of people getting beaten for burning or stomping on a flag It's a total anomaly, I'd never have thought this guy thought any of that shit without the internet... weird that he likes radiohead and emo bands while being a racist, sexist, xenophobic bro. What's even weirder is how people like that claim they love this country and tell people to get out who don't agree with them... when the reasons they get mad at people is just those people's right to exist and think differently than you. It's no different than a muslim extremist killing innocent people for not liking their god or because they don't agree with the way they do things. It's the different side of the same turd. I really don't get how people who act like that can not see they are just as bad as the things they generally fight against... just seen through a different perspective, I guess.
  18. Huh. Well, I guess I'll have to hear it. My initial reaction is confusion... these seem hilariously under-powered and lacking tons of features to compete with the marketplace. I like that the DX is easier to dive into, but being a 4-op and being digital (already have a better digital yamaha), I don't see the need to get it aside from ease of editing. If an instrument is going to have 8 voices I want a keyboard that I can properly play on. Mini keys are great for messing about and cutting cost, but when it comes to chords and fast runs, mini-keys are a fucking pain for someone who learned on full sized keys.
  19. I'm still confused, is the CS a midi controller for software... or are there guts and volts inside that tiny toy keyboard?
  20. The models are: Reface CS – Analogue synth emulation – could be a CS80 clone. Reface DX – FM digital synth emulation – could be a DX7 clone. Reface CP – Piano keyboard emulation – could be a CP70 clone. Reface YC – Organ keyboard emulation – could be a YC20 clone. ALSO http://www.synthtopia.com/content/2014/12/04/should-yamaha-make-these-digital-synth-designs/
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