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Everything posted by Audioblysk

  1. I'm kind of with Limpy on this one. This is a basic freedom of expression, as insensitive as it may be to some who perceive it as such. People have always been persecuted in the pursuit of free speech and expression and still do, whether by chains, iron bars or firing squad. But, this is how terrorism (not the typical american meaning of it, but the definition of the word) works, if you cave in to banning the image of a prophet because of perceived acts of violence, then you have let someone using terror and fear accomplish their goal. If you are against a simple cartoon being drawn of a fictional deity that NOBODY knows of their actual appearance - you are dictating what is okay and not okay to do. For me, with humor and especially in the realm provocative of visual art or performance art, I don't have to particularly like it, but either everything is okay or nothing is, especially when it comes to what one can and can't draw. That's just this cat's feelings on the subject. I really don't see why JE always has to come off as a callous dick when ever engaged in a simple internet discussion/debate on here. It's always so quick to insults and lashing out. Do you really argue like that with people in person? Must be fucking unbearable to see a 30+ year old dude act like a child when a simple exchange of ideas goes against your personal views. I hope you don't man, you're a nice guy most of the time. Here's a flower
  2. That is crazy. There seriously must've been something in the water in the UK that got all these brilliant stoned/drunk lads to crank out tunes of the future with equipment that had no business making those sounds/sequences and making them more complex and detail oriented than 95% of music. Aliens.
  3. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burning_of_Washington The things I don't know could fill a carnival cruise ship, thanks for the interesting bit of history. My video still stands. I think Ben Franklin is the black guy with the big gun...
  4. I think the answer to this thread can be found with this footage of the founding fathers fighting off the redcoats.
  5. Bring wine on the train. It makes it better and nobody can say you lack class.
  6. Coming to the kush cup in August? I believe I can get judges tickets. :) I wasn't planning on it, but it would be fun to get blasted in the ol' poutine trough made of cold granite we call 'Canada' with you, Mr. G
  7. I am a judge for a very large cannabis cup and I have way too much to smoke. Over 60 different grams of concentrates (waxes, hashes, rosin, CO2 oil), Over 3 oz's of individual grams of cannabis... for free. I have until Friday...
  8. Lol, Pat Buchanan was far from any hope, anywhere, ever. This country has been boned since just after the civil war. The empire has been built to suit and set up by the families of those being suited. Blood in, oil out.
  9. I know the feels, it's okay, I brought Cocoa
  10. I just got back from Vegas. I will once again state that it should sink into the desert. Truly the Babylon of our time
  11. Pre-silk road bitcoins were where it was at. I sold my small amount that I gathered from online trading for waaaay more than they were worth to stupid kids using silk road. Thanks internet. Good luck in your money-making quest my brother.
  12. The moment when you realize you've almost made 1500 posts on WATMM...

  13. That would take a bit of intelligence, I'd be surprised if half of Florida's population knew where their state was on a map. Dear lord that's awful. In the most shockingly hilarious, yet deeply disturbing way...
  14. You are free to say whatever you want, but that doesn't mean that you are free from the consequences your speech has. wait, wat?
  15. The scary part is that it's 100% believable that she would get down like that. 'Scrotum lightening, Coulter whitening' lol
  16. Nice to see you've got a new space Mr. 8040 So many toys!
  17. Real men have a garden

  18. I cannot sleep in past 7am even if out drinking moderately until late. The fucked up part that's a little bittersweet, I wake up feeling not tired at all but gain no pleasure from sleep and really intense dreams to sometimes lucid dreaming. I cannot remember the last stretch of time I was happy with my sleep quality until lately, but I really can't complain. Although sleeping does nothing for me anymore in the "ahh, relaxation" way, I feel like I'm very well rested off 5-7 hours of sleep and wake up really early for no reason. I am a month into the healing process of a septoplasty, sinuplasty and turbinate reduction and am breathing out of my nose like a normal person for the first time in years... My right nostril/airway used to be 25% open at max and I had an enlarged and inflamed sinus filled with horrible things and opening from my maxillary sinus that they took down by a decent amount of size by opening the sinus more I feel like the two are related, and I know sleep is very heavily impacted by breathing, but it's just a very foreign and odd problem and it's making me lose track of my horse bets at the horse track. I've lost two monocles already, I simply must stop being so worried about my sleep for odd reasons 1stworldlife
  19. Recovering from a sinuplasty/septoplasty/grinding of turbinate bones. Just got my stents removed and can breathe for the first time in a while from my nose. Bad part is A. I have so much clot and drainage from my sinuses that I'm hocking up some nastiness. Should subside soon. B. Had to re-fill my pain-meds. When I got my wisdom teeth removed I had a 2x 30 refill of 10mg oxycodones... for no impacted bones or anything, but when it comes to essentially drilling my nose out, breaking my septum and grinding away bone, I only get 1 - 5mg hydrocodone bottle and had to argue with the doctor about how I needed more. I'm not into narco's, but it feels like someone kicked my face then made me snort a bag of rock salt... It's a little more painful than getting some teeth removed. It's sad that people abuse these drugs so much that doctors mistrust people who can use them. I even told him it doesn't have to be a full script, just enough for the rest of the week as I finish healing.
  20. Gordon Ramsay is my personal hero. I wanna go womanize and berate bad cooks with him. PLZ GORDON

    1. Ivan Ooze

      Ivan Ooze



    2. ambermonk


      Speaking of balls, his probably got kicked a few times off camera from doing just that.

  21. Taking a selfie during the rapture. #smithingthepetulantsinnerz

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