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Everything posted by Audioblysk

  1. Software is my bet. Damn tiny toy instruments. But if it's good, it's good
  2. Man, it is really just too much for some people to let the binding officially of matrimony between two beings of the same sex... Had a guy that works for a company that brings our water for the water cooler flip out today and start going off about gays. I was the only one in the room and pretty much nodding or uttering monosyllabic acknowledgements that I did indeed hear what he was saying. Probably a good thing I don't get all social justice on these things, he could easily be let go for acting like that to their business clients. He says he can't raise his family in a land of queers run by an islamic president. He said this to me like I was supposed to agree or like it was common knowledge. Bizarre really... I've never met a single male homophobic piece of shit that would turn down watching two hot chicks go at it, but for some reason, swap two penis's in there and the world is going to hell to them and it's an abomination. It's fine if it isn't their preference, or they don't wish to partake, but that cunt can eat a lemon after spewing that 'hurting the sanctity of morality and marriage' garbage. If two people of the same sex is what someone thinks is going to be the straw that breaks the camels back, the bigger picture is lost on them, him spewing that hateful vitriol is much more damaging to a child and society IMO.
  3. I've started curing my own meats, got some duck breast prosciutto and saucisson, along with some maple bacon that came out of the smoker a while ago. I started a few molds of medium sharp cheddar with local milk from Snohomish, WA. Brewing the next batch of IPA and Pale ale for the carboys to work down. Summer has started
  4. Analog/digital would be my hope. Pure analog is awesome, but if they did the routing/mod possibilities of a CS-80 or the like with really high quality DCO's, VCF's and digital routing, I'd be happy. I love my Pro-2, it sounds thicker than most any synth I own and it has DCO's. I would just laugh if it's just some shitty controller or boring VA synth with wavetable tech. Digital would be nice, but mentioning the CS-80 in the vid, I bet its going to be a VA or digital emulation of teh CS-series like the Roland Jupiter hunk of turd that roland put out a few years ago. I like digital synths, but I think most of the people buying synths now-a-days couldn't give a fuck less about some pain in the ass to program digital rack synth emulating something not many people outside of synth enthusiasts will care about... Groove box would be one thing, but you can see people playing on a keyboard in the advert so while with wishful thinking that'd be cool, I think Yamaha are trying to hit the higher range of price. There's a lot of toy instruments out there, it'd be awesome for them to unleash a beast. So far DSI, Modulus, Elektron, Moog (sub 37) and korg are carrying the torch after Roland caked its pants with those stupid digital controllers and fake 808. I hope yamaha hits their roots and makes something worth while, not another toy.
  5. ^^^ That is really really well done ^^^ You both have points. I was under the assumption that his parents gave him the weapon. Although, I don't really believe that something not being sold in stores will prohibit someone from obtaining them, if that were true there would be no problems with drugs in this country... It takes a lot of guff to go up and start murdering people, it's premeditated for the most part and this specific case certainly attests to it being so. I do agree that prohibiting them will help to reduce gun crime, but that the problem is already so widespread with legal and illegal firearms that it's going to take a real 180 degree turn to be at the point where simply the inability to purchase a gun legally will stop people from obtaining them or committing heinous acts with something like a pipe-bomb that you can make from stuff at home depot. It's a means of conveyance for bloodlust @ Delet, I agree, psychiatric medications are a big issue in this country leading to suicide, horrible thoughts, and ultimately worse consequences than what they are supposed to ail. The background check thing is one thing, I specifically stated mental evaluations, not whether or not the person has a clean record. But that would likely fail. I suppose either way it's not going to be an easy path to stop gun sales in the USA, but you both are right that something needs to start and it will work statistically. It worked in Australia, but you all are so cool down there, soaking in billabongs, waltzing with Matilda and such while you wrestle with dingos But we Americans suck and quite a few people here have an intense fear of giving up their firearms for very odd reasons that make them sound like they are living in an action movie and they are two seconds from having to go Steven Segal on people at any time.
  6. but why not continue it a little further? if guns wouldn't be so easily available to anyone who wants them then none of that would happen in any church. That's not really true. Most guns used in gun homicides are stolen or illegally purchased stolen guns. If someone wants to find a gun and lives near a major city, chances are they can find a link to the seedy-underbelly of their area and be able to purchase weapons from there. I knew a dude in high school that did 7 years for illegally selling over a dozen guns and thousands of ecstasy pills to undercover agents... and that kid was 16. So while, in a perfect world, not selling firearms at any corner gun store or cabella's would solve the problem. But, we have an issue in this country with guns already being prolific, a culture that is obsessed with violence and the inability to really stop what's already in motion. Maybe if this kid's parents would have payed attention to the little bastards growing contempt for the world and people of color and not bought him a gun for his birthday like a bunch of idiot sociopaths, this could've been avoided. At least it would've proved if he had gotten an illegally obtained firearm instead of being provided one legally that the issue is not just gun sales, it's the fact that our county has weapons coming out it's ass and down its throat. To be clear, I am not pro-gun, I believe they should be heavily regulated and owners should be subject to mental health evaluations, yearly firearm re-registry, and specifically designed for hunting or what have you, but to have an arsenal in your home in hopes that you can kill an intruder most likely looking for money or something is just insane and something that is a major problem with the mentality of most gun owners.
  7. Got it. It also has the knee controller from the GX-1 and I'm working on a Buchla-esque touch keyboard with velocity. Look about right?
  8. So yamaha is putting something out. It's either gonna be a fun new take on analog/digital or it's going to be a (sigh) answer to the roland system-1 with the controller/VST combo... My money is on a digital recreation of the CS-80. So basically something that everyone wants, in a format that nobody wants that lacks voltage. I do understand that analog synths are not cheap to produce, but that's the reason they sound so good, is because of all the work that went into making them and pushing technology to its limit in the physical realm. Either way, discuss. Hopefully it's interesting. If I can hear quantizing in a filter sweep from it I will personally shoot the model I see at a music shop.
  9. lol 1st world problem. My IDM internet friends think I'm into poop porn because my girlfriend is gone.
  10. My girlfriend is in gone for a summer fellowship at the University of Michigan's molecular and integrated physiology lab. She's gone for 3 months, but comes back for a weekend every 3 weeks. I'm not liking this lack of companionship and awesome sex. It's given me more studio time, BUT AT WHAT COST?! I forgot just how shitty porn is. God dammit. I miss that beautiful foreign devil. (sad ablysk)
  11. I'm only a quarter century old, so I really don't have much frame of reference, but has the political dog-and-pony show always been this bad? The veil is so thin at this point. We have corporations and policy makers colluding in broad daylight and now we shrug and have for so long that people don't even shrug for the most part or even notice. Presidents whom are just sitting figures for talking heads to get ignorant people pissed about are all that people bitch about or make themselves 'aware' of by watching slanted news and 2 second snippets of a conversation or speech. When did the bar get lowered so far down? The USA has always been a bit bumptious (putting it lightly) but for fucks sake, it's hard to meet an American or remotely sane individual that cares. Pretty easy to find racist zealots with problems with their cock size or bully complexes, they stand out like a sore thumb and seem to be getting more voice as it incites people who wouldn't normally care to take up causes to spite douchebags. The sad part is, that in my travels around the world and the states so far - people are all pretty much the same and wanting to do good. But there is some evil spreading in the USA of just pure ignorance and it's not even lack of shame, it's more a lack of self-awareness and individualism, thus leading to questionable and probably in some people's eyes shameful thoughts and practices in the average people. On topic - Thank god we have cops to shoot people on the spot. I feel safe
  12. That's one of the most patriotic things a man can do in a custody battle. He played a game of texas hold em' and went all in. edit - what the hell is wrong with Dallas and Houston?
  13. Lol she's from Spokane? I'm surprised really, I'm pretty sure the areas within and surrounding Ellensburg, Spokane, and Battle Ground are just about the only places in Washington where one can see confederate flags painted on someones garage. Pretending to be black seems to be a bad idea there...
  14. I really don't care for autechre, but I'd love to stalk you... maybe I'll be there...
  15. How much did that modular run you BCM? Looks like a productive little space.
  16. I lost it at the danger roll. I really don't know what is more frustrating to watch, the cop going totally insane like he just caught a bunch of drug dealers, or the kids that won't just move the fuck across the street and stop saying 'das assault n shit, u touched me' when this officer is obviously pissed off and unstable. Do you think while he realized he was being filmed he was like 'oh god dammit, I'm gonna be that guy, yelling at some minorities and wrestling one to the ground while she screams' or do you think it was more of a 'I don't see how anyone could have a problem with me running around, drawing my gun and throwing kids to the ground because of this pool party and a scuffle between two youths that was broken up before I got here' Lots of stupid on both ends
  17. Let's kick his ass StephyGzr. I got your back
  18. You'd think that being a google exec, he'd be able to get better looking hookers and learn to dose his dope correctly. Yikes...
  19. 1500 posts deep

  20. I just couldn't stand watching Jim Carrey humping away all bare assed and such. Not to mention the fact that it wasn't a good movie. Just watched "Extract" , pretty funny. Mike Judge is always a hit.
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