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Everything posted by YO303

  1. Tomorrow's Harvest Is their third best album and their fifth best release. Geogaddi MHTRTC Twoism Hi Scores Tomorrow's Harvest
  2. Listen to the leak, this album is a certified 10/10, Boards of Canada back to their best.
  3. I ALMOST got paid to do this .. friend of the family asked me to do a certificate because "i like computers"? She wanted to pay me but i said no. Its a success on a personal level because i could have made 60 dollars (and i need the money) but i refused because i know this is shit and it took no effort. This is also a success because this is the first time i finished something since being struck by lack of motivation. lol
  4. Who the fuck does he think he is, look a him, he thinks hes big kingpin.
  5. This represents man's domination over fauna. its art.
  6. Ian Hallowhead gold .. http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/22707916
  7. "From TR: “I’ve been less than honest about what I’ve really been up to lately. For the last year I’ve been secretly working non-stop with Atticus Ross and Alan Moulder on a new, full-length Nine Inch Nails record, which I am happy to say is finished and frankly fucking great. This is the real impetus and motivation behind the decision to assemble a new band and tour again. My forays into film, HTDA and other projects really stimulated me creatively and I decided to focus that energy on taking Nine Inch Nails to a new place. Here we go!” Stay tuned… " I loved The Slip so im excited about this, but the optimism is reluctant, HTDA and the soundtracks weren't good at all i thought, hopefully he'll put more energy and creativity on this NIN album.
  8. Steffen Freund what a character, i bet he has no idea about tactics or anything like that, hes just there to bring color. Hes probably very similar to Paul Ince in the tactics department ..
  9. Best part about this video is that he interrupted Paulo Ferreira's retirement speech, lol.
  10. fucking lol, so many good one i cant choose wich one to post.
  11. Song is at fault for thinking he is important or relevant enough to lift the trophy first, i mean Messi is there, why would song think he should lift the trophy ahead of messi?
  12. Alex 'Unaware, Social Autistic" Song Oh Alex, Why would Puyol hang you the trophy, you are as irrelevant as the waterboy, lol.
  13. nobody is getting off, people do it to relax, it triggers a relaxing tingling feeling on people, nothing sexual about it.
  14. I Give It A Year - Some much awkwardness, so many dry cringe moments, i had fun. For a rom-com i'll give it 8/10 (I didnt like the ending because Rose Byrne is much better with Anna Ferris) ps Anna Ferris is a terrible actress, lol.
  15. if this doesnt make you asmr'd all over your keyboard nothing will
  16. And by the way i thought your review was sensible. "i don't think it's innovative. i do think it's fun and i enjoyed listening to it." Apart from calling people who dont like the album autistics i dont have a problem with your views on this album (and why should i, lol)
  17. so everyone who doesnt like this god damn album has autism? sorry we all dont like god damn retro-disco badly done. I like Daft Punk's first two album (and the Alive 2007 thing was great too). I think i'm more hostile towards the reaction from the media, its just too much. Normally when i dont like an album i either make one post saying i dont like it or i'll just dont post at all and forget about it but i think there is a lot to say about the reaction from so-called music experts. And again kaini, you just can't comprehend that people might not like the things you like. Maybe you are the autistic one. you are not lush. and you shouldn't care about the media. what do YOU think about it? why do you care what paul morley or $pitchfork_journalist$ or anyone, ANYONE but YOU think about it. i'm not a music expert, however if i like something and the weird version of 'popular opinion' on this site (not enough glitches, didn't sample enough broken elevators, someone's girlfriend might dance to it) goes against it, i might express my appreciation. most of the time i couldn't be bothered. but once again, it's about you, yo303. i didn't like it, omg kaini did. he hates me. you tool. you complete and utter tool. go outside once in a while. the resolution is excellent, but the AI is only comparable to yours. wow you always take it to a personal level, shows the class of person you are. And you are the ones calling people autistic for not liking the album so lol's on you.
  18. P.S - the last 4 minutes of the album are magical, i'll give them that.
  19. so everyone who doesnt like this god damn album has autism? sorry we all dont like god damn retro-disco badly done. I like Daft Punk's first two album (and the Alive 2007 thing was great too). I think i'm more hostile towards the reaction from the media, its just too much. Normally when i dont like an album i either make one post saying i dont like it or i'll just dont post at all and forget about it but i think there is a lot to say about the reaction from so-called music experts. And again kaini, you just can't comprehend that people might not like the things you like. Maybe you are the autistic one.
  20. It must feel nice to be someone like Autechre (just an example dont jump on me) and witness the reaction to this album, Daft Punk being called innovators for doing some retro-bullshit that has been done before a million times while there are true artists out there that are true innovators and they dont get the recognition this bullshit album is getting.
  21. Ian Halloway, we miss you
  22. lol are people surprise that this album was shit? Remember when disco was hated? that was just a few years ago before it was cool to ironically like shit silly music like disco. You all deserve to be disappointed for hyping this bullshit.
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