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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. True yeah. Not really a good thing someone has to work until the wee hours of the morning just to sell some late night vitamins or rubbers or whatever a person could possibly need from a pharmacy at 3AM lol.
  2. Damn men. Yeah blerp done screwed up. Bad blerp. Crazy to hear those kinds of places close that early in the UK though - here they're open until at least 10PM. Many are 24hrs. Accepting a parcel shouldn't be such an inconvenience that you have to hire someone to stay home and wait for it or take a day off. Hopefully it shows up soon for you guys.
  3. Sorry, by secure location I meant they deliver to a retail outlet (like a post office, pharmacy etc) that's certified to handle mail. That sucks though, can you guys re-direct it to your work so you don't have to arrange anything at home? Doesn't fix that it doesn't seem to be out for delivery yet but at least you wouldn't have to arrange someone to sign for it.
  4. Do they not deliver it to a secure location nearby (post office etc) if you're not home? The couriers here safe drop at a secure location if you're not home.
  5. Guys, haven't you been waiting months and months for this? What's another day or two?
  6. The pond in front of my house is so ready. All those OPN records are getting lonely.
  7. Be glad it wasn't another steel slipcase... lol ;0
  8. Is there a way we can blame Trump for this? lol (Are they shipping from the US and new import tariffs are why we're paying duties or what? It was $39 for me in Alberta)
  9. I just bought Binding based on the last few pages.... what have I done
  10. I'm color blind, might not be same blue to me as urs edit: in the same manner we must define what steinvord is, what is a steinvord? what do the trax mean really? very difficult questions just messing around man, this thread is so dumb aye aye cap'n. concur
  11. That's alright. Unfortunately though "blue" isn't anything subjective. Separation of white light etc.
  12. To be fair, assuming everyone here has ears, it's unclear why any of this is "specualtion". The thread should be closed. It's like asking if the sky is blue.
  13. They sell the sessions as vinyl individually as well (I think that's what he's saying, he will buy the sessions individually because $$$).
  14. Because they did not press that track to the vinyl. (To boost sales of the digital which has almost zero overhead, increasing their overall margin on this release)
  15. I'm holding out hope. Given it's 30 mins I'll prob do a bit of shrooms on this one. Used to do them for every new release but haven't been able to for a few years. Maybe I'll throw some NTS sessions on afterwards. Looking forward to it as the release is close to my long weekend.
  16. Ouch, that sounds rough.... No actually I haven't checked, but that's a great point. I'll do that now. Might shed some light on how the guy got in. Good thinking
  17. I know! I'm so pissed. Now I have to spend time at the registry getting ID, going to the bank to get new cards, calling a bunch of my service providers to update billing info, etc. Basically wastes a day, lost a bunch of money, and also feel kind of violated. Like my personal info is in there, family photos. grr
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