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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. Yeah - that was here where I live (Calgary). Eventually it was just ruled "accidental" with no further explanation. I figure he was either trying to setup cameras in the womens washrooms, or he was trying to hide so he could rob some stores after close? He basically got trapped between two walls I guess.
  2. Almost yeah - my front lawn + 2 lanes of traffic and then the pond. =(
  3. lolol oof Jesus... much younger than Jesus unfortunately. The EMTs were doing chest compressions and CPR etc so there's a chance he maybe lived? No update in the news yet. I can't imagine the kid made it - from what I understand a few people passing by saw him floating about, and pulled him out and called the cops right away. Sounds like the poor kid was in there for a bit. Some poor parents lives just got fistfcked yesterday, rlly sad.
  4. cops pulled a kids body from the pond in front of my house earlier today
  5. Span how versed are you in VBA? need a macro to bind to a button to show/hide a table of data. Google no helpy. edit: it will win you "Woke Points". Why don't u just record a macro for that ? I just figured out you can do that. (I'm not computer savvy like you gents)
  6. Span how versed are you in VBA? need a macro to bind to a button to show/hide a table of data. Google no helpy. edit: it will win you "Woke Points".
  7. Rejoice! In less than two weeks, Massachusetts will have lovely retail cannabis for our enjoyment. Spread the love. I’ve been using quasi-legal delivery services for over a year but it shall soon be legit and a chorus of angels will ring out from the horizon. They're still delaying this shit. But the unstoppable deliveries will remain heroic and true. It's just the ritual of being able to walk into a store and buy that will be truly poetic and downright patriotic tbh Yeah, looks like October here now. >.<
  8. I'm slow and don't follow. Does the death of this (alleged/probably) pregnant woman beating (alleged/probably) abusive subpar (any genre, 100% sure) music maker bother you or not? I get what you're saying RE WATMM . Edit: trying to follow what your gripe is with. All respect of course, cheers.
  9. pretty much this, yeah. I find it absolutely insane how this has gone on for this long. This is democracy I guess? =/
  10. I'll answer for him! My last attempt to get at what it is that you're trying to prove here gave us this Which to be honest is a non answer, so: which one of these you think is correct (to answer your question, i'm going with 1) 1) There being a widespread version of the flag that's easier to remember (and maybe more pleasant to the eye) does not conflict with the fact the official flag is and has always been asymmetric, as evidenced by endless documentation 2) The fact that many people think the flag is symmetric means it has always been symmetric, and the endless documentation that show the flag not being symmetric is either forged, or fake, or has been rendered false 3) The flag was not symmetric, but if enough people think it is, then it means it always was symmetric (?) 4) I'm not saying that at all!! What I'm trying to say is ___________ (fill the blank) pls respond 4) I'm not saying that at all!! What I'm trying to say is we're in the matrix! This is all just a simulation!
  11. am at work so can't download to check JD, but is that download sans crowd noise? IE soundboard
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