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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. From what I read, using oil with a low smoke point for seasoning will smoke your house out during the seasoning process, but the stuff left behind in the pan/that becomes part of the pan, stands up to high heat much better and needs less care? This is my first foray into cast iron, so only going off the interwebs. Sounds like there are a few diff ways to do it? I'll try both ways and see how she goes! I'll live and learn! :P Happy holidays btw hope you and the fam-jam have a good Christmas and new years and all that.
  2. =/ You want an oil with a low smoke point. That's how it polymerizes and seasons the pan.... oh wait, nevermind. that would be bad wouldn't it? why am I reading two very opposite things online? >.< edit: looks like there is no real consensus on oils to season with. Some sites advocate low smoke point oils and others, high smoke point. I'm more confused now than before.
  3. new fwp the curtains in my kitchen are terrible and I'm self conscious about them edit: a quick google search for "mega masculine high testosterone non frilly lady curtains" didn't give me many good options.
  4. lol they are pretty bad hey? Never really bothered me but now that I look at them... ugh
  5. I think flaxseed oil is one of the recommended oils yeah
  6. Yeah. Ok. I listened to it twice. I'd give it a "good minus" at best. I'm certainly not hearing "album of the decade", or "10/10" material. I'm hearing 63 minutes of samples constantly starting and stopping and barely ever settling into a groove, with the occasional melody thrown overtop. Some good tracks on here for sure, "Seen Enough?", "The Stuff", "The Violent Breed", and a couple others but other than that the album is way too twitchy, it's like techno with mega parkinsons disease. Michael J Fox-core. edit: and "The Murder Cycles".
  7. HOLY FUCK, that's REAL?!?! holy shit. Ok, it's obvious I think, with the backtracking (FBI 100% endorsement) and a post like this, he's trying to avoid some sort of legal action coming up... maybe via early dementia claims?? ​Nope I'm just stupid. It was a 2013 post sorry.
  8. I don't know what happened! I was just distracted. Sometimes I use the same glass for mixed drinks that I do for icewater. My mind was somewhere else and I just chucked the rum in the sink lol. ugh. le-sigh. Guess tonights Rye. :)
  9. lol... half fair? Here is my kitchen right now: It's not that bad? It's like, semi tidy? lol @ the box of assorted craft beers bottom left though.
  10. Fresh fig pizza? As an inverted flower of the fig tree, the synconium is actually a false fruit (flowers and seeds grow together). However, figs on pizza are fucking delicious. Some fried prosciutto, caramelized onion, goat cheese, maybe a drizzle/jizzle of basil pesto. so gourd Edit: sorry, I've never had that with FRESH figs as you suggested, only preserved (which is actually weird, I know). Fresh, texture and sweetness wise, would be SO much better.
  11. true dat. fwp.. I started making a drink, had 6oz overproof in a cup started making a drink... left the kitchen... came back distracted, for some reason thought it was leftover water from last night and chucked it in the sink. what a waste
  12. true, yeah ;) I mostly got the cast iron for searing meats, + some really nice recipes that are best finished in the oven (deep dish pizza, frittata, stuff like that). Oh, and durability. We seem to have to replace a pan a year or so.
  13. but.... but... but.... I just did this this morning =( (kept mine over-easy, no stickingggggg at alllllllllllllllllllllllllll) :)
  14. Better yet, smoked catfood. They'll think you love cats, you're unique, and of refined taste in catfood.
  15. lol http://www.bbc.com/news/av/world-us-canada-42360539/matthew-petersen-trump-s-nominee-for-judge-flubs-law-test
  16. It can never not be "today". It's always "today". It's never yesterday or tomorrow.
  17. ugh another rollinglol killed so young, he had so many lols ahead of him that's 2 in just as many days the humanity when will the senseless killings end?
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