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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. I'm interested in t7, but always had a hard time getting into the tekken games. I know they're highly technical and usually look great. I just always found the controls to not be so intuitive, compared to like MKX or the street fighter series. I think I might grab T7 though, I might wait for some patching on the PS4 like Jelly just said.
  2. the new watmm lol no but in all seriousness. It's the next album, to be released in September.
  3. lol... I mean, I'm far from pretty. But she is particularly gross, made worse each time she opens her mouth to speak.
  4. she really reminds me of a female skeletor for some reason
  5. he spouts so much fucking bullshit it's unreal.
  6. He seems to be very quickly destroying US' credibility in Europe. All I see are headlines with European leaders rebuking him and his shitty decisions.
  7. anddddddddddddddddddddd Drumpf pulls out of the Paris agreement
  8. Ah, ok, so I'm not out to lunch (lol). Have you ever had it delivered, does it show up hot?
  9. I believe they've already had delivery in.... New York and either LA or Chicago? I swear they already had delivery in New York....? Heard they're exploring drone delivery too lol. Prime opportunity for drug dealers to infiltrate mcd's and use drones to deliver special side-dishes lol. edit: sorry, it was Manhattan. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/McDelivery)
  10. I think that's bullshit. So every non-white person selling a sandwich is appropriating culture too, by those terms? There are actual racial issues out there other than "some white chicks are selling burritos". So petty.
  11. man sorry to hear. that shit is a total plague round this way too. My wife has a handful of relatives who are on-and-off addicts, no matter how many times her family tries to save them and bring them back, and no matter how many near-death experiences they have, sometimes they will just keep slipping back into it. In one case I think we're pretty much waiting for the phone call to find out that they've died Not sure how bad it is out east, but it's an absolute epidemic here in Alberta. Way more killed from fentanyl than homicides. Fuck that shit and the scum that distribute it. Sorry to hear you guys are affected directly =( it's an epidemic. lot's of people falling out from it in the PNW and then getting brought back w/narcan and then going around again and again until they don't make it. sucks. A girl I went to school with OD'ed and died on it a month or so ago. =/ Apparently there were 113 deaths from Fentanyl OD here in Alberta in the first 3 months of this year.
  12. Both are pretty solid shooters. I reinstalled Wolf: TNO nearly a month ago but haven't gotten around to it yet this year. Though I did play thru both the Fergus and the Wyatt timelines two years ago. I'm playing Prey at the moment on PC, which I think echos System Shock quite a bit. More so the second than the first though. And War Robots is still my top game on Android. How's Prey working out? Are the graphics as good as they look in trailers etc? Worth playing? I'm on the last level of DOOM and need a shooter replace it. Yeah I'd say so, especially considering the game's less than 20 G in size. I have to warn you however that the same bravado tactic that gets you thru DOOM, splattering monsters left and right, won't quite work the same way in Prey. Since it's more of a survival horror, you'd have to tread lightly wherever you go, since even one enemy at a time can post a serious threat. Not unlike the first Resident Evil. Hmm! I may check it out then. =)
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