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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. Why aren’t we talking about how zeph needs to clean his room?
  2. Bizzump! Out today, anyone have a listen yet!? I won’t have time to give it a proper listen until Friday tbh but pumped
  3. Shame. Alco hunny I can see your sig still? Can you see mine?
  4. Ugh I can’t tune in right now - do these get archived & are downloadable? Or can someone download the stream or something?
  5. Fantastic news! I know just how good this feels as I'm in the same boat (start Monday). Congratulations!
  6. Same, I want a whole album of this stuff heh. Love how it devolves into chaos and noise towards the end. Steinbolt vibes kinda
  7. not sure where else to put this but here seemed appropriate
  8. He’s also writing it as a 2 part novel iirc? It will follow the movie plot in general but I don’t believe the outcome/end is the same.
  9. We will have to be patient! May release by the looks of it. ?
  10. Hugh Mughnus

    confield art

    I had to Google coprophile no bueno
  11. Didn't realize it was out already! Know what I'm listening to tonight. thx for the tunes!
  12. That first tracks gonna be a certified banger if the preview snippet is anything to go by heh
  13. Big Velum Break fan here, been really enjoying the Oh Boy EPs lately. I think Bench Manoeuvres was my most listened to album of 2019 ?. The previews sound like a nice representation of his style/s. Hype
  14. Dope! Previews sounding lush as expected! https://soundcloud.app.goo.gl/p1viEszk61UCmTJXA Didn’t see a thread for this, delete if duplicate. “Birmingham based Velum Break lumbers on to Analogical Force with his debut EP; his glistening Cloaca. Dripping with infectious warpings, rhythmic engorgements and low end turgidities, this record beckons the dandy inside of you and guarantees excitement of the greatest depths. Auralities and pleasurements not to be missed. Make haste and godspeed. ” https://analogicalforce.bandcamp.com/album/af036-cloaca-ep
  15. I too forgot about DDD!! Thx for this post! This has been on repeat for the last couple months: https://stazma-the-junglechrist.bandcamp.com/album/fluorhydrique-ep Specifically “blue screen”
  16. The missus really looked for it! seemed to be discontinued or something as like 2 or 3 of the big stores didn't have it ? lol
  17. We should have a frozen pizza watmm sync up. bummed I wasn't able to find that chocolate oetker abomination lol
  18. cheers for that, I do like to mention hellfish+producer anyway tho since they often are forgotten when talking about mike p.. did he ever say anything about the loop lifted on hard love? I remember reading something about it but I may be confusing it w something else.. Hmm! I don't recall reading anything on Hard Love tbh? Good track though, I'm curious to know more. I remember reading about it when he was more active on social media, but I might have that wrong. Just recall those modular videos where his studio looked like a server room (but the cabinets were full of modular gear), and it being flooded. Brings a tear to the eye. I recall those pics too actually, really sad IMO at least. I tried searching around for more info on what exactly happened but didn't come up with much.
  19. A pipe burst in his basement and destroyed a shit ton of his stuff. I'm sure he gets a bunch of stuff for free, but the cleanup and repair for the house is an arm and a leg for stuff like that. Was that what it was? I seem to recall something about his manager/lawyer/someone tied up in his money essentially stealing from him and him not having any legal recourse. I could be getting him mixed up with another artist though. I probably am getting it mixed up actually... =/
  20. that looks rlly good
  21. Track C08: 'Grape Nut Beats (Pt.1)' is an extended and slightly tweaked version of 'Which Cunt? (µ-Ziq's 6/8 Remix)', Originally by The DJ Producer AKA Mr. Luke McMillan & remixed by me (obviously). The original 'Witch Hunt' was released on the 'Better The Devil You Know...' 12" on Rebelscum (SCUM006) as well as on the CD 'Bastard Sonz Of Rave' by Hellfish And Producer on Planet Mu (ZIQ058). My remix of it is on SCUM010 'Interpretation' (2LP & CD) - Used by kind permission of www.rebelscum.co.uk in return for me remixing it in the first place - It's only fair!" from the liner notes.
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