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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. Flol red deer. What a shithole. I wouldn't like to live there, personally. Lots of money in the area though.
  2. I'm a sicko though MGF, I actually LIKE the cold.
  3. ^ that would be hilarious master trolling by the internet service providers lol. I think you're right RE the phobia though, particularly in Alberta for whatever reason. Alberta is kind of the Texas of Canada, if that makes any sense.
  4. lol this isn't really a fwp but I don't know where else to put it. For some reason, on any computer I use, the targeted ads that come up are for Muslim or Arab dating sites? Not only have I never been on a dating site, I've never searched for Muslim or Arab porn or anything even remotely close. I also have my browsers set to clear history and all other caches when I close the browser. So why are my home and work computers constantly offering me Muslim and Arab women? wat?
  5. thats brutal that's one of the worst things I've ever heard actually =( right up there with that Friday song or whatever. usagi pls
  6. which one is the heart attack special? I'd say all of them because of the sodium levels but maybe one is extra heart attacky lol. The heart attack special is as follows: Chicken tikka filling, lettuce, sweetcorn and cheese in toasted plain italian bread. That doesn't sound too unhealthy, right? Well, this is where reality tumbles apart and we are dragged, kicking and screaming, into the realm of insanity. When the slack-jawed sandwich-monkey asks "would you like any sauce?" I reply "Yes, an inhuman amount of both ketchup and barbecue sauce". They generally give me a bit of an odd look, but that's because they've never tasted the unholy glory of the heart attack special. If only you would all try it, you'd know. You'd all know. Anyway, it's probably for the best I rarely have them. I just decided to get one today to treat myself for having the willpower to leave my hovel and go into town for the first time in months. ha! Tikka filling and sweetcorn aren't even options at subway, in Canad'er.
  7. which one is the heart attack special? I'd say all of them because of the sodium levels but maybe one is extra heart attacky lol.
  8. ^ I find flexeril is pretty good, as long as you take 20mg or so. They make me pretty sleepy though =(
  9. <3 (lol you're gonna rub smegma all over it now aren't you?) I really liked your last release as well. If it's the same "idmer" as before, that's awesome. Must be a HUGE compliment actually. Congratulations =)
  10. Pulled a muscle in my neck badly and it hurts like hell. Hoping these will help a bit.
  11. I'm really happy to read that post mr 747. That's great news, I think you've made the right choice.
  12. That's kind of funny, when you think about it lol. If you dj'ed some of the tracks, I assume you've started slicing some of the sets up into separate tracks? I'm going to start on that this weekend. It will be hard though because the mixing in/out of the "tracks" is part of the magic. It will be hard for me to decide where to start...
  13. currently consuming this * 1.5 (amino acids)
  14. ^ had acid/mushroom Ultrecht set night on Saturday. It was absolutely mental. I feel ya
  15. It is by you then! This is a really really nice track. I would love to hear more like this. Purchased right away. I love stuff like this.
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