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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. I think the last two tracks on Ultrecht are probably the craziest pieces of anything I've ever heard. The second last track (45:52) sounds like they are tuning their radio, dialing in to some sort of alien communication. They finally tune in around 50:53. Completely alien sounding.
  2. A slice of (quite spicy) butter chicken pizza. Delish
  3. That looks delicious?! I didn't even know that was a thing. Where do I start
  4. ha! We did an Aphex pumpkin last year too. And a p-mu symbol. Good job =)
  5. Try going to the link here and using the forgot password function. Reset password etc. https://autechre.bleepstores.com Thanks for pointing me to this possible workaround. Sadly for me it doesnt work... Arghhh, sorry to hear that. I wonder why that worked for some of us but not others? =/
  6. All of them. You have 8 hours Lol that would be too much I think
  7. I'm having a hard time figuring out which one of these autechre soundboards is best suited to melt my face after some psilocybin watmm help
  8. Try going to the link here and using the forgot password function. Reset password etc. https://autechre.bleepstores.com
  9. Me and Amen Lare Me. And AnnaK . And my brother. I think it may have been Audioblysks first live gig too.
  10. ^ That is what I wasn't sure about. Wasn't sure how much of what we see of NK is media slant. lol media slant. that wasn't intentional
  11. Country:United States lol I do this all the time too m8
  12. for some reason that Bee looks like nicholas cage. Can someone with photoshop skills make this happen?
  13. Have you ever seen parents of a kid treated in this manner take responsibility for their children's behavior, and say "yeah my kid is a real handful" or something to that effect? Do you work with kids at all? There's always at least one parent at my school who comes to teachers/admin at a total loss for how to control their child. I don't think it's uncommon for parents to be both concerned and clueless/ineffective. I don't work with kids at all. Don't laugh (ok laugh, it's laughable), but I based that statement only on all the cases over the last decade I see in the media. Canada and US, mostly. The parents always vehemently deny that their kid could maybe just be a shitty person, and they always deny any wrongdoing.... "I raised them right", etc. Obviously what is seen in the media isn't a good snapshot of reality, I'll admit that. Teaching in public schools is pretty grim at the moment. Testing and blaming teachers for poor parenting are ruining things. And this.
  14. You're probably right. Rational would probably translate to risk-averse, to some degree?
  15. Have you ever seen parents of a kid treated in this manner take responsibility for their children's behavior, and say "yeah my kid is a real handful" or something to that effect? I think Nebraska has made a fair assumption in saying that they won't take any responsibility, just based on the trend. I think the officer was a little harsh in his approach though.
  16. My gf does. She plays mostly the same stuff as me. She's hooked on Mortal Kombat X lol
  17. I've been a part of all three of those topics. Sorry if I made the FWP thread too serious over the years, I've just had nowhere else to vent really and this thread has been a lot of help. srry srry srry. What's on your mind? I'm here to chat if you need to vent, PM if you want. Always helps to have someone to vent to. Figured I'd offer anyways.
  18. The Naraku dungeon is really hard when you don't really have any demons. Have you made it to the boss yet? I got obliterated by him the first time I fought him. I think there are two really hard bosses there, but you pass it, you'll notice the difficulty drop a bit, mostly because you gain access to some good demons and can fuse for the first time. I've got a few demons now and it makes a huge difference. It's still pretty tough though, only takes a few hits to kill you or one of your demons. I've not made it to any bosses yet, I'm just past the first few missions (I've just finished the point where you get challenge missions/quests for the first time). So far I'm liking it though.
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