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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. I don't really understand that sequence of pictures or its meaning. Can you explain? (I'm dumb I know)
  2. That makes sense, sorry I misunderstood what you were saying. I definitely don't turn a blind eye to the negative news. I read about it, I think about it. But I don't fully engross myself in it and check for updates on the same bad story daily like some people. I think we're on the same page.
  3. If your sense of reality is based on the few exceptional cases rather than the norm, then I don't think I'm the one living in a distorted bubble lol.
  4. No. It's understanding that the media reports on the exceptional, not the norm, and not getting caught up in the sensationalism and emotional fervor that pursues. I do the exact same thing as Squee and avoid the constant negative news. The Garner and Fergusson cases were EXCEPTIONAL. It's not an accurate reflection of "the reality of the world". Do hundreds of black men in the US get brutalized and unfair treatment by the police? Yes. But millions of arrests and other police interactions occur annually without incident. Wheres the months of protest and rioting for that?
  5. I can't figure out what else to get my girlfriend for christmas. Not like she is expecting something grand or anything, she's very down to earth. But I want to get her something else. ho hum
  6. how does it feel when you leave dirty messages for her? lol
  7. I don't know if 3 young women getting you a boner is embarrassing really. It would be more embarrassing if you couldn't get a woody for 3 young women. Or if you peed on them or something. Edit: "Young" as in legal of course.
  8. I forgot to recommend Jim jefferies. He's hilarious
  9. edit: @jev very nice. I have a pair of 240ti as well which I love (not nearly as nice as yours of course). They did an awesome job with the titanium tweeters. Thanks for the explanation. Sounds like my understanding is correct. The difference is I guess that I enjoy less of a challenge sometimes! Aphex easy listening, if you will.
  10. What are you listening to the album on that is giving you the impression the mastering sucks? My experience is completely opposite. Edit: in case my question was unclear, what is your method of playback? IE headphones, large system, small monitors etc. Sounds great off my system. I have a luck of having a sound-system worth of a brand-new-mid-class car daily at my disposal. JBL speakers and Nu-Force amplifiers. I also have AKG K701, ATH-ES7 and some Shure headphones (which are pretty bad). But mainly, I have cca 8 years of producing and mixing experience and "whole-life" of critical listening experience. To my ears, the mastering and level balancing of individual tracks (mainly caused by mixing during production by AFX himself) are terrible. Frequency balance is rather good, but levels are a mess. It might be intended but I don't like it. I find it boring. Anyway, this is all very subjective as there clearly is many people in the world that love heavy, vacuum-like compression in music. Me too, but I still need some peaks and transients in the end. Autechre's "Pen Expers" and Untilted album are good examples of how to get the vacuum compression right, in my opinion. Syro is not. which JBLs do you have? 4340s? I've got a nice pair myself. I'm really a fan of 1970s - mid 1980s american made speakers (cerwin, JBL) as well as tannoy and canton from europe. Not a fan of new speakers so much (besides them being out of my price range). Yes this is all very subjective, I definitely hear a bit more compression than usual in his work but it's more than likely intentional. He said himself this is supposed to be his most accessible album. There is likely a correlation between the compression and him trying to make it accessible, no? Besides that, I found the palette and richness of some of the sounds he used to be far more attention worthy than the little bit of extra compression. Like the bass on 4 bit, or the cloudlike pads on papat... Isn't it more palatable to a larger audience this way (bit compressed), or am I understanding it wrong? cheers edit: tl;dr, what I mean is sometimes more dynamic might bother inexperienced listeners ears, no?
  11. What are you listening to the album on that is giving you the impression the mastering sucks? My experience is completely opposite. Edit: in case my question was unclear, what is your method of playback? IE headphones, large system, small monitors etc. Sounds great off my system.
  12. Definitely Louis CK and Doug Stanhope. If you have netflix most of their specials are on there actually.
  13. smiling is SO not IDM. p.s. where's your neckbeard? you have a long way to go to be idm shit! i'll never smile again... regarding neckbeard, my gf would kill me if i had one. waitaminute! .aaaa.a..h... afaik having a gf also not idm, right? damn, watmm! don't be so cruel. i like this girl... dun dun DUN lol
  14. smiling is SO not IDM. p.s. where's your neckbeard? you have a long way to go to be idm
  15. wAgAwAgA party tonight! Man this guy is underrated.

  16. I had downloaded mp3 v0.... Not sure what happened, I tried unpacking it a few times and it was still f'ed.
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