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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. I really really really hate when this happens. I know someone that occasionally I will say "hi how is your day" to (at work) and she ends up trying to drag me into this long story that includes a bunch of friends of hers that I have no idea who they are (she uses their first names like I'm supposed to know who she's talking about). Anger. I suppose I could just be direct and say shut up but then I'd get in trouble I suppose. Plus she's actually nice and I kind of feel bad for her.
  2. Sweet fucking christ! Oh wait, you have more than one car... Mine is like 120$ a month for liability... for a 92' honda accord (it's seafoam green, like a real mans car should be) But I'm also 24 so that should drop in a while. When I got my first car (just an 08' mazda 3) it was $530 a month just for the one car! Now the mazda is down to $110 and somehow, someway, my vette is cheaper at $102 a month. Either way, less insurance monies being spent here =)
  3. Now that I'm 25 years old my car insurance has gone down from $394 per month to $212 per month. =)
  4. DJ Great Minds DJ Autism DJ 399 OCD 399 OCD 399 OCD
  5. that's already taken by someone on watmm lol well... pearsquisher anyways. I guess it's diff
  6. Hmm I'm not so sure tbh. I know how they both played that track live a few times.... But produk really has a vibert vibe. The bounciness of the beat and that CLAP is so vibert! And then he says in so few words that his favorite track on the album is produk, kind of like a dig at syro that his fav track is the one he should be credited for kind of thing.. =/ dude produk is straight tuss, just listen to the drums on 180db, full wagon christ style meh could be right. we'll probably never know
  7. There aren't any samples. Or at least I could bet my life savings on it, that's how sure I am personally. And again, Cyg x-1: production totally different, track arrangement totally different, totally different vibe to Tom or Richard's style. When I listen to this track I imagine some sort of intense space imaginery, coupled with the track title, I don't think about any former Tom or Richard's work, too bad you guys can't get past the speculation to fully appreciate the tracks. The rest, sure they are reminiscent of Tom or Rich, but so what, people has mistaken Tom's work for Richard's when they played each other's unreleased tracks, even the so called experts here (classic example: that acid track in the Rome 2002 rephlex show, most people assumed it was unreleased AFX). This track alone proves it could be a totally different person, which is what I think. He can make great tracks, with good track progression that keeps you interested, production is good enough for me, some have great melodies (untitled 9's melody is great, no matter how much impakt cries about the melodies being weak) and overall just great tracks, thats why it got released on rephlex, that's all. Just a guy that can come up with good tracks, why this has to be any different from guys like Monolith, JK and so on? If you can come up with great braindancey tracks you get signed on rephlex, simple as that. We've done all the speculation ourselves. Now the strange part: The guy was really young when he did these tracks, 15-17 if rumors are true, he couldn't care less about being active online and decides to stay totally anonymous. This is what we know, and again, it's no one's fault but ours what we speculate beyond any of that. not "samples" as in sampled from other places. Drum kits/drum samples/drum sounds from same machinery/software as Tom/SP. Just making sure we're talking about the same thing.
  8. You can age strong Belgian ales too. Eisbocks, wheat wines, sours like Flemish reds and oud bruins- probably any Jolly Pumpkin beer, doppelbocks, you can age a ton of shit just 8% and above as a general rule few exceptions Thank you for the advice, I'll keep that in mind. And I think you're right in general re 8%. I had cellared a few around 6.5% and they were much more bitter than when I first bought them. This is a great beer. One of my all time favourites. Check out this article for the story about Mikkeller and Evil Twin: http://www.nytimes.com/2014/03/30/magazine/a-fight-is-brewing.html?_r=0 Mikkeller and Evil Twin are two of our favorite breweries (me and the missus). Great stuff coming out of them. I should take a pic of all the beers we've tried (probably 4-500 of them now). We have a ledge at home around the basement that is lined with all the diff bottles lol
  9. I had a ton of fun in high school and still talk to lots of the people regularly. so I would go if we had a reunion. Then again my 10 year reunion isn't for another 3 or 4 years. It would be awkward to take the wife though because I uhh....well yeah.
  10. Hmm I'm not so sure tbh. I know how they both played that track live a few times.... But produk really has a vibert vibe. The bounciness of the beat and that CLAP is so vibert! And then he says in so few words that his favorite track on the album is produk, kind of like a dig at syro that his fav track is the one he should be credited for kind of thing.. =/
  11. knew aphex stole some of produk lol that clap edit: makes me wonder now about that one guy that was saying half the tracks on syro are collabs/have work done by other people, he said there were credible people "at another forum" claiming this.
  12. So overall you guys don't recommend bright/lighter hop focused beers to be cellared. In general the ones that I cellar are either barley wines, beers aged in wood barrels (broad description I know), and stouts... Really looking forward to Odin's Tipple. If you ever see one for sale grab a bottle guys, it's really really good. Up there with my favorite.
  13. =( lol Yeah there are a million micro-breweries now
  14. what's Catweasel beardy types? there's an expensive beer by mikeller $25ish a bottle that I thought you were taking a dig at me for haha figured catweasel referred to that. cats and weasels ingest coffee beans which are broken down by enzymes in their stomach and the result is an expensive coffee that was used to brew the beer....
  15. the weasel beer was good though. you're talking about the mikeller kopi luwak (sp?) beer I presume? very good stuff
  16. So it should be alright for a year or so?
  17. Ouch.... Stay tough man. I have seizures and stuff when in withdrawal, hallucinations when I drink but not as much when in withdrawal, and no shakes or anything. Do your best. Here to chat if you want.
  18. Thanks man =) It's been a tough couple weeks but I have a handle on my drinking, and I've sorted out my triggers and things too. I had one drink yesterday, but left it at that. I'm not looking to completely abstain my whole life. I like beer, I like wine, etc. My focus has been learning to control why I drink habitually and addressing the physical addiction. So far, aside from the sleeplessness it's been a very successful couple weeks.
  19. Pre-note: though I'm working on sobriety I still enjoy a beer here and there lol. Any of you beer geeks know how long you can cellar beer that has a lid (vs a cork?).... I don't know if there's a difference but I can't find any information on it. You can cellar corked beers for a long, long time but not sure how long if it has a lid (properly sealed, not a twist off lid...). I ask because I managed to snag a case of this (enlarged for full lushness lol). Amazing smoked russian imperial stout (or dark norse ale or whatever lol) that's surprisingly hard to find around here. I got a bit of a laugh because the brewer says "The beer was originally meant to be a Strong Ale, but the brewers decided to focus on making great beer without extreme alcohol." It's 11%, how much stronger does it need to be?
  20. lol sorry that's kind of funny.... I imagine it's just the surface that's ruined.. you could cut off all the surfaces and voila brand new surface....? I'm cheap btw
  21. No. You'll see shortly anyways lol. come at me bro/sorry bro what? lol yolo? =/
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