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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. I'd still fuck her.... =) But yeah that was pretty damn stupid lol.
  2. holy shit I thought I was being funny... it IS beyonce's sister! flol.
  3. I'm not sure who solange Knowles is... Is that like beyonces cousin or something?
  4. Man, have you guys heard this one? Fucking 1995 massive! I don't understand why this guy never made it out of the 90s?
  5. mine are meat and bread lol. I usually add things like lettuce or tomato or whatever, but in this case would rather have these particular ingredients shine through
  6. yep. and like SpanishGuy said, his self absorbed "I'm the black reincarnation of jesus" attitude just makes me want to smash his face regardless of whether his music is shitty or not. I didn't say anything lol, that was Ceerial. All I've heard from the yeezy is that Power track and the South Park episode. Gay fish, yo Oh yeah! LOL so it was him, sorry bout' that. I'm not actually a violent guy or anything I just don't understand his misguided self appreciation lol. Yeah kanye definitely likes fish-sticks
  7. yep. and like SpanishGuy said, his self absorbed "I'm the black reincarnation of jesus" attitude just makes me want to smash his face regardless of whether his music is shitty or not.
  8. I think the real difference between the two words is in their potency. Regardless, they were both designed and used for the same purpose. If we acknowledge that the n-word is not kosher to toss around, then we should at least consider that 'faggot' might have a qualitatively-similar impact that happens independent of oversensitivity or political correctness. I think it boils down to knowing your audience and being sensitive that it might offend some people and not others.
  9. making some hickory smoked bison burgers with smoked gouda and truffle oil on a brioche bun... finish with some red alder smoked sea salt and garlic/truffle infused mayonnaise. No veggies or other toppings on it. Will report back with pic ;)
  10. lol they're only finished track 4 of 17.... they've run out of sampled childrens noises and are currently browsing schoolyards in their area.
  11. Pretty sure we weren't expected to figure out the password so quickly though. They probably planned it so that the code was cracked closer to the release date. They should have managed the clues better so that this was the actual case.... That way it takes a couple months of figuring it out and bam once it's figured even the physical copies are ready for purchase.
  12. I'm really sorry to hear that. I've been in that situation and found myself always blaming myself and feeling guilty I couldn't have helped more. Please don't fall into that cycle... If you want to chat or need someone to talk to let me know!
  13. that's crazy. that's what my older brother said the first time he heard it
  14. I got two last year. Just got my crown made up for one of them. Hurray thousands of dollars. Thank god for benefits. instead of doing those you should help me with my qualitative analysis assignments for my cost accounting course.
  15. yeah no kidding! This is uncharacteristic of him to take such a long time off. Maybe he got a new cat.
  16. I've applied for about 20 positions in my field, many of them jr. positions that are a huge step down for me...... and no call backs. Am I doomed? =( It's really depressing lol
  17. I'd go for it if it was just vinyl or just cd... I guess for the crazy completionist maybe they'd want both formats but I'd want one or the other! that would be amazing.
  18. lol probably a good idea. WATDDtm we are the drug dealers
  19. fwp.... Just read that mcdonalds is cancelling their angus burger line. Those are the only mcdicks burgers I like. =(
  20. Ah I see! That's alright then. I thought it was specifically for your anxiety. My doctor has prescribed me benzos for the exact same reason as you (sleep). Given your accident and stuff recently it's no wonder you're anxious!
  21. Seems like fair advice to wait it out. He's not saying anything will be repressed or even that he knows anything. From a marketing standpoint it's very reasonable to assume that there will be some represses, sales would be decent and ride on the coattails of the new album release. Doesn't seem like trolling at all?
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