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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. thats not even close to being a fwp. It's not? new fwp.... my fwp's aren't first world enough. What, you think kids in developing nations don't do differentials and derivatives? There are probably 20 million or so Chinese and Indian students who are kicking your ass at differentials and derivatives! (and mine too, but that's because I believe math to be entirely non-rational and thus refuse to participate in such shenanigans) You're definitely right. I didn't think about it like that lol. And really, unless one is going to be a professor or maybe like a hardcore physicist or something I doubt this math will ever be of use to me. >.<
  2. thats not even close to being a fwp. It's not? new fwp.... my fwp's aren't first world enough.
  3. For me it depends on the beer. There are some trappist ales and stouts that, even at 17.5-25% alcohol still go down quite easy with no high alcohol notes. Then again, you pay out the arse for em' so its a tough call lol. I agree though 10% is generally where I like my beers. Had this one yesterday it was AWESOME. I'd give it a solid 8.5/10. And only 6.75$ a bottle.
  4. the spam here is out of control lately...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Hugh Mughnus

      Hugh Mughnus

      I don't know why I find it so annoying. I should just not look at it. lol

    3. ambermonk


      I can't help it either Stephen. I want to kick all spammers in the genitals.

    4. Hugh Mughnus

      Hugh Mughnus

      Wouldn't that be nice?! If only we had the opportunity lol.

  5. Agreed man! He's got some really great tracks. It's a shame his recent output isn't quite as good.
  6. how about palate? SHIT! Lol that's what I meant. I was just talking to the guy that supplies our pallets at work... And then I spelled it wrong here. Extreme StephenG fail. lol
  7. I think the idea was perhaps to reset the listeners... pallette (couldn't think of a better word) before the sonic assault of the second disc. Kind of... an easy going wash/mix out...?
  8. I managed to get: Frost Jockey - Burgundy Trax 1 Frost Jockey - Burgundy Trax 2 Venetian Snares - Chocolate Wheelchair Album All in great shape for 22$ total.. not bad
  9. What did you take sir? I had a nice mix of tryptamines and phenylethylamines yesterday for my second session of Exai. It was just the right amount. I don't like the paranoid feeling I get during the come up when I've taken "too much". Ruins the rest of the trip for me =(
  10. Not sure it qualifies as Jungle, but fucking massive track IMO. 2:10! sounds like from the same era as that Nothing track by him!
  11. Encey! You gotta do it man! On the plus side, they're usually quite strong. The better ones are 10-20% abv, so it's almost like you're getting 2-4 times the alcohol... If that makes any sense. I guess what I'm saying is you're getting flavour and a decent cost/buzz ratio. I think you should try Monk's Elixir by them if you can try it. It's amazing!
  12. That makes it particularly tough for you by the sounds of it. When you have a real concern but it seems like it would be shrugged off. I think this is why I've never confronted my similar issue, I don't feel it would go anywhere. I wish I could say something that helps. But I guess at the very least, I feel ya...
  13. I don't think you're being overly sensitive, especially since he takes xanax. This is a very dangerous combination. Parental drinking is a hard topic to confront especially with the parent in question. One of my parents (my step mother) has a drinking problem I've known about for years but I've still never directly confronted her. I don't know how... I hope everything goes in a good direction for you though...
  14. New fwp: I leave for Thailand in just over a month, but I haven't started my managerial accounting course yet and I need to be finished before I leave!
  15. I hear ya man... I will probably see a specialist soon.
  16. t-minus 35 days until vacation!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. ambermonk


      Haha yeah. Should be a good trip nonetheless. Let us know when you're about to depart!

    3. Hugh Mughnus

      Hugh Mughnus

      LOL ohhh Radar. I would but I don't think they'll let me bring that as a carry on... And also I'm not into penises. haha

    4. kichiguy


      i was just there. trannies aren't the only thing you need to watch out for in the red light areas! scamsters too! pm me if your planning on heading north. i have tips to share!

  17. Yes! mix caffeine and ephedrine and baby aspirin. It's like a low grade speed. It will keep you up. (lol half joking...)
  18. Trying this one tomorrow night! Kopi luwak infused... 20$ a bottle though =( i highly recommend Mikkeller btw, almost all of their beers are incredible! One of my favorite is Monks Elixir by them. Worth the price.
  19. Yes! Detrimentalist is awesome. Hospitality had huge tracks like Duffy and Hospitality.. I'm surprised theres not much love for Rossz or My Downfall. Some incredible production value on those. My downfall could have lost most of the wanky bonus violin parts but the rest was incredible =/. In fact, the "wanky violin" is probably why he called it "My Downfall".
  20. or kill someone Yeah, fuck that. Go get checked out, don't be a selfish jerk. By driving around and having a condition that might make you seizure up you are risking not only yourself but others. 99% sure it's just AWS, meaning it's semi predictable when I'm going to have issues. I've seen a doctor before (years ago) and they gave me some ativan and valium for when I'm having issues (which I still have and use when necessary), but they never sent me to a specialist to formally diagnose me. It only happens after I drink heavily for a day or two. So the solution is: I don't drink. At least, I don't drink on days where I might have to drive the next day.
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