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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. Hope you get the one you want! fwp: I'm having problems with a simple conics equation and I cant figure out wtf I'm doing wrong... Any Math-y types on here able to help me out?
  2. The working theory is that the Japanese iTunes dropped it early, although it's unknown if that was an accident or planned. The physical copy will still ship in March I'm sure because they can't just speed up the production lines. Interesting! Makes sense RE the physical. I wonder if warp's legal team is all over this biotch? (if it was an accidental release anyways...)
  3. Question... Does this mean the physical copies will also be on their way early? Or do we still wait until March? And was there a leak that prompted this?
  4. Put some whiskey in it and drink it properly. FWP: I suck at photoshop. Any luck finding a place to live in Vancity?
  5. Can't wait for the mushrooms, exai, pizza, beer extravaganza at my place on saturday. I have a beastly system too. Anyone in the area feel free to stop by!
  6. Anyone else have problems with iTunes randomly deleting music from your computer?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. azatoth


      Stop using iTunes - problem solved.

    3. Hugh Mughnus

      Hugh Mughnus

      lol thanks tips

    4. Ivan Ooze

      Ivan Ooze

      that sucks,always keep your musick on usb stick asswell

  7. Eh... Pffff where's your Modesty, gentleman. Prostitute Monkey Prime Minister Psilocybin Mushrooms
  8. What does "bleep is down" mean? I just downloaded the whole album via bleep through the main website.
  9. Gotta admit... energy drinks and cookies ARE good.
  10. Baph's cat fecal tendencies chronicles continues! fwp... the exai thread is a joke.
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