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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. I'm consuming some VPX l-glutamine, and VPX Powershock BCAA's and VPX NO Synthesize. Disclaimer: I'm not a VPX rep. Disclaimer disclaimer: buy vpx products please.
  2. I just got Crysis 3 on my PC and it runs on the highest resolution etc, but it makes my video cards run loud. Fans running at 83% rpm lol. =(
  3. 6 year anniversary today! Got a huge day planned

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Hoodie


      that's awesome! congratulations on six years!

    3. Hugh Mughnus

      Hugh Mughnus

      Thanks Hoodie! We had a great weekend. Awesome pub with strictly craft beers, dinner at a french restaraunt, and then jazz club where we met the owner and band! Great time =)

    4. Joyrex


      Just kidding, of course - congrats!


      Wait until you get to 20...

  4. LOL! Squirrel menstruation... nice Edit: must be a heavy flow day
  5. I think it's great. Fuck Toronto Jungle is a great track. Also I used to have one of those phone toys (the cover art)- lol.
  6. Don't be a cunt. Obviously there are things implied by the time signatures and other things I enjoy about his music.
  7. Exercise releases tons of endorphins and other things that contribute to overall health, body and brain!
  8. I'm starting to really wonder if Finance is the right major for me. Math... so much math.
  9. Yeah Joyboss me too. In general the thing I like most about his music is the odd time signatures and I think Last Step was a decent display of that.
  10. I found spl9 to be more "2 halves"! I thought spl9, especially the last 2 minutes, to be like rdj's didgeridoo(sp?) but in the year 5094. It really sounds like a digital didgeridoo doesn't it?
  11. ^ I like how you put that. I feel the same way pretty much. People don't seem to appreciate Vsnares as one of "the greats" though. I have to agree with Tok though that Rossz is my top album of his. My Downfall is pretty good though, I'd say it's Rossz - refined. But the theme of Rossz puts it above My Downfall for me. And My Half is my fav track of his too. Fuck it tears things up!
  12. meh. Just talkin. I think Fleure is great! But it took me a couple listens too.
  13. next up?! Another accounting course

  14. lol, i am not surprised, they never understand electronic music I think the reviewer's on there are just hyper critical. It's like they take pride in somehow being able to tear great albums down, as if that puts them higher than the music like they're smarter than the artists. I don't know why but I always get this impression from pitchfork reviews, like the guy on the other side of the review has a serious inferiority complex.
  15. Sorry, I hope I wasn't being dramatic on you all... Cheers
  16. Thanks everyone... I really appreciate it. I wish I could say what it is. It's so strange to have control over everything in my life except my own happiness! Maybe it's just seasonal affective disorder, I'm not sure. Really though, thank you. =)
  17. I've been struggling through years of alcohol addiction and I've considered ending my life recently. It's fucked up because I know I'm an honours student, I have a wonderful girlfriend, an extremely high paying government job, but still don't feel life is worth living. I don't understand what's going on. It's completely illogical what I'm considering and I've always been extremely logical so I don't get it. Edit: I'm safe. I just can't control these fucked up thoughts. These constant feelings of non-worth. I don't get it. Some sort of complex I'm sure but I'm scaring myself now. Honestly who gives two flying fucks if I die? Non-Worth.
  18. LOL theres an Exai review on pitchfork. 5.9/10 I hate pitchfork
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