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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. You're right... I'm scared to see a doctor though because they will take my license if they suspect I have epilepsy.... I don't feel I am a danger to anyone at this point. I have simple partial seizures. IE I still have full motor control when they happen. It's just like a weird combination of confusion, deja vu, and all my senses firing at once (I hear sounds and music, smell smells, etc) But I probably should...
  2. Hang in there man. AWS is tough shit, my dad was a violent alcoholic who was reluctant to admit he had a problem and change his ways (which eventually killed him) so props are most certainly due for you trying to sober up! I'm sorry to hear that man...... I'm not violent or destructive when I drink, and I definitely don't drink habitually anymore. I was alcohol dependent for quite a few years, but it's a choice now and I only drink maybe once a week or every two weeks. But the strange thing is, sometimes I can go out and have a few drinks and have no problems, and other times like today I will have seizures, cold sweats, lose a bunch of weight, etc. =( It's messed up.
  3. I had a couple drinks last night and had 5 seizures so far today. goddamn AWS
  4. tardbarker didn't last long =(

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Hugh Mughnus

      Hugh Mughnus

      I'll take what I can get.... abuse me! haha

    3. Hugh Mughnus

      Hugh Mughnus

      you didn't have to be so harsh =( lol

    4. ambermonk
  5. That's the key. I think it resists a rational inventory of the "goods" and "bads" of each track. Overall it's really quite ambient (I agree with the other person who said it's like SAW2). Very good album to work to. ^Same, agreed, I mean as a musician/producer I'm happy to stop and analyse/criticize the technique, but at the end of the day it's really all about evoking moods+headspaces... I think exai did a great job of this for me. Really put me through a number of different feelings, most of it was a sense of adventure and awe, like waking up on a different planet.
  6. Because it feels good man.... in a twisted way, doesn't it? It feels GOOD!
  7. I thought it might be pronounced: "brain melting experience" lol
  8. I can agree with that for sure. I just meant that a certain degree of the challenge does seem to diminish as you get used to the artist or the genre and it's conventions.
  9. Perhaps we're all just conditioned to expect this sort of stuff out of them and it's actually starting to sound normal to us. I'm 99% sure this is it. That's just a part of becoming an experienced listener. Ok; maybe Exai isn't SOUNDING as challenging to us as when we were first exposed to autechre. That doesn't mean in actuality it's any less challenging, absolutely. Just that it might be less challenging for those that know what to expect. It's a matter of perspective/relativity (like most things).. I remember when I graduated from regular house to tech house and drum n bass. I thought shit this stuff is complex. Now I consider those to be "easy listening" lol.
  10. lolol... A "confidence scale". I wonder if somehow the proportion of cheetos and candy to regular food that I deposited is somehow relevant.. Probably not but thats what I ate yesterday.
  11. I weighed myself. Then I took a huge dump, and weighed myself again. The scale says I weigh more but I know this in some way defies Antoine Lavoisier's law of conservation of mass... But alas', I seem to have gained weight from shitting. Why did I weigh myself after shitting? I'm not sure.
  12. I wish I had something super intelligent to say or could give a full track by track review after my listening session yesterday but I have to admit, I was a bit blasted on the zooms and some phenylethylamines... I don't really have the technical knowledge of the equipment or techniques to explain myself fully... I can definitely say that vekoS, Jatevee C, 1 1 is, and runrepik were massive highlights of the trip. I had extremely strong visuals (especially closed eye from the 2C-I) and had some notable moments with the album. When vekoS hit the 1:51 mark, the percussion was forming columns and and the rest of the synthwork was melting in and out and in between the columns in grid patterns. Visualized a lot of pink and green and yellows; colours I would associate with acidity. Jatevee C gave me warm feelings and I definitely felt like I was on another planet. The last 2 minutes of prac-f simply did not sound like it came from our planet. With closed eyes I felt as if I was intercepting some sort of alien communication, I could not decipher their intentions. Runrepik as the name suggests felt like a chase, like I was running from something. Massive waves of bass coming out of my subs washing over me quite strongly, made me feel claustrophobic (maybe like I was closed in, a jungle maybe?). Lots of deep green and brown visuals (closed and open eye). Reckson felt like gangster mob hip hop from the future. Like a robotic al-capone was about to put a hit out on me for intercepting his e-juice or whatever the year 3094 equivalent is for Rum.... Bladelores was refreshing at the end of the 1st disc, though it was my least favourite. I felt like it was put there simply to cleanse my brain-ear-palette... "hey we can still make pretty noises".... 1 1 is... holy fuck. That is all. I realize this is not insightful at all but this is only my first real experience with the album. Maybe I will make more sense of it the 234th time around. Best trip music for me since Music Is Rotted One Note (don't laugh).. Cheers
  13. ok guys... I'm back. I don't really know where I went but I went somewhere and now I am back from there. When I come off the zooms I will try and write something intelligbleee what a trip
  14. mushroom exai mega listening session commencing in t minus 20 minutes. I'm an exai virgin peeps! Here goes first listen! :beer:
  15. imagine the porno that exai would be the soundtrack to... twisted...
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