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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. Im going to blast tiesto and the real mccoy for the rest of the night. They’ve got album art that pops.
  2. Exactry, don’t even listen to this album the cover art is subjectively b o r i n g the album name too? Not enough to dissect tbh it’s just “sign”, suggest this album doesn’t even get a spin based on that and the art alone
  3. what is this weird infatuation with album art? In my relatively short 25ish years of listening to electronic music I’ve not given two shits about the album art unless I’m on hallucinogens. Who cares honestly if the album cover is the one ring that rules them all as long as the music is good? ? When do you ever care if a book cover is good? Just discard the story if the cover doesn’t meet some autistic criteria etc?
  4. anyone else a little disappointed the album wasn't titled TweLb like we expected?
  5. I haven’t dived into the other 2 releases yet - how are they?
  6. Maybe it would get more attention if it was in the cylob subforum! oh wait... lol Edit: sorry couldn't resist.
  7. I’m really surprised theres not more hubbub about this! 54 might be my fav release of his now.
  8. 54 min mirage is p dope tbh. Quite enjoyable all the way through.
  9. omg finally lol. So.... the alias has finally been released by ninjatune?
  10. We have both yellow and red yield signs here (yellow I've only seen in v rural places + up north). same in the US, I've seen both. They are likely dated and simply not a priority to replace.
  11. Finally a green light from the government
  12. Just like most substances there’s a cumulative effect based on consumption vs elimination rates. So yeah unfortunately 0.3% doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll test under the legal amount ? kinda sux
  13. I’ve no desire to get into the politics of drug testing lol.
  14. It can be 0.3% but the more you smoke the higher your body levels will be. It’s why I used the alcohol analogy - alcohol free beer can be up to 0.5% abv here. So if I could stomach it, I could drink 400 beers and that’s like drinking 57 shots of 40% alcohol. I wouldn’t pass a blood alcohol test lol. The low THC at 0.3% is a mitigating factor, you’re unlikely to be able to smoke enough to get stoned and have detectable limits but again it depends on quantity but more importantly metabolizing it. But if you smoked that stuff all day every day you might not even get stoned but you’d more than likely not pass a urine test and most definitely not hair follicle test... Sounds like I’m contradicting myself - I guess what I’m saying is for myself, someone that smokes one puff once a week, I’d probably pass a test having that low THC brand. edit: disclaimer being THC elimination is diff and less linear than alcohol. It’s not mostly passed out in urine like alcohol. Not sure retention rates in body lipids etc and the effect on a urine test.
  15. 1) Yes it does depend on the size of the cookie. The % of THC is by weight. THC is presented as a percentage of dry weight. 1g @ 20% THC = 200mg. 2g @ 20% = 400mg IE "bigger cookie" = more THC so long as you're holding the %THC constant. So if you eat a 10lb 0.2% cookie A) you'll get high AF because you've ingested, overall, way way way more THC (908mg is a shit ton lol). B) a stomach ache and weight gain. Better to work out how many mg you've ingested rather than fixating on the %. Obviously the same goes for smoking different strains - higher % only matters if you don't adjust size (quantity) consumed. 2) It's almost impossible to try and determine how much THC will be in your system after X amount of days due in part to metabolic differences from individual to individual, though we can approximate just like we can with blood alcohol content (rough approximation is basically consume less overall product, at lower THC%, = lower THC levels in your body - same general idea as alcohol. Lower % alcohol, lower quantity/ml, = lower blood alcohol level). However THC metabolism is more complex and much different than alcohol, so we don't have the same impairment standards yet....like... you can say 1 beer per hour for 1 person at x weight = probably safe etc, we don't have that for THC. You can try and approximate based on lower THC levels but there is no magic formula where you can plug in stats and say you will have undetectable levels after x amount of days if you consumed x% THC product etc etc. I believe body lipids are one of the major factors in retention but I'm not sure. tl;dr 0.2% on the label doesn't guarantee anything, as it depends on the quantity of product you consume, how you metabolize it, and how long in between ingestion and testing. Metabolism is the hardest one to figure out obviously. There are "rules of thumb" out there you can find by googling THC metabolism rates etc, but no magic formula. Err on the side of caution and just don't consume any if you're regularly tested.
  16. Mine all showed up together, all 3 records - I believe it was 2 weeks ago!
  17. Saved the best for last IMO, rave hop is the strongest of this batch (3). Still think I prefer garave tracks, I’m assuming that was meant to be the first in this “presents” series. Seems we got an expedited release schedule for some reason...
  18. I’ve never had an issue using canned. Always turns out delicious. Any canned beans need to be rinsed to hell though like you’ve pointed out.
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